Steve Brightwell

29 posts | 11 images

Department of Conservation Bay of Plenty Conservancy
Joined October 2007
5,851 profile views
News Images
Conservation 29 Oct 2014
Take a tent and go exploring this Conservation Week

BAY OF PLENTY — Pitching tents and exploring just over the fence are the key themes for this years’ Conservation Week from November 1-9.


News 28 Oct 2014
Eastern Bay of Plenty gets Virtually On Track

BAY OF PLENTY — The Eastern Bay of Plenty’s stunning backyard playground is about to get thrust into a new spotlight with a project called Virtually On Track.


Cycling 22 Aug 2013
Cyclists Hanlen and Walker spearhead kiwi effort

WHAKATANE — Kiwi Olympian cyclists Karen Hanlen (MTB) and Sarah Walker (BMX) have been getting behind a bunch of young kiwis in an attempt to make a real difference for the future.

Sarah Walker


Travel 19 Aug 2013
Rainforest Route limited time bonus attraction

HAWKE'S BAY — One of New Zealand’s most spectacular drives, Te Urewera Rainforest Route, has become even more spectacular with a temporary diversion.


Marine 21 Oct 2011
Beached As but Free Willy now

BAY OF PLENTY — A massive community effort ended in group hugs and cheers on Ohope Beach east of Whakatane early this afternoon as a stranded pygmy sperm whale headed safely out to sea.


Earthquakes 7 Mar 2011
Back country teams bring skills to urban disaster

CHRISTCHURCH — As emergency response personnel go building by building to establish the safety of Christchurch infrastructure, a small team whose focus is usually anything but urban is collating the mass of hand-written USAR records into a database for Civil Defence.

Back country teams bring skills to urban disaster


News 4 Mar 2011
'Lollipop man' keeping Hagley Park helicopter traffic safe.

CHRISTCHURCH — Handing out lollipops is not what you'd usually think of as "priority emergency response", but for the Department of Conservation's Shane Cross, it's all part of making helicopter movements safe and efficient in the wake of the Christchurch earthquake.

Department of Conservation's Shane Cross is the Hagley Park "lollipop man", co-ordinating helicopter movements in and out the central city emergency response air base.


News 4 Aug 2010
Rainforest Route looking for sealing fast-track

Sealing of a substantial part of the Te Urewera Rainforest Route may be heading for the fast-track, according to Ngai Tuhoe tourism operator Joe Doherty.


Conservation 15 Jun 2010
Weed shuts boaties from bay

HAWKE'S BAY — What should have been an inspection to confirm the continued eradication of an invasive aquatic weed, has instead put Lake Waikaremoana's Rosie Bay off limits to the public.


Conservation 23 Feb 2010
Whirinaki kokako are one in 100

BAY OF PLENTY — The first kokako chicks to hatch in the Whirinaki Forest in 100 years have just left the nest and are finding their feet in their new home.

Whirinaki kokako


Sport 27 Oct 2009
The Return of the King - Saturday, maybe...

BAY OF PLENTY — "The King is back", could be the catch phrase for six-times champion Chris Morrissey when the Norske Skog Tasman Kawerau King of the Mountain race takes places this Saturday, October 31.


Sport 15 Oct 2009
Mountain proving simply good fun

BAY OF PLENTY — The economic recession may mean people making simple fun and, if recent training runs are any indication, there’ll be more fun than ever on Mt Putauaki during this month’s King of the Mountain Race.


Sport 8 Oct 2009
King Corporaal favoured to retain title

BAY OF PLENTY — With less than four weeks until the annual Norske Skog Tasman Kawerau King of the Mountain Race, predictions are starting to firm up in favour of Galatea farmer Sjors Corporaal retaining the title he won for the first time last year.


News 19 Aug 2009
Revised saddle makes Moerangi a winner with riders

BAY OF PLENTY — It's not part of the great New Zealand cycleway, but a new opportunity in Whirinaki Forest Park opening on Saturday September 5 has certainly been greatly anticipated by the New Zealand cycling fraternity.


News 19 Aug 2009
Revised saddle makes Moerangi a winner with riders

BAY OF PLENTY — It's not part of the great New Zealand cycleway, but a new opportunity in Whirinaki Forest Park opening on Saturday September 5 has certainly been greatly anticipated by the New Zealand cycling fraternity.


News 12 Aug 2009
Jolly Green Giant making the Rainbow connection

BAY OF PLENTY — Once he was everywhere, featuring in some 400 television shows screened right around Planet Earth; these days Dr David Bellamy is a far less-spotted rarity.


News 5 Aug 2009
Accommodating folk geared up for Whirinaki celebrations

BