GE Free NZ

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GE-Free New Zealand in food & environment (Rage Inc.) is a non-profit organisation.

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Environment 7 Oct 2024
Co-existence with GE crops in New Zealand is impossible

The NZ Government is planning to de-regulate certain genetically engineered (GE) plants and remove the current ethical and precautionary boundaries to GE products. They cite that co-existence is possible.


Science 20 Sep 2024
Trust the GE Science – whose?

Whose science do we trust? Experimental trials of genetically engineered (GE) organisms showing failure, or the industry science spin, massaging out the failures and pretending all is fine.


Food 1 Sep 2024
FSANZ Deny Extension on Submission for Deregulation of Gene Editing

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has declined to extend the deadline for comment on the deregulation of gene edited  (GE) food, despite calling the proposed changes "a paradigm shift" in regulation.


Agriculture 21 Aug 2024
Authorities Deny Farmers and Consumers the Right To Choose

Consumers and Farmers are about to lose the right to know and choose what they grow and eat.


Health 12 Aug 2024
Babies at risk from Unlabelled GE proteins in Infant Formula

"We applaud the Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard [1] for opting New Zealand out of the joint standard on infant formula labelling," said Alison White, Co-convenor of the Safe Food Campaign.


Environment 28 May 2024
EPA Decision Keeps GE in the Lab with Few Safety Controls on GMO Product

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a large-scale fermentation laboratory for production of synthetic genetically engineered (GE) milk proteins."The EPA approval to Daisy Lab was done under "fast track" and only took 10 days to evaluate with no public notification.


Food 6 May 2024
Genetically Engineered pig-soy a threat to all consumers

All consumers, especially vegans and vegetarians are right to be revolted by the threat of a brave new world of eating genetically engineered (GE) soy products that have been engineered with pig genes.


Environment 15 Apr 2024
Lack of Capability at MPI to Manage GE-derived Plants: Risk of Unintended Consequences

There is risk of regulatory failure after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision to devolve responsibility for genetically engineered “Null segregants” to the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI).


Environment 24 Mar 2024
Government's 'GMO 2025' Jeopardises Agriculture and the Environment

Minister Judith Collins announcement on the government's target to manage risk on Genetic Engineering (GE) by loosening regulation is a countdown to jeopardy for exports and the natural environment, and also enables the opening for a free trade deal with the USA.


Food 27 Feb 2024
FSANZ Fails Responsibility for 'Duty of Care' as Untested GM Bananas Gets Go-Ahead

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has recommended that A1274 genetically engineered bananas be allowed into the food chain, even though FSANZ has not required evidence of the safety of the bananas or testing in feeding trials.


Science 23 Feb 2024
GE Watchdog Decision Risks Compromising Protection of the Environment and Health

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has released its decision on “null segregants” (APP204173) defining them as "not genetically engineered organisms".


Science 31 Jan 2024
Otago GE Wasp Project violates International Gene Drive agreement

DUNEDIN — Professor Dearden, Otago University, has received $11 million from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Enterprise (MBIE) to engineer wasps using gene drive technology.


Environment 16 Jan 2024
ACT's outdated GE policy ignores the scientific perils

The National and ACT parties policy to loosen regulations on GE is unscientific and outdated.


Science 13 Dec 2023
Scientists Warn Against Liberalising Rules on Genetic Engineering

Scientists are warning against deregulation of Gene Editing, in a joint declaration by independent scientists with multi-sector expertise in environment, animal and human health.


Environment 1 Dec 2023
Liberalisation of Genetic Engineering Threatens the Environment, Farmers and New Zealand

The coalition governments’ move to loosen biotechnology (GE) regulation is set to let down farmers and consumers and put New Zealand's export reputation at risk.


Agriculture 25 Sep 2023
AgResearch moves to conventional ryegrass breeding techniques

AgResearch is the key research partner in a consortium of Agribusinesses who have been funded $8.4 million dollars over seven years to select, identify and conventionally breed the best heat-tolerant ryegrass varieties growing in New Zealand.


