Law Commission

4 posts | 0 images

The Law Commission is an independent crown entity. It is a central advisory body established to undertake the systematic review, reform and development of the law of New Zealand.

TalkLaw is the New Zealand Law Commission’s online consultation site. It gives you the opportunity to have your say on law reform projects we are working on. Your input is important and will influence our recommendations for changes to the law.

Joined August 2009
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News Images
Legal 3 May 2011
Controlling and Regulating Drugs – A Review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975

The Law Commission is recommending an end to the sale of new psychoactive substances until such products have been assessed and approved by a new drug regulator.


Alcohol 21 Apr 2010
Report on Liquor to be tabled in Parliament

The Law Commission's final report on the Review of the Regulatory Framework for the Sale and Supply of Liquor will be tabled in Parliament on Tuesday April 27th.


Legal 19 Dec 2009
Crimes against the person

Law Commission report Parents and caregivers will be liable if they fail to protect their children from injury or fail to intervene when a child is at risk under a package of reforms recommended by the Law Commission.


Legal 17 Nov 2009
Release of Law Commission Report: Suppressing Names and Evidence

The Law Commission's Report 109, Suppressing Names and Evidence, was tabled in Parliament today.