Rodney Hide

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 Act Party Leader, MP for Epsom Rodney Hide is New Zealands leading proponent of accountability and transparency in government. He is also Parliaments most highly qualified environmentalist. He entered Parliament in 1996 as an ACT list MP and became the Leader of ACT in 2004. In 2005 he won the Electorate Seat of Epsom.

Joined April 2008
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Politics 11 Sep 2008
Honest Government - Yeah Right

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today said he was disappointed with Prime Minister Helen Clark's decision to keep Winston Peters - especially after Owen Glenn came armed with evidence that was concrete and reinforced with steel.


Politics 8 Sep 2008
Dump The ETS

ACT is the only Party that stands four-square for freedom.


Politics 3 Sep 2008
'Entire climate change - global warming hypothesis is a hoax'

I think I will be the only person speaking in this debate who has any qualifications in environmental science.


Politics 30 Aug 2008
Winston Peters Should Put Up Or Shut Up

AACT Leader Rodney Hide today called on New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters to make public the document that is lawyer Peter Williams says will clear his name.


Politics 20 Aug 2008
ACT Announces Candidates For Election 08

ACT Leader Rodney Hide and Deputy Leader Heather Roy were today delighted at the release of the ACT Party and announcement of ACT’s candidates for the upcoming General Election 2008.


Politics 11 Aug 2008
ACT's Education Pledge - And Winston's Money

AUCKLAND — Speech to ACT Auckland Regional Conference; Raye Freedman Arts Centre, Epsom Girls' Grammar; Sunday, August 10 2008.


Politics 2 Aug 2008
ACT For Business, Low Tax & A Red Tape Bonfire

Speech to ACT Policy Launch; the Angus Steak House, Fort Street, Auckland; Saturday, August 2 2008.


Politics 8 Jul 2008
Now Not The Time For 'Steady As She Goes'

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today accused the Labour-led Government's growth-busting policies of hurting New Zealanders and their families - and predicted that things are only going to get worse.


Politics 7 Jul 2008
Change Of Government AND Direction

ASpeech to ACT Wellington Regional Conference; The Museum Hotel, Cable St, Wellington; Sunday, July 6 2008.


Politics 1 Jul 2008
Rail Buyback A Taxpayer Dog

Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen admits that it's not possible to run KiwiRail 'without significant financial support from the New Zealand taxpayer' - that means that taxpayers are up for hundreds of millions of dollars in costs without any return, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.


Politics 30 Jun 2008
Memo To Michael: Walk Away

Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen's move to buy back New Zealand rail is a loser for taxpayers that has not won Labour any votes - he should just walk away from the deal, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.


Politics 24 Jun 2008
Kneejerk Response No Answer To Violent Crime

The last thing that New Zealanders suffering from violent crime need is yet another ill-considered kneejerk reaction from this Government - Labour could close all the liquor stores in South Auckland, and raise the drinking age to 30, and still have no effect on the level of violent crime ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.


Politics 28 May 2008
Blind Ideology Costs Taxpayers Nearly Another $1 Billion

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today accused Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen of allowing his blind commitment to State ownership to cost Kiwi taxpayers the thick end of another billion dollars.


Politics 22 May 2008
Cullen's Budget Too Little Too Late

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today said that Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen's tax cuts were baby steps in the right direction - but are too little too late.


Politics 21 May 2008
No Investor Safe From Labour Government

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today said that no investor in New Zealand is safe from the Labour-led Government - it stole property rights from Telecom shareholders, investors in Auckland Airport and there is now a threat to SKY TV from State-owned TVNZ.


Politics 18 May 2008
ACT's Pledge To New Zealand

Speech to ACT Policy Launch; SPQR Restaurant, Auckland; Sunday, May 18 2008.


Politics 13 May 2008
Cullen Must Give Kiwis $35 Just To Break Even

Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen needs to give Kiwis on the average wage $35 a week just to break even under his management, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.


Politics 1 May 2008
ACT: Dump The ETS

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today congratulated the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research for quantifying the costs of the Labour-led Government's Emissions Trading Scheme.


Environment 30 Apr 2008
Emissions Trading Scheme: Big Cost, No Benefit

The Cawthron Institute's report on the Emissions Trading Scheme fuels the need for both Labour and National to re-think New Zealand's response to the Kyoto Protocol, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.


Politics 28 Apr 2008
Stop Splashing Out With Taxpayers' Money

With soaring prices putting the squeeze on Kiwi families throughout the country, now is not the time for politicians to be spending more money, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.


Politics 23 Apr 2008
National's "Think Big" Planned Chaos

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today called on John Key to explain the funding rules and regulatory framework for his promise to spend $1.5 billion of taxpayer's money on National's "Fibre to the Home" policy.


Finance 22 Apr 2008
Cullen Must Announce Tax Cuts Now

Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen has no credibility dithering over tax cuts - he should be announcing them now and implementing them before this election, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.


Politics 18 Apr 2008
Hide & Douglas Expose Govt Mis-Management

The Fisher and Paykel closure is painful evidence that the number one issue for this election is the Labour-led Government's mis-management of the New Zealand economy, ACT Leader Rodney Hide and founder Sir Roger Douglas said today.


Economy 17 Apr 2008
ACT Issues Economic Challenge To National

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today said he was pleased that National Leader John Key wants to make the economy the defining issue of the coming election.


Politics 16 Apr 2008
Low Incomes, Not High Prices, The Problem

The only way to take the pressure off hard-working Kiwi families is to ensure more money in their pockets to offset the soaring costs of petrol and food, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.