Christopher Finlayson

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Culture 11 Feb 2013
Australian Memorial design for National War Memorial Park welcomed

The government has welcomed today’s announcement by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard of the design for the Australian Memorial which will be located in the National War Memorial Park in Wellington.


Legal 8 Feb 2013
New Timaru Crown Solicitor appointed

Andrew Robert McRae, a partner at law firm Gresson Dorman & Co, has been appointed Crown Solicitor for Timaru, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 4 Feb 2013
Crown welcomes Tribunal report

The Crown has welcomed the recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal for providing redress to historical claims in the Far North, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Court 4 Feb 2013
Principal Family Court Judge appointed

Judge Laurence Ryan has been appointed Principal Family Court Judge, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson QC announced today.


Legal 31 Jan 2013
Appointment round for Queen's Counsel announced

An appointment round for Queen’s Counsel will take place in 2013, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 21 Dec 2012
Deed of Settlement signed with Ngāti Kōata

NELSON — The Crown signed a deed of settlement for all outstanding historical Treaty claims with Ngāti Kōata at Wakatu Marae today in Nelson, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced.


Tourism 14 Dec 2012
New adventure tourism drug and alcohol rules

New rules come into force tomorrow requiring all adventure tourism operators to strengthen how they manage drug and alcohol-related safety risks in their operations.


Defence 14 Dec 2012
Reviews on ANZAC Day Iroquois helicopter crash released

State Services and Defence Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman has welcomed the release of two reviews in relation to the 2010 ANZAC Day helicopter crash.


News 7 Dec 2012
Deed of Settlement signed with Ngati Toa Rangatira

The Crown signed a deed of settlement for all outstanding historical Treaty claims with Ngati Toa Rangatira at Parliament Buildings in Wellington today, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced.


Building 7 Dec 2012
Earthquakes Royal Commission Vol 4 released

Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson and Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson today released the second part of the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission's report (Volume 4), which covers a range of practice and policy issues relating to earthquake-prone buildings, particularly how these buildings are identified and managed.


Legal 7 Dec 2012
Legislation Bill passes

The House today passed a bill to modernise and improve the law regarding publication of legislation, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced.


Government 5 Dec 2012
Coroner appointed

AUCKLAND — Auckland lawyer Deborah Marshall has been appointed as a Coroner for the Auckland region, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Earthquakes 29 Nov 2012
Government receives final part of Canterbury earthquakes report from Royal Commission

CANTERBURY — The government has received the third and final part (comprising volumes 5 to 7) of the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure Caused by Canterbury Earthquakes, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 27 Nov 2012
Health and safety a priority in oil and gas production

New regulations will ensure that health and safety is a priority in the growing petroleum exploration and extraction industry, Acting Minister of Labour Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 5 Nov 2012
Acting Minister welcomes release of Pike River report

Acting Labour Minister Chris Finlayson has welcomed the public release of the report of the Royal Commission on the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy.


Deaths 4 Nov 2012
Attorney-General statement on Greg King

Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson has expressed his condolences on the passing of lawyer Greg King.


News 2 Nov 2012
Ministers to present Pike River report to families

Government ministers Gerry Brownlee and Christopher Finlayson will present the report of the Royal Commission into the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy, and the government’s response, to victims’ families in Greymouth on Monday.


Court 2 Nov 2012
New District Court Judge appointments

Napier solicitor Russell Collins has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a jury warrant to sit in Auckland, and Auckland lawyer Jonathan Down has been appointed as an Acting District Court Judge with general and jury warrants, to sit in Hastings, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 30 Oct 2012
Pike River Royal Commission report received

The government has received the report of the Royal Commission on the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 25 Oct 2012
Re-appointment of Chief Parliamentary Counsel and Compiler of Statutes

Attorney-General, Christopher Finlayson, today announced David Noble has been re-appointed Chief Parliamentary Counsel and Compiler of Statutes for a further term of three years from 5 November 2012, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.  Mr Noble commenced in the role on 5 November 2007.


