Missing person Te Awamutu
Police are concerned about the where abouts of:
Heather Jean COLE
64 years old
Mrs Cole left Greenhill Drive,Te Awamutu approximately 1730hrs on Wednesday 23rd September, heading to her address, which normally would take about 30 minutes and did not arrive home.
Mrs Cole was driving a green 2002 Jaguar X registered EDH171
She is described as:
5'4 in height
Slim Build
Black/Grey thick hair, neck line length
Brown eyes
and last seen wearing:
Brown corduroy pants with mauve stripe
Black hush puppy shoes like sneakers
Dark blue jacket
Possible areas, Te Awamutu, Tokoroa/Putaruru, Otorohanga, Cambridge, Hamilton
Please contact Te Awamutu Police 07 8720100 with any sightings or information.