Hard line pays off

Saturday 9 August 2014, 8:17PM

By ACES pest control


cockroach ( american)
cockroach ( american) Credit: ACES pest control


ACES pest control has noticed a change in approach by the Auckland city inspectors for restaurant hygiene gradings.

In days gone past when a restaurant had a pest control issue e.g. infestation of mice or cockroaches, the inspectors would allow the owner of the restaurant some time to sort the issue out.  Meanwhile they were able to trade, while their issue was sorted out. 

Fair enough? Yes good for the business owner but NOT fair on the unsuspecting customer who does know about the unseen infestation and the corrsponding health risk.

NOW under a new policy the council inspectors upon finding an infestation immediately stop the restaurant from trading, until the issue is resolved. Further the inspectors are SLOW to issue a high grading ( e.g. A ) until they are completely happy. 

Quite SIMPLY the  public are NOT put at risk. And the business owner has strong incentive to get the pest control issue resolved ASAP.

GOOD ONE Auckland city council inspectors, excellent change in policy!