Court 25 Oct 2012
Acting Principal Family Court Judge appointed

Judge Laurence Ryan has been appointed the acting Principal Family Court Judge for a period of six months, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Earthquakes 23 Oct 2012
Canterbury earthquakes Royal Commission extended final reporting date announced

CANTERBURY — The final reporting date for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure caused by Canterbury Earthquakes will be 30 November, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Court 18 Oct 2012
Acting District Court Judge Appointed

Auckland barrister Anna-Marie Skellern has been appointed as an Acting District Court Judge with jury and Family Court warrants to sit in Hastings, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Building 10 Oct 2012
Government receives second part of Canterbury earthquakes report from Royal Commission

CHRISTCHURCH — The government has received the second part (volume 4 of 7) of the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure Caused by Canterbury Earthquakes, addressing practice and policy issues relating to earthquake-prone buildings, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Culture 28 Sep 2012
National War Memorial Park (Pukeahu) Empowering Bill passed

WELLINGTON CITY — Legislation to ensure a fitting National War Memorial Park will be developed at the National War Memorial site in Wellington in time for Anzac Day 2015 was passed by the House tonight.


Government 20 Sep 2012
Four Treaty bills progressed

Four bills, which will give effect to historical Treaty of Waitangi settlements for Waitaha, Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara, Ngāti Manuhiri and Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei were progressed through an extra sitting period of the House of Representatives this morning.


News 18 Sep 2012
NZSO board members reappointed

Donald Best, Marie Brown and Georgia Farmer have been reappointed for second terms to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra board, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 17 Sep 2012
Te Papa board appointments announced

Wellington business risk and assurance expert Aloysius Teh has been appointed to the board of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Te Papa), and Dr Michael Bassett has been re-appointed for a further one-year term, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 17 Sep 2012
Opera merger welcomed

The announcement of a merger between the NBR New Zealand Opera and Southern Opera is an exciting and welcome development, Arts Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson said today.


News 11 Sep 2012
Crown Offer Accepted by Ngai Tuhoe Settlement Negotiators

After consultation with iwi members, Te Kotahi a Tuhoe have accepted the Crown’s offer to settle the historical claims of Ngai Tuhoe, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson and Ngāi Tuhoe Chief negotiator Tamati Kruger announced today.


Culture 10 Sep 2012
Deed of settlement signed with Tāmaki Collective

The Crown today signed a deed to collectively settle the historical claims of iwi and hapū over shared interests in the Auckland area, including maunga (volcanic cones) and motu (islands), Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson announced.


Culture 5 Sep 2012
Extra funding for sound archives

Responsibility for Radio New Zealand’s Sound Archives (Sound Archives Nga Taonga Korero) is being transferred to the New Zealand Film Archive, announced the Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister, Chris Finlayson and Broadcasting Minister, Craig Foss today.


Culture 30 Aug 2012
Whanganui River Agreement signed

WHANGANUI — The Crown and negotiators for Whanganui Iwi today signed a framework agreement setting out certain key elements that will form the basis for a settlement of Whanganui Iwi’s historical claims relating to the Whanganui River, Minister for Treaty for Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced.


Culture 29 Aug 2012
National War Memorial Park (Pukeahu) Empowering Bill passes first reading

Legislation to ensure that a fitting National War Memorial Park will be developed in Wellington in time for Anzac Day 2015 passed its first reading in the House last night.


Community 29 Aug 2012
Social Service Management Plan with Ngāi Tuhoe agreed

Cabinet has approved the signing of a social Service Management Plan (SMP) with Ngāi Tuhoe to improve social outcomes in the iwi’s rohe of Te Urewera, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Legal 27 Aug 2012
Pike River Royal Commission reporting date extended

On Cabinet’s advice, the Governor-General has given the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Pike River mine tragedy two extra months in which to deliver its report, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Earthquakes 24 Aug 2012
Earthquakes Royal Commission report released

CANTERBURY — Attorney-General Chris Finlayson and Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson have thanked the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission for its findings and recommendations outlined in the first part of its final report, released today.


