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Michael Cullen

New Zealand

Member since: 15 August 2007
Profile views: 7076

Hon Dr Michael Cullen holds several ministerial portfolios: Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance [including responsibility for the Government Superannuation Fund] Minister for Tertiary Education Leader of the House

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Saturday, 8 November 2008
Finance 3:08AM
Promoting change in international financial markets

Finance Minister Michael Cullen says a Labour-led government will take an active role in promoting change in international financial markets.


Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Finance 3:48AM
Crown accounts reflect global financial market woes

The Financial Statements of the Government for the first three months of the current financial year, released by the Treasury earlier today, reflect the period of disruption and weakness in global financial markets, says Finance Minister Michael Cullen.


Saturday, 1 November 2008
Economy 6:06PM
Wholesale funding guarantee facility

Finance Minister Michael Cullen today announced that the Crown will offer a wholesale funding guarantee facility to investment-grade financial institutions in New Zealand.


Finance 6:04PM
Banks exchange letters with Crown to support distressed mortgage borrowers

Finance Minister Michael Cullen has exchanged letters with each of the country's largest mortgage lending banks which outline the approach that banks will take into account when handling mortgage customers facing servicing problems in the challenging economic times ahead.


Saturday, 25 October 2008
Finance 4:10PM
Australian wholesale deposit guarantee scheme to inform New Zealand's response

Finance Minister Michael Cullen says that the release of the details of the Australian wholesale deposit guarantee scheme today will assist in finalising the details of the proposed New Zealand wholesale guarantee scheme.


Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Government 8:02AM
Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua sign Terms of Negotiation with Crown

WELLINGTON CITY — Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Hon Dr Michael Cullen signed Terms of Negotiation on behalf of the Crown with representatives of Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua this morning, in Wellington.


Monday, 6 October 2008
Finance 5:50PM
2007/08 accounts position Crown in strong position ahead of challenges

The Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand for the financial year that ended on June 30 show the Crown in a strong financial position ahead of the challenging international economic times ahead, says Finance Minister Michael Cullen.


Finance 5:49PM
Prefu report highlights benefit of strong fiscal management

The Treasury's Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Update report, published today, highlights the benefits of maintaining strong Crown accounts during the good times in order to help us through the hard times, Finance Minister Michael Cullen said today.


Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Maori 7:02PM
Ngati Ranginui Terms of Negotiation signed

Te Roopu Whakamana o Ng Hapk o Ngti Ranginui and the Crown have signed Terms of Negotiation, which set out the scope and the nature of their upcoming negotiations to settle Ngti Ranginui's historic Treaty of Waitangi claims


Finance 7:00PM
Tax cuts strengthen economy, promote fairness

The first phase of the government's personal tax cut package will deliver tax cuts of between $12 and $28 a week for full-time workers, delivering some relief for households hurt by skyrocketing global commodity prices this year, says Finance Minister Michael Cullen.


Maori 7:00PM
First ever combined Treaty, foreshore and seabed agreement signed, with Ngti Pahauwera

Attorney-General and Treaty Negotiations Minister Michael Cullen has welcomed the signing of a unique Agreement in Principle between the Crown and Ngti Pahauwera earlier today.


Court 6:59PM
Appointment of Chris Hodson QC as Judge Advocate General

The Attorney-General announced today the appointment of Christopher John Hodson QC to the position of Judge Advocate General of the Armed Forces.


Thursday, 4 September 2008
Finance 1:06AM
Stronger protection for investors with law change

Finance companies, building societies, credit unions and other deposit takers will be required to obtain credit ratings and meet tougher prudential requirements as a result of important legislation enacted today, says Finance Minister Michael Cullen.


Politics 1:05AM
Ngti Apa (North Island) Deed of Settlement Initialling

Ngti Apa (North Island) and the Crown have initialled a Deed of Settlement that covers all of Ngti Apa’s (North Island) historical Treaty of Waitangi claims.


Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Maori 10:31PM
Deed of Settlement with Taranaki Whanui

The Port Nicholson Block Claims Team have signed a Deed of Settlement with the Crown settling all the historical Treaty claims of Taranaki Whnui at a ceremony at Wellington’s Pipitea Marae.


