Results of US Elections leaked to Media

J. James

Tuesday 9 September 2008, 8:16AM

By J. James


Credit: google images

In light of the delusion that voting actually matters in the circus that is the US elections its timely to remind everyone that the votes have already been counted and leaked to the media - originaly posted a few months ago the results of the up coming election have already been counted and the winner declared

The illusionary race between warmonger one and warmonger lite has been pre selected based on the successful war of terror the US is waging on the people of the Middle East and beyond in order to ‘protect’ US interests – namely oil and other dwindling resources

After killing 4.8 Milllion Afghani and Iraqi citizens, mostly women and children the warmongering presidential duos have set their sites on Russia, Pakistan and of course Iran – nothing will stop them from protecting Americans rights even while they plan and execute to liberate those rights by curtailing freedoms, for their citizens own safety of course

Meanwhile kiwi troops continue to be sent to Afghanistan and special forces to Iraq under the pretence of reconstruction – step one in the pursuit of happiness NZ seeks in the holy grail of free trade deals

Step two in this holy grail process came the other day when NZ under pressure from the benevolent US and bastion of integrity Condaslezza Rice ok’d the right of India to have a nuclear program