News 3 Aug 2012
Tribunal report opens way for settlement

Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson has welcomed the Waitangi Tribunal’s report into claims by the Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust, which clears the way for the Crown and Ngāti Toa to conclude negotiations for settlement of that iwi’s historic claims.


Court 26 Jul 2012
Court of Appeal Judge appointed

Justice Christine Ruth French has been appointed a Judge of the Court of Appeal, Attorney General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Court 26 Jul 2012
High Court Judge appointed

Auckland lawyer Sarah Janine Katz has been appointed a Judge of the High Court, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Maori 26 Jul 2012
Four Treaty settlement bills pass third readings

The House today unanimously passed four bills giving effect to historical Treaty of Waitangi settlements for the Maraeroa A and B blocks, Ngāti Mākino, Rongowhakaata and Ngai Tāmanuhiri.


Court 26 Jul 2012
Supreme Court Judge appointed

Justice Susan Glazebrook has been appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 24 Jul 2012
Future of NZSO assured

Disestablishing the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra is unthinkable, and is not a possible outcome of any review of the orchestral music sector, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Christopher Finlayson said today.


Maori 19 Jul 2012
Treaty settlement bills progressed

The House sat today in extended sitting hours today to progress four Treaty settlement bills through their second readings, demonstrating the benefits of the Crown and iwi negotiating settlement of past grievances in good faith as Treaty partners.


Court 18 Jul 2012
Court Martial Judge appointed

Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson today announced the appointment of Judge Heemi Taumaunu as a Judge of the Court Martial.


Culture 10 Jul 2012
Minister congratulates Wellington East Girls choir

Arts Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson today congratulated the Wellington East Girls‘ College choir, Cantala, for their first-equal placing in the treble choir category of the prestigious Summa Cum Laude international youth music festival in Vienna.


Culture 6 Jul 2012
First World War Centenary Panel announced

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson is pleased to announce the appointees to the Government’s First World War Centenary panel.


Culture 4 Jul 2012
Initiative to boost arts philanthropy welcomed

A new initiative by Creative New Zealand to boost the ability of cultural organisations to attract private investment was welcomed today by Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson.


Architecture 26 Jun 2012
Minister congratulates Auckland Art Gallery

AUCKLAND CITY — Arts Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson today congratulated the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki on receiving the prestigious International Award for Architectural Excellence from The Royal Institute of British Architects for its recently completed redevelopment.


Community 21 Jun 2012
Deed of settlement signed with Ngāti Ranginui

The Crown has signed a deed of settlement for all outstanding historical Treaty claims with Ngāti Ranginui at Te Ranga near Tauranga today, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson announced.


News 14 Jun 2012
Fourth meeting of Quintet of Attorneys-General

Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson is attending the fourth annual Quintet meeting of Attorneys-General, being held in Ottawa, Canada, this week.


News 7 Jun 2012
Deed of settlement initialled with Tāmaki Collective

The Crown today initialled a deed of settlement to collectively settle the historical claims of 13 iwi and hapū over shared interests in the Auckland area, including maunga (volcanic cones) and motu (islands), Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson announced.


Maori 5 Jun 2012
Te Ture Whenua Māori Act review announced

An expert panel will review Te Ture Whenua Māori Act with a view to unlocking the economic potential of Māori land for its beneficiaries, while preserving its cultural significance for future generations, Associate Māori Affairs Minister Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 5 Jun 2012
Deed of Settlement signed with Raukawa

The Crown has signed a Deed of Settlement for all outstanding historical Treaty claims with Raukawa at Aotearoa Marae near Te Awamutu today, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson announced.


News 1 Jun 2012
Minister meets landowners about Maungatautari

Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson and local MP Louise Upston have had a very constructive and useful meeting today with local landowners which would help inform negotiations on the role of Maungatautari reserve in historical Treaty settlements, Mr Finlayson said.


Politics 2 May 2012
Minister expresses disgust at defacement of War Memorial

Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson expressed his disgust at protestors who chose to use the National War Memorial in Wellington for political campaigning this morning by hanging banner from the carillon in Wellington.