Politics 4 Sep 2023
Would a U.S. Free Trade Deal force New Zealand to adopt GE?

Three political parties, National, ACT and TOP, have declared that if they win the election they will “end the ban on GE”.


Politics 13 Jun 2023
Ignorance around Regulation of Genetic Modification

The National Party joins three other parties who are pushing to "end the ban" on genetically modified/engineered organisms (GM/GE) regulation and allow the open release of GE in the New Zealand environment.


Science 11 Jun 2023
Viability Questioned After GE Ryegrass Application Withdrawn

The withdrawal of the application to grow GE ryegrass in Australia has added to doubts about the viability of AgResearch's GE-ryegrass which has already done poorly in previous trials.


Agriculture 11 May 2023
Secret talks to Allow GE Seeds Without Regulation Threatens New Zealand Farmers

Canadian Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau has approved the adoption of Gene Edited (GE) seeds without any regulation, health or safety assessments, traceability or liability and only voluntary disclosure.


Deaths 2 May 2023
International Community Mourns Loss of Leading Advocate for Organic Food

GE-Free NZ is sad to hear of the passing of Ronnie Cummins, International Director of the Organic Consumers Association.


Health 28 Apr 2023
Impossible Burger Stops Using GMO Soy protein As Its Main Ingredient in NZ

The US manufacturer of the 'Impossible Burger' has revealed that they have stopped using GMO soy as their main ingredient in products exported to New Zealand and Australia.


Food 22 Apr 2023
Call for Review of New Zealand's Approval of GE Rice

There are renewed concerns about the approval by Food Standard Australia NZ (FSANZ) of GE Golden Rice, following a ruling by The Philippine Supreme Court that Syngenta must "cease and desist" any commercialisation and propagation of the GE rice.


Politics 30 Mar 2023
Organic Bill Welcomed to Future-Proof Exports and Take Action on Climate Change

There are long term advantages for New Zealand from the work by MPI and the Organic sector to inform the standards and regulations for sustainable organic production.


Environment 30 Mar 2023
New Zealand Native Bees Are Under Threat From The Toxic Pesticide Thiamethoxam

A hearing on the use of Actara, a highly toxic neo-nicotinoid pesticide now banned in the EU, will be held on Thursday 30 March by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Environment 16 Feb 2023
Lesson for NZ in drought tolerant maize pushed on Africa by Monsanto

Another case of failed traits in genetically engineered (GE) crops shows New Zealand has dodged a bullet by maintaining our production systems and environment as GE Free.


Food 9 May 2022
Countdown GMO Impossible Burger goes to Commerce Commission

Hopes have been dashed that Countdown would consider it unethical to mislead customers about use of unsustainable GMO soy by the Impossible Burger, and would label it voluntarily.


Science 4 May 2022
New Zealand Must Support Global Regulation of Synthetic Biology 'Pandora's Box'

New Zealand must ensure the voices of Maori, other indigenous peoples and scientists independent of vested interests are part of the global community approach to the threat of synthetic biology to biodiversity and natural systems.


Food 28 Apr 2022
Impossible Burger Dropped from NZ Supermarket Site

The fake GE burger from US Impossible Foods is no longer listed online by New Zealand supermarkets after concerns of greenwashing and deception of New Zealand consumers about the unlabelled use of GE Soy.


Food 11 Apr 2022
Key and Jackson Urged to Intervene against Impossible Burger's Green Washing

Sir John Key and Sir Peter Jackson are being urged to use their influence with the board of the manufacturers of the Impossible Burger to halt the use of unsustainable GMO/GE soy that is usually heavily sprayed with RoundUp.


Health 15 Mar 2022
Countdown Customers Warned About GMO 'Impossible' Burger

Customers at Countdown supermarkets and other retail outlets are being advised to be aware of Genetically Engineered ingredients in the USA-made 'Impossible' burger.


