The TROUBLE with bedbugs

ACES pest control

Sunday 1 March 2015, 11:23AM

By ACES pest control


bedbug Credit: alex wild

The trouble with bedbugs

Bedbugs are on the rise in New Zealand and internationally. This will continue to increase due to the following,

Resistant strains

There are strains of bedbugs that are resistant to commonly used chemicals by professional pest control companies. Resistant strains will become more common in New Zealand.

Bedbugs don’t just hang around beds

While their name suggests they are found in beds, which they are; they also wander away from this traditional area. Copulation is violent and painful for the female bedbug. Once impregnated the female seeks another host away from her traumatic experience. She wanders away from the bed area. Oversea studies have caught bedbugs in kitchens, bathrooms, corridors and living areas- almost exclusively females.
Treatment of one apartment in a multi-storey block is futile as a bedbugs will wander down the corridor and back into the apartment. The same is true for treating one bedroom in a three bed room house.

Professional pest control inspection

While there is no doubt that a pest control technician can find a bedbug infestation, spot the black marks they leave behind and see the exoskeleton shells. BUT it has been shown that following an inspection and all clear from an experienced pest controller, bedbugs are still caught. Easy enough to miss one wandering egg laden female.

Dog inspections produce false positives

Some companies use the keen sense of smell that dogs have to find bedbugs. This has been shown to have variable results with a lot of false positives.

(DE) Diatomaceous Earth effectiveness questioned

DE is a silicon based powder that is designed to adhere to the insect and dry it out, thereby killing it. Studies in the USA have shown DE to be less effective than originally thought. As a result specialist US companies such as have discontinued the use of DE.


Cyronites’ effectiveness questioned

Cyronite is a system that uses pressurized CO2 to produce small amounts of dry ice. The dry ice cools down areas applied. Insects perish when exposed to extreme hot or cold temperatures. Bedbug central compared high temperature (steam) to low temperature (Cyronite) . Please view this demonstration

Successful management of Bedbugs

(i) Do NOT rely on chemical treatments only
(ii) NON chemical treatments/options should be combined with chemicals treatments.
(iii) DE should no longer be used for bedbugs
(iv) Unique plan. Each situation needs to be accessed. A personalized plan for each customers’ situation needs to be drawn up.
(v) Management of the entire dwelling.
(vi) Don’t rely on inspection only. Monitor results with traps.

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