how to DIY mice control in Auckland

ACES pest control

Saturday 12 August 2017, 2:23PM

By ACES pest control


Get rid of mice: The signs of house mice - what does a mouse eat and how to trap them?

ACES pest control finds that mice are year round problem in Auckland. 2016 and 2017 there have been more mice then rats. Mice are destructive often chewing electrical wires and sometimes high pressure mains plastic pipe resulting in major floods and $100 000.00s of damage. We have have around five customers call in with significant floods this year. Here is another point of view from Emily. Please read and enjoy, we hope you find it useful. 

HOUSE mice can be a nightmare for home owners who find them in their property. Do you know how to get rid of mice? What does a mouse eat? How do you trap them and what traps should you use? Do you know how to spot droppings?

House mice invade you home and eat your food, making it dirty and unpleasant to live in. However, do you know how to spot mice and how to get rid of them?

There are various signs of mice to look out for.

The first and most obvious sign is droppings. Mice should leave around 50 to 80 droppings per night.

How to spot mice droppings
Rentokill describes mouse droppings as being around three to eight inches in length.

Mice do not defecate in corners or in a pattern like some animals, so you can expect to find them scattered all over the house.

What’s more, droppings could be hidden in a number of places, including in cupboards, above cupboards and along skirting boards. Droppings can be light brown or dark brown in colour depending on how long they have been there 

Rat droppings are larger, from half an inch to three-quarters of an inch long - so if you find these you have a larger problem on your hands. 

Get rid of mice: The signs of house mice - what does a mouse eat and how to trap them?
What other signs of mice are there?
Other signs of mice include creasy marks on the floor and bottoms of the walls - as mice tend to stick to the sides of rooms.

There is also the strong smell of urine, as mice urinate very often.

Scratching noises are also a signs that mice may well be living in your property.

Get rid of mice: What do mice eat?

Mice are thought tone very fond of cheese, however, it is not a staple of their diet and also not the most effective food to catch them with.

In fact, ACES a pest control company, claim peanut scent may well be a better lure for the small, furry animals.

Aside from this yummy treat, mice also like to grains, fruit, and seeds, so you may well catch them nibbling on your cereal.

While it seems that mice may eat cardboard and paper, they only chew these items to make comfy nests.


Traps are the most efficient ways to get rid of mice that are living in your home.

Website How To Get Rid of Mice recommends using electric shock traps, which they claim are humane, or a live trap that allows air to circulate through the trap.

Position a trap near where the mice seem to live, and also being new furniture. 

How do you prevent mice returning?

The best way to prevent mice coming back is keeping your food in sealed containers at all times, to prevent mice rummaging through your cupboards.

Sealing of entrances to the house will also help keep mice at bay.


ACES pest control agrees with Emily that you should take steps to rodent proof house. Mice come from two areas in a house. Where there is an "under the house" e.g. Villa they come up from under the house via the travelling on top of the plumbing. Where the house is on a concrete slab they come in via the attached garage. All successful pest control treatments start with an inspection. ACES offers free rodent proofing advise following our inspection.

modified from  EMILY HODGKIN article


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