Deed of Settlement signed with Ngāti Kōata

Friday 21 December 2012, 2:54PM

By Christopher Finlayson



The Crown signed a deed of settlement for all outstanding historical Treaty claims with Ngāti Kōata at Wakatu Marae today in Nelson, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced.

“The actions of the Crown left Ngāti Kōata without sufficient and suitable lands for their needs, which had serious consequences for their social and cultural wellbeing,” Mr Finlayson said. “Today we take a significant step towards addressing the wrongs of the past, and allowing Ngāti Koata to create an economic base.”

The Deed of Settlement sets out financial redress of $11.76 million, and the opportunity to purchase Waimea and Hira forestry land near Nelson, and cultural redress including recognition of the strong association and connection Ngāti Kōata have with Rangitoto ki te Tonga/D'Urville Island, Takapourewa/Stephens Island, Whakaterepapanui Island and French Pass.

“Today we have signed settlements with two iwi in the complex top of the South Island region. It shows that Crown and iwi, working together, can resolve historical grievances and build an economic platform that benefits iwi and the wider community,” he said

The deed was ratified by the Ngāti Kōata community will now be given effect through legislation which it is intended will be introduced next year.

This is the twelfth deed of settlement signed between Crown and iwi in 2012, the most in any calendar year.

A copy of the deed of settlement is available here.