Crown and Ngi Tkhoe sign Terms of Negotiations

Michael Cullen

Friday 1 August 2008, 1:00AM

By Michael Cullen


Ngi Tkhoe and the Crown have today signed Terms of Negotiations, marking the beginning of negotiations for the settlement of Ngi Tkhoe’s historical Treaty of Waitangi claims, Treaty Negotiations Minister Michael Cullen said.


The Waitangi Tribunal held hearings into Ngi Tkhoe’s claims in 2004. The claims included the loss by Ngi Tkhoe of land and lives as a result of Crown actions, the execution of unarmed prisoners by Crown forces during the New Zealand wars, and the Crown’s 1916 raid on Maungapohatu and arrest of Rua Kenana.


The Crown recognised the mandate of Te Kotahi a Tkhoe in September 2007. Terms of Negotiations set out how the Crown and Ngi Tkhoe will negotiate, and indicate the subjects to be discussed.


“The Crown and Tkhoe have a long and troubled relationship to rebuild,” Dr Cullen said.


“Through these negotiations we have the opportunity to resolve the grievances of the past and build a future based on common understanding together.”


In June this year, Ngi Tkhoe signed the Central North Island Collective Deed of Settlement. The Collective Settlement settled Ngi Tkhoe’s claims to central North Island forest land but left the settlement of their remaining historical claims to be negotiated. The redress provided under the Collective settlement is on account against such a settlement.