Music 1 May 2012
Government welcomes New Zealand Music Month

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson and Broadcasting Minister Craig Foss today welcomed the beginning of the 12th New Zealand Music Month, saying it was a great way to sample from a full range of local music offerings nationwide.


Deaths 11 Apr 2012
Minister pays tribute to life and work of Grant Tilly

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson this afternoon expressed his sadness at the death of Grant Tilly, a founding member of Wellington’s Circa Theatre.


News 10 Apr 2012
The Clark Collection/Creative New Zealand Scholarship Winner Announced

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson has named Greg Donson as The Clark Collection/Creative New Zealand Scholar for 2012.


Environment 10 Apr 2012
Hawke's Bay Regional Planning Committee established

HAWKE'S BAY — Hawke's Bay Regional Council and local iwi are leading the way in the management of natural resources, said Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson after attending the opening ceremony of the Hawke's Bay Regional Planning Committee.


News 8 Apr 2012
Deed of settlement with Ngāti Ranginui initialled

The Crown today initialled a Deed of Settlement for all historical Treaty claims of Ngāti Ranginui, the first of three Tauranga iwi.


News 8 Apr 2012
Regional Museum and Art Gallery Capital Fund applications open

The government is calling for applications for 2012/13 to its regional museums policy fund for capital Construction projects, Arts Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Legal 28 Feb 2012
Review of Crown Law Office welcomed

Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson has welcomed the findings of a review of the scope and focus of the Solicitor-General’s role and the operating model of Crown Law, released today.


News 27 Feb 2012
Government congratulates Bret McKenzie

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson on behalf of the Government today congratulated actor and musician Bret McKenzie for winning best original song in the Academy Awards.


News 16 Feb 2012
New standing orders help keep up momentum in Treaty settlements

The Government’s commitment to progressing Treaty settlements is being boosted by extended House sitting hours and utilising cognate bill options, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson said today.


News 7 Feb 2012
Pike River Royal Commission reporting date extended

On Cabinet’s advice, the Governor-General has extended the reporting date for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Pike River mine tragedy to 28 September 2012, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Building 7 Feb 2012
Royal Commission into Canterbury building failures new reporting dates announced

CHRISTCHURCH — The Governor-General has amended the reporting dates for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure caused by Canterbury Earthquakes, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Court 1 Feb 2012
New High Court Judge appointed

Auckland litigator Murray Ashley Gilbert SC has been appointed a Judge of the High Court, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Culture 26 Jan 2012
Return of Toi moko welcomed

Arts Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson today welcomed the return of 20 Toi moko (mummified Māori Heads), formerly held in French institutions, to New Zealand.


Film 17 Jan 2012
Government congratulates Sir Peter Jackson

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson, on behalf of the Government today congratulated Sir Peter Jackson on the Golden Globe awarded for the film ‘Tintin’, which Sir Peter produced.


Court 23 Dec 2011
New Supreme Court Judge appointed

The Honourable Justice Robert Chambers has been appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Court 23 Dec 2011
New Court of Appeal Judge appointed

The Honourable Justice Douglas White has been appointed a Judge of the Court of Appeal, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Court 16 Nov 2011
District Court Judge appointed

PALMERSTON NORTH — <p>Auckland barrister David Smith has been appointed a Judge of the District Court with a jury warrant and a Family Court warrant, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Court 14 Nov 2011
District Court Judge appointed

Auckland barrister Pippa Sinclair has been appointed as a District Court Judge to serve in North Shore, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 8 Nov 2011
Agreement in Principle signed with Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

The Crown has signed an Agreement in Principle towards settling the historical Treaty of Waitangi claims of the Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki iwi, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 7 Nov 2011
Evan Williams appointed to Te Papa board

Auckland businessman Evan Williams has been appointed as a member of the board of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa, the Minister for Arts Culture and Heritage Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Court 7 Nov 2011
Lay members of the High Court appointed

Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson today announced four re-appointments and one new appointment as lay members of the High Court under the Commerce Act.