Thursday, 14 August 2008
Maori 7:12PM
Tapuika and Ngati Rangiwewehi sign Joint Terms of Negotiation with the Crown

Tapuika and Ngati Rangiwewehi have signed Joint Terms of Negotiation with the Crown which set out the scope and the nature of their upcoming negotiations to settle their historic Treaty of Waitangi claims, Treaty Negotiations Minister Michael Cullen said today.


Thursday, 7 August 2008
Finance 5:18PM
Standard & Poor's ratings review underlines importance of saving

Finance Minister Michael Cullen welcomed the decision of Standard & Poor's this afternoon to reaffirm its AA+/A-1+ foreign-currency and AAA/Stable/A-1 local-currency sovereign credit ratings on New Zealand.


Finance 3:05AM
Standard & Poor's ratings review underlines importance of saving

Finance Minister Michael Cullen welcomed the decision of Standard & Poor's this afternoon to reaffirm its AA+/A-1+ foreign-currency and AAA/Stable/A-1 local-currency sovereign credit ratings on New Zealand.


Friday, 1 August 2008
News 1:00AM
Crown and Ngi Tkhoe sign Terms of Negotiations

Ngi Tkhoe and the Crown have today signed Terms of Negotiations, marking the beginning of negotiations for the settlement of Ngi Tkhoe’s historical Treaty of Waitangi claims, Treaty Negotiations Minister Michael Cullen said.


Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Transport 10:18PM
Government takes first steps in KiwiRail upgrade

Improvements for Auckland and Wellington commuter services and a major overhaul of the Tranz Scenic service are part of a five year, $80.2 million investment in rail infrastructure announced by Finance Minister Michael Cullen today.


Court 10:18PM
David McNaughton appointed District Court Judge

David John McNaughton, Solicitor of Auckland, has been appointed a District Court Judge, Attorney-General Michael Cullen announced today.


Saturday, 19 July 2008
Finance 5:11PM
Dr Chris Eichbaum appointed to Reserve Bank Board

Dr Chris Eichbaum has been appointed to the Reserve Bank Board, Finance Minister Michael Cullen announced today.


Economy 1:42AM
Australia, NZ progress bilateral economic interests

The first formal meeting of New Zealand Finance Minister Michael Cullen and Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan in Wellington today acknowledged 25 years of Closer Economic Relations and discussed the shared goal of a Single Economic Market (SEM).


Finance 1:41AM
Trans-Tasman retirement savings portability

Officials from Australia and New Zealand will finalise the text of a deal by the end of October that will facilitate the portability of private retirement savings across the Tasman, Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan and New Zealand Finance Minister Michael Cullen said at the conclusion of their first formal bilateral talks, which were held at Parliament in Wellington today.


Finance 1:41AM
Australia, NZ imputation and franking credits

The Australian and New Zealand governments are open to the idea of moving toward mutual recognition of imputation and franking credits between firms that invest in each other’s country, Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan and New Zealand Finance Minister Michael Cullen said today.


Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Electricity 7:05PM
Approval granted for Vector Wellington network sale

WELLINGTON — Consent has been granted to the joint bid by Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited (CKI) and Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited (HKE) to acquire up to 100 percent of the shares of Vector Wellington Electricity Network Limited (VWENL), Finance Minister Michael Cullen said today.


Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Finance 7:16PM
Business tax reforms focus of bill

A bill tabled in Parliament today introduces a number of major business tax reforms.


Finance 7:15PM
Tax reform to help NZ companies compete overseas

Comprehensive reform of our international tax rules, to help New Zealand-based companies compete more effectively overseas, is the main feature of a taxation bill introduced today.


Business 12:25AM
Jim Bolger to lead New Zealands public rail system

Former Prime Minister Jim Bolger has been appointed chair of the establishment board of KiwiRail which will manage the business previously known as Toll Rail, Finance Minister Michael Cullen announced today.


Finance 12:19AM
KiwiSaver surges past 700,000 one year on

KiwiSaver celebrates its first birthday in style today with confirmation that more than 700,000 New Zealanders are saving for their retirement through the scheme, Finance Minister Michael Cullen and Revenue Minister Peter Dunne announced today.


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