Impossible Burger Dropped from NZ Supermarket Site
The fake GE burger from US Impossible Foods is no longer listed online by New Zealand supermarkets after concerns of greenwashing and deception of New Zealand consumers about the unlabelled use of GE Soy. [1]
"We hope Countdown have recognised the problem of deceptive practice of hidden GM Soy used as a main ingredient in Impossible Burger. Consumers have a right to know," said Jon Carapiet, spokesman for GE-Free NZ.
"Ethical and sustainable consumers do not want to support GMO soy and would expect it to be labelled voluntarily."
The Impossible Burger has used a loophole in labeling laws to keep their deliberate use of GE soy hidden from consumers.
GE Soy is one of the first GMO crops introduced into the food chain and spread around the world. It triggered huge protests for safety testing and labeling to allow consumers choice, and demands for protection of nature and GE-free food systems.
GE/GMO Soy is linked to forest destruction and is used as a commodity in animal feed for intensive industrial farms.
GMO Soy is widely recognised as unsustainable compared to alternatives available. But GMO soy has been chosen as a main ingredient of the highly processed Impossible Burger.
All other plant based alternative brands in New Zealand are non-GMO. They have built consumer trust in the sector's sustainable supply chain and claims.
The manufacture of the GE fake meat is exploiting these other brands' sustainability mission and the consumer trust built by brands including Sunfed, Beyond Meat, Bean Supreme and Tonzu which all exclude GMOs.
Countdown has been asked to address the issue of Impossible Burger's greenwash and to at least voluntarily label the GE soy or withdraw the product altogether. Without declaring the GE soy ingredients on the packaging, the impression of the Impossible burger given to consumers is of being ethical and sustainable.
This is misleading to consumers. The whole sector has built consumer trust by sourcing non-GMO Identity-preserved soy, GM-free pea protein, and other organic GE-free ingredients.
Countdown and other retailers have been co-opted in this greenwash by not calling it out.
Sir John Key and Sir Peter Jackson have also been asked to use their influence with the board of Impossible Foods to stop their use of GMO soy.
A complaint could be considered under the Fair Trading Act.