Mountain proving simply good fun

Thursday 15 October 2009, 8:48AM

By Steve Brightwell



The economic recession may mean people making simple fun and, if recent training runs are any indication, there’ll be more fun than ever on Mt Putauaki during this month’s King of the Mountain Race.
Multiple Queen of the Mountain title holder Meagan Edhouse has been taking junior runners up onto the scree-covered slopes to get a feel for the course and reports that the number of young runners turning up has been impressive.
Edhouse had 25 front for what is not exactly an easy jog on Tuesday night, a sharp increase from the numbers seen pre-running the course in previous years.
She is optimistic at least one of her young charges will finish race day on Saturday October 31 with a Prince or Princess of the Mountain title.
In the boys’ case at least, the field is wide open with last year’s winner Camaro Floyd no longer eligible for the event which caters for entrants aged nine to 13 inclusive.
The girls’ category will see wannabe princesses having to topple Taumarunui’s Zara Murrihy who will be able to defend her title again this year.
In either class it will take a strong run with competitors heading up to more than 200m above sea-level before heading back to the Firmin Field start/finish line.
With numbers already looking encouraging, the race continues one of its own long-standing recession-busting traditions by providing all junior competitors with free entry.
There is however, just one small catch - unlike the King and Queen races - entries must be in by Friday October 24 and no late entries will be accepted.
Those aged 14 and over, and tackling the 800m climb to the Putauaki summit and back have a week longer to make up their minds with entry to that event being accepted right up until race day.
For a virtual preview of the fun check out All other details for both Prince/Princess and King/Queen races can be found on the website.


For further comment: Meagan Edhouse - Race Director 07 306 9009