News 5 Nov 2011
Record of Agreement signed with Tamaki Collective

AUCKLAND — The Crown and Tāmaki Collective* have signed a Record of Agreement of the agreements reached in settlement negotiations to this point, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 5 Nov 2011
Deed of Settlement signed with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

AUCKLAND — The Crown signed a Deed of Settlement for all outstanding historical Treaty claims with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei today, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced.


Culture 1 Nov 2011
Watts peninsula public reserve announced

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Chris Finlayson today announced the establishment of a 76 hectare reserve for the people of Wellington and New Zealand on the iconic Miramar Peninsula.


Government 20 Oct 2011
Prosecution services review released

A report on released today shows that public prosecution services are generally effective and efficient, but there are opportunities for improvements, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson said today.


Earthquakes 12 Oct 2011
Royal Commission of Inquiry's interim report released

CANTERBURY — The interim report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure caused by Canterbury Earthquakes has been released today by the Attorney-General, Christopher Finlayson.


Film 10 Oct 2011
More films to qualify for Screen Production Incentive Fund

Changes to a production funding scheme will enable more New Zealand feature films to be brought to production over the next two years and will support the sustainability of the local screen industry, says Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Chris Finlayson.


Government 7 Oct 2011
Review of role of Solicitor-General and functions of Crown Law Office

A review will commence in October 2011 on the scope and focus of the Solicitor-General’s role and the operating model of the Crown Law Office, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Government 6 Oct 2011
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill introduced

A bill that improves the governance and operation of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust was introduced to Parliament has been introduced to Parliament by Arts Culture and Heritage Minister Christopher Finlayson.


Government 4 Oct 2011
Attorney-General statement on select committee report on Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill

Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson today welcomed the Justice and Electoral Select Committee’s report to Parliament recommending the Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill be passed as a priority.


News 3 Oct 2011
Ngapuhi agree on need for unity

Representatives of New Zealand’s largest iwi, Ngapuhi, have agreed that the tribe must have unity, following a meeting with Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson on Friday.


News 30 Sep 2011
Deed of settlement signed with Rongowhakaata

The Crown today signed a Deed of Settlement for all historical Treaty claims with the Tūranga iwi Rongowhakaata, Treaty Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced.


Government 27 Sep 2011
Labour SOP demonstrates dangers of legislative field surgery

“Charles Chauvel's draft SOP for the Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill demonstrates the danger of taking parts of draft legislation out of the context in which they were drafted,” Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson says.


Government 26 Sep 2011
Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill to be introduced

A Bill to preserve the legal position of covert video surveillance will be introduced to the House tomorrow by Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson.


Government 22 Sep 2011
Agreement in Principle signed with Maungaharuru Tangitu hapū

The Crown today signed an agreement in principle towards settling historical Treaty of Waitangi claims with the Maungaharuru Tangitu hapū from the Hawke’s Bay, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Film 15 Sep 2011
Film Co-production Agreement signed with South Africa

WELLINGTON CITY — A film co-production agreement between New Zealand and South Africa will benefit the creative industries in both countries, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Christopher Finlayson said today.


Earthquakes 5 Sep 2011
Counsel Assisting appointed for victims' families

CANTERBURY — Christchurch lawyer Marcus Elliott has been appointed Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure Caused by the Canterbury Earthquakes, with a specific focus on representing the interests of victims' families, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson said today.


Court 5 Sep 2011
Employment Court Judge appointed

AUCKLAND — Auckland District Court Judge Christina Inglis, has been appointed an Employment Court Judge to be based in Auckland, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


News 1 Sep 2011
Acting Chief Coroner appointed

Waikato Coroner Gordon Matenga has been appointed Acting Chief Coroner from 1 September until 31 October while Judge Neil MacLean is on leave, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.


Culture 1 Sep 2011
First World War centenary plans announced

Government will mark the centenary of the First World War beginning in 2014 with significant international and domestic projects and ceremonies, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Christopher Finlayson announced today.