ACES pest control

Monday 14 August 2017, 9:35PM

By ACES pest control


rat shocked
rat shocked Credit: ACES pest control


Ultrasonic rodent repellers- do they work?

In New Zealand there is a range of devices that emit ultrasonic sound waves that are claimed to pest control rodents. Nice work of you can get it. Just sell the punters some plug in  "do dacky thingy" and Bobs your uncle, you're rodent free.
OR ARE YOU? Do they work? That's the 64 thousand question
Here are some interesting facts for you to ponder before purchasing one of these miracle cure devices. 

(i) In 2004 the ACCC in Australia ruled that these devices had been advertised with false claims. Their main false claim was

" produces an electromagnetic disturbance and an ultrasonic barrier, causing an irritating pulsation that drives pests out of a home" (a)

The ACCC ordered the distributor to refund the nearly 240 000 customers their money back.

(ii) In 2012 the Advertising Standards Authority in New Zealand upheld a complaint against Pestrol for misleading advertising. Thir main claim was "ultrasonic device drove rodents out of homes/businesses". 
The advertising standards authority stated about Pestrols claim has 

" no basis in science or reality when applied to this product.(b)''

(iii) Customer experience: One of our customers purchased an ultrasonic rodent repeller. Her experience was that it made excellent (but expensive) night light when she went to the bathroom at night. 
After a month of no change in her rodent infestation she decided to take it back for a refund. After many phone calls and no refund she had to actually take time from her busy schedule and go into
the office in Albany- Auckland. There the office lady got out the refund folder, to which my customers surprise was extremely large and "bursting at the seams" with refunds. While this Company did take its time AND need many calls AND require a visit from our customer they did EVENTUALLY refund her the purchase price.

I wonder how many people are not as persistant as this very determined lady and dont get their money back?

(iv) ACES experience: houses with thriving rodent infestations often have ultrasonic devices plugged in. To be clear the Ultrasonic rodent repellers are NOT working in the 1000s of houses that ACES is called to for rodents.

(vii) Comment: If pest controlling rodents was as simple as plugging a device into a wall, all the pest control companies would be using them. Before purchasing of one these devices, why not ask for a published peer review study showing the effectiveness of the the device you are about to use your hard earned cash to pay for?

2016 UPDATE- Dr Bobby Corrigan- the leading Authority in the USA and maybe the world, made the plea at the 2016 NPMA meeting in Seattle- 
"would someone, anyone, please ( he begged) publish some results- anything- good bad indifferent to show that sonic devices work on rodents" . 
He contrinued "because to date there is not a shed, nothing, NADA, ZIP!"

LAST WORD goes to the Advertising Standards Authoritys Greg Allan " advised customers to research a product first to make sure they were getting what they paid for."
ACES pest control suggests you ask for evidence that these things work before buying them. 

for all of ACES serices please click here for rodents please click here for ants please click here and cockroaches please click here