Coke Boss Told to Bottle Up

Sunday 20 January 2013, 12:19PM

By Employment Law Experts Limited


Coke’s departing managing director, George Adams, says that New Zealanders have an anti corporate mentality and that this is stifling business growth.

Employment Law Experts, a leading Auckland employment law firm, says that corporates themselves are responsible for most of the anti-corporate attitude.

The firm cites various factors, including:

• Multi million dollar senior management salaries.
• Corporates able to change New Zealand’s laws to please themselves - for example: Warner Brothers; and
• Multinationals that pay unfairly small amounts of tax - for example: Facebook paid less than $14,500 tax in NZ last year and is one part of a tax shifting exercise by corporates that denies $1.5 billion of taxes to New Zealand.

Employment Law Experts says, “While senior executives are legally entitled to take the huge salaries offered to them, and multinationals are legally entitled to exploit laws that allow them to pay little tax, they should not be surprised to find that this behaviour offends most New Zealanders.”

Instead of blaming ordinary Kiwis for an anti-corporate attitude, Coke and other corporates should ‘bottle up’.

Employment Law Experts
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