Health 11 Nov 2021
New GE Burger Should Carry Warning

There should be a consumer warning label on the “Impossible burger” to alert customers to the novel GMO ingredients.  The Impossible Foods Company is spending thousands of dollars to promote its recently launched imitation GM meat in New Zealand.


News 29 Oct 2013
NZ's Achilles Heel: Scientists Warn of Harm from GE Food

An international group of over 85 scientists, academics and physicians has warned that harmful effects of GE foods may be being deliberately ignored, and say that there is no scientific agreement that genetically engineered (GE) foods and crops are safe.


News 10 Sep 2013
Appeal For Safety Tests of New GE Food

GE Free NZ in Food and Environment has been advised that an appeal lodged with the Regulatory Review committee has been accepted [1]. The appeal is against the approval of a new GE food resistant to three toxic chemicals of which one has been recently banned in Australia [2].


Food 22 Jul 2013
Astonishing' Rejection of Science By Food Safety Minister

The Food Safety Minister's decision to take the advice of bureaucrats and to reject peer-reviewed science, is nothing short of astonishing and puts the public at risk from food containing new levels of chemicals for which there is no known safe maximum residue limit.


News 3 Jul 2013
Councils Threatened by Central Government Must Not Cave In (GE-Free NZ)

AUCKLAND CITY — There are fears that a weak Auckland Council is already preparing to abandon its powers and duties, as councils come under threat from central government for doing the work they are charged with.


News 20 Feb 2013
Auckland Council Slammed Over Consultation on GMOs

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has been slammed for not consulting with Maori on draft proposals  to prohibit GMO release, even though representatives from the Independent Statutory Maori Board refused to propose a motion for consultation to take place.


Trade 26 Nov 2012
Trade Stance Threatens Farmers With Cost of Bio-security Insurance

Government policy holding free trade as a priority over bio-security could leave farmers facing hugely increased insurance costs to protect their capacity to meet export quality and safety standards.


Food 9 Nov 2012
Obama's Legacy - The Right to Know What's In Food?

President Obama's legacy must be to require labelling of GE foods to protect public health across America, and to impose regulation on out-of-control agrochemical corporations.


Agriculture 5 Nov 2012
Loss of Value For Fonterra From Imported GE feed

Fonterra shareholders face a loss of Value because the company has not secured its supply chain for GM-free imported feed in Dairy, undermining its food safety credentials.


Food 31 Oct 2012
Public Become Lab Rats in FSANZ Cocktail Approval

The lack of any animal feeding studies on a GE soybean designed to survive spraying with a cocktail of herbicides, will leave the public no better than lab rats unless the approval is immediately stopped.


Food 18 Oct 2012
Fonterra And Federated Farmers Owe it to New Zealand to Reject GE-feed

New Zealand needs dairy industry leaders to halt importation of GMO cattle-feed and move to secure and support our global market reputation for safe food.


Health 1 Oct 2012
Authorities Slow to Recall GE Maize Linked to Tumours

A request by GE-Free NZ for Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to recall Monsanto’s RoundUp resistant GE maize (FSANZ approval code A146) remains unanswered, despite weeks passing since publication of concerning results from the first life- time study of rats consuming the maize [1].


Food 24 Sep 2012
Animal Tumours Demand FSANZ Follows Science not Opinion

FSANZ must distance itself from personal attacks including criticisms made by its own scientists and instead follow up peer reviewed research showing serious harm in animals fed GE corn (NK603) resistant to RoundUp.


Food 17 Sep 2012
New Zealand Scientist Leads Scrutiny of Novel Food Risks

A New Zealand scientist at the forefront of understanding problems that might be associated with genetically engineered (GE) foods is raising concerns over increased disease links to consuming a new construct in GE wheat, a World first.


Science 30 Aug 2012
Otago Uni. Genetics Lecture Outdated and Unfair

Otago University's genetics lecture presented last night in Wellington, and to be presented in Auckland tonight, is outdated and unfair.


Agriculture 28 Aug 2012
Farmers Face Dire Reality As GE Crops Backfire (GE-Free NZ Press Release)

Resistance amongst pests, and overuse of chemicals are playing havoc with ecosystems and creating a poverty trap for farmers despite promises to solve their problems made by advocates of GE crops.


Food 18 Jul 2012
Stagg's Chili Holds GE Surprise for Customers

Consumers are being warned that chili beans imported from the US under the Stagg's name may give them more than the taste of 'the old west' promised in advertising, and could include types of Genetically Engineered corn that people may want to avoid.


Environment 22 Jun 2012
EPA Hears GE Promise But Not All The Facts

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held its first hearing on GE to consider a plan to leave company managers overseeing their own biosecurity compliance, but the applicants are irresponsible in not mentioning serious breaches of biosecurity that have happened before.


Environment 10 Apr 2012
GE Maize and Soya bean Foods Could Be Illegal and Dangerous to Health

GE Free New Zealand has just received the results from GE testing on infant foods and gluten free products undertaken in South Africa.


Environment 13 Mar 2012
GE-Free Status a Benefit For NZ, Chinese Decision Shows

New Zealand's GE Free status is in an advantage in building trade with partners searching the world for safe, clean, GE-free food.


Food 5 Mar 2012
NZ Farmers Could Face Impact of Monsanto Court Win Through TPPA ( GE free NZ PR)

A US court decision backing Monsanto against farmers disputing contamination by patented GE seed could impact the rights of New Zealand farmers.


Food 1 Feb 2012
Tribunal Appeal Against 2,4 D-resistant Corn

GE Free NZ in Food and Environment has applied to the Administrative Appeal Tribunal for a review of the decision by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to release into the food chain corn and soy genetically engineered to survive 2,4 D herbicides.


Food 9 Jan 2012
NZ Food Authority Being Used By US Biotech Company

There are concerns that New Zealand Food Regulator Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is being manipulated by a Chemical Company to gain US government approval for new GE crops designed to survive its proprietary herbicide 2,4-D.


Food 14 Dec 2011
China Symposium on 'GMO Technology and Human Security'

New Zealand producers and consumers were represented at an inaugural event in China that paves the way to address common issues for a safer food supply for people in the Chongqing protectorate, one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 34 million.


Food 6 Dec 2011
MADGE 'Copy in' Minister to Trace and Label GM Food

New Zealand's Minister of Health would be doing the right thing for public health and the integrity of the food system by voting for labelling of GM foods, when she attends a trans-Tasman council meeting on Friday.(1) That's the message from MADGE Australia, to Minister Kate Wilkinson, saying 90% of people want full labelling of GM ingredients.


Food 24 Nov 2011
NZ Must Support US Consumers on GM Labelling

New Zealand should be backing US Consumers at The TPPA negotiations, by demanding labelling of GM foods be extended to America, not withdrawn from countries that have it US consumers are currently suing their own government for the labelling of GM food (1), and there is public support for labelling of GM foods across the whole Pacific region.


Food 21 Nov 2011
Government Research Agenda Goes Against New Zealand Brand

The Ministry of Environment's research into promoting greater use of novel organisms is off-stategy for the New Zealand Brand and shows an intention to dilute bio-security standards.


Health 17 Nov 2011
Minister's Backing for '2,4-D' Corn No Good for Public Health

GE-Free NZ is disappointed that the Minister for Health has chosen to support the approval of the novel 2,4-D herbicide tolerant GE Corn and believe she has been misled about the seriousness of the lack of safety data.


Food 28 Sep 2011
Official Smokescreen Undermines Science & Food Safety

Officials at Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) are using spin to sideline published research on the impact of GM foods on animals and are abandoning sound science needed to protect public health.


Health 14 Sep 2011
Supermarkets Asked to Pull GE Maize After Study Finds GE Feed Toxic

Supermarkets are being asked to pull GE Maize flour off the shelves, after new analysis of 19 animal studies found increased risk of kidney and liver damage.


Pharmacy 12 Sep 2011
Call for Review of Contaminated Gardasil Vaccine

The Ministry of Health must immediately recall and review the potentially life threatening Gardasil vaccine as six New Zealand batches have tested positive for the synthetic recombinant Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) DNA [1] [2].


Environment 17 Aug 2011
Lesson for NZ: New Herbicide Withdrawn As Side Effects Disclosed

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has placed an immediate ban on sales of a herbicide it approved less than a year ago.


Food 11 Aug 2011
Consumers Want GM Pulled Off Shelves

Most consumers want GM food removed from sale, shows a recent survey of UK shoppers.


Agriculture 2 Aug 2011
Compromise of Biosecurity and Brand Too High a Price for TPPA Deal

Confidential trade negotiations may be covering up dangerous compromises that will undermine the clean-green foundations of New Zealand's economy.


Food 25 Jul 2011
Fear of New Toxic Soy Bean Cocktail

The Trans-Tasman authority for food safety is about to approve a new level of toxicity in food thanks to a GE crop that survives 2,4 D and other herbicides with the potential for unique combined effects as a result of the chemical cocktail.


Food 19 Jul 2011
Human Trials of GE-Wheat Unethical

Proposals for extending animal feeding studies for GE wheat to humans are unethical and signal the need for an urgent overhaul of the science used by regulators to approve scores of GM foods.


Food 10 Jun 2011
E.coli Raises Issues for Food Authority Approvals

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) must consider if the latest outbreak of E.coli in Europe has implications for its impending approval of GE corn and soy that are resistant to the herbicide 2, 4 -,D.


Food 24 May 2011
Maternal Blood Tests Cause for Rethink on GE Science Advice

Scientists advising the government must urgently report on the implications of new research showing metabolites from herbicides and insecticides in GE plants are making it through digestion into the bloodstream of mothers and into fetal blood.


Agriculture 20 May 2011
Major Problems For Bio-Security as AgResearch Chops Roles

The GE animal facility at Ruakura could be further compromised with the announcement that AgResearch is downsizing its executive positions [1].


Food 15 May 2011
Infant Nutrition Council Misleading Parents With Attack

GE-Free NZ rejects the attack by the Infant Nutrition Council (INC) as a deliberate effort to mislead consumers about the serious questions raised regarding maintaining the integrity of the food supply for infants.(1)


Agriculture 5 May 2011
GE Cover-Up or Just Bad Science?

The failure by AgResearch and ERMA to properly test and monitor environmental effects from GE field experiments has put New Zealand's bio-security in serious jeopardy and needs immediate action.


Food 3 May 2011
GE Red Apple Scientists Pipped to the Post - A Great Idea for Mother's Day

Plant and Food scientists working on a GE red apple have been pipped to the post by the commercial launch of the RedLove variety of apple.


Agriculture 2 May 2011
AgResearch Ignoring Bio-security Risks

AgResearch's 200 acre facility at Ruakura could pose a dangerous bio-security risk to populations in Hamilton and surrounding farmlands, but the threat is being ignored.


Food 15 Apr 2011
Whangarei District Council moves to protect its community from GE

WHANGAREI — Whangarei District Councilors have voted to unanimously reject the outdoor use of genetically engineered (GE) crops and animals in the District.


Food 14 Apr 2011
24D-resistant Corn Set for Approval

Public health will lose again as Food Standards Australia New Zealand Authority (FSANZ) is set to approve GE crops designed to survive spraying with a new range of toxic herbicides.


Food 8 Apr 2011
Fonterra Must Avoid Human-Cow Milk

Fonterra's biotech arm ViaLactia must reject human-cow hybrids as unethical, following announcements of Chinese scientific experiments that are likely to have involved unacceptable deformities in animals.


Food 4 Apr 2011
GE Free and Nuclear values Not "Mythical"

The pressure to get rid of New Zealand's GE Free status is now as high as the pressure brought to bare on NZ when David Lange declared New Zealand a Nuclear Free nation.


Food 23 Mar 2011
GE Ruse Threatens Food Security

The call by a visiting speaker, Pamela Ronald, for GE to be embraced by the organic sector and create ‘precision technology -co-existence’ farming is a misguided public relations exercise.


Food 14 Mar 2011
Push-Pull Strategy Good For NZ

New Zealand can benefit from adopting innovation strategies identified in a new report by the UN on The Right to Food [1].The report identifies smart agro-ecological techniques and systems-management such as the ‘push-pull’ pest-reduction that creates a win/win/win situation for farmers, consumers and the environment.


Environment 9 Mar 2011
100% Pure wins Prize

GE-FREE NZ in Food and Environment members congratulate Steffan Browning on winning this year’s Te Orangi Kaupapa Trust Environmental Award.


Food 7 Mar 2011
Fonterra 'Red-listing' Undermines New Zealand

  Fonterra is letting New Zealand down because of its red listing in Australia's new Kids True Food Guide, launched on Wednesday.


Food 28 Feb 2011
Consumer Demand for GM-Free Food Gives New Zealand The Advantage

The launch in Australia of the GM-free True Food guide is another signal to New Zealand growers and food manufacturers to maintain a GM-free policy and protect the integrity of the food chain.


Science 22 Feb 2011
'No-Clone' Decision Vital for New Zealand

The end of animal cloning at AgResearch is the first step towards to developing the global market for New Zealand meat, wool and dairy exports as ethical and sustainable.


Agriculture 19 Feb 2011
Seed Bio-Piracy Disguised as Science

Bio-piracy by companies wanting to patent and control genetic material vital to the future of agriculture is being disguised as novel developments in genetic engineering.


Agriculture 13 Feb 2011
Improved Animal Performance Good News for NZ

Research into improved animal performance shows that New Zealand can gain sustainable economic benefits and apply 'climate-smart' techniques identified by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)[1].


Agriculture 7 Feb 2011
Farmers Kept in Dark about Non-GE crop innovation

New Zealand farmers are being kept in the dark about traditionally bred non GE crops in commercial production that are proven to reduce methane emissions, are pest resistant, drought, salt and flood tolerant.


Politics 2 Feb 2011
EPA Bill must be independent of GE interests

The Local Government and Environmental Select Committee on the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Bill have been urged to learn from past events to avoid the same mistakes and conflicts of interest in future.


Science 24 Jan 2011
Bio-Security at GE Trial Site Gets Soiled

Plant and Food has again failed to follow the strict conditions that regulatory authorities have set for the site of its GE crop trial.


Science 8 Jan 2011
Innovation Must Not Conflict With New Zealand GE Free Values

There are serious concerns of a conflict of interest emerging in the Government's push for innovation in science and technology, and the importance of protecting New Zealand 's Brand image.


Court 19 Dec 2010
Court Opens Door For Extreme GE Animal Experiments

A High Court decision upholding ERMA's approval of GE experiments creates a veil of secrecy over what GE animals are created in New Zealand and increases the risk of abuse and unnecessary cruelty.


Science 3 Dec 2010
High Court Listens to GE Animal Concerns

The High Court has reserved its decision concerning the expansion of GE animals into New Zealand under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act (HSNO).


Science 18 Jul 2010
Misleading Claims for GE Trees Don't Add Up

Claims made to justify an application by Scion for 4000 GM trees, are based on misinformation and spin, and deliberately ignore the threat it presents for New Zealand, and existing alternatives that should be given urgent support.


Science 16 Jun 2010
Better Alternatives Leave No Room For GE In Agriculture

The media hype surrounding hopes to one day use GE clover to reduce methane emissions ignores existing solutions and will not change the importance of keeping New Zealand agriculture GM-free.


Court 28 Apr 2010
GE Animals Case To Go To The Supreme Court

  The Supreme Court is to consider the case brought by GE-Free NZ concerning four applications by AgResearch seeking indefinite and wideranging use of GE animals in New Zealand.


Science 20 Apr 2010
Deadly GE mutation leaves NZ Dangerously Exposed

ERMA has opened up New Zealand to new disease, if overseas examples of transgenic viral recombination are replicated here.