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Hesketh Henry is an Auckland-based law firm with over 30 lawyers. We provide a comprehensive range of legal services to a wide variety of domestic and internation businesses and individuals in the following areas: Corporate Advisory, Mergers and Acquisitions, Foreign Investment, Trust, Wills and Estates, Property Law, Retirement Villages, Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Employment Law, Insurance Law, Construction Law, Marine Law, Leaky Buildings, Heath and Safety Law, Advertising and Marketing Law, Company Law, Joint Ventures, Intellectual Property and Information Technology.
Hesketh Henry has a strong reputation for providing quality advice on transactional work (including venture capital, private equity investment and trade sales) and complex litigation matters. We have the resources required to handle the legal needs of small, medium and large corporate clients.
We believe in building lasting and trusted relationships and in taking time to understand businesses and individuals so we can optimise our advice provide strategic input and achieve the very best outcomes for our clients.
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss the legal needs of your or your business. Our experience shows that involving us during the early stages of a project, dispute or other matter results in the best outcome for our clients.
For legal advice contact lawyers@heskethhenry.co.nz
Phone 09 375 8700
Fax 09 3094494
Address Level 14, PwC Tower, 188 Quay Street, Auckland
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