Double Glazing Cost Calculator Developed by Superior Renovations

Vicky D

Wednesday 18 August 2021, 4:31PM

By Vicky D


Double Glazed Sliding Door by Superior Renovations
Double Glazed Sliding Door by Superior Renovations Credit: Vicky D

A well-insulated house helps you maintain optimum temperature throughout all seasons. It protects you against cold in winter and heat in summer. This way you spend less on additional heating and cooling systems which makes insulating your home a very good investment. Insulation also provides a healthy environment for your home by preventing the build up of mould.

The four main areas that you can expect heat loss is your ceilings, walls, floors, and windows. In this article we will delve further into insulating windows and glass doors for homes in Auckland.
Single glazed windows (or pane of glass) has been insulating and protecting our homes for centuries, but is there anything better than glass? The answer to this is double glazed windows and doors.

Here are a list of home renovation cost calculators available to use developed by Superior Renovatinos.

We’ve developed a Double Glazing Cost Calculator (Updated on August 2021 to reflect market prices of product and labour) designed for you to get an indication of what you can expect to invest based on the provided information.

Try it here: 
