District Plan Review - something for everyone...

Wednesday 25 March 2009, 10:46AM

By Tauranga City Council



Tauranga City Council is part way through reviewing its District Plan.

The District Plan affects everyone who owns, or is going to own or develop a property, in the City. The Plan outlines the rules for the future development of the City - and covers things like:

  • zoning
  • fencing
  • signage
  • subdivisions
  • building heights
  • trees
  • heritage areas
  • earthworks
  • construction
  • parks
  • hazards
  • power lines
  • rural areas
  • education centres
  • industrial buildings
  • site layouts
  • parking.

There is something for everyone in the District Plan!

Feedback on the current stage of the review will provide direction to the Mayor and Councillors as they move to the next phase.

Here is the link to the review document and more details about the District Plan review:

The next stage of the review is that the Mayor and Councillors listen to the feedback and make decisions that will then go out in August for formal consultation and submissions.

Please contact Nick Logan - 577 7000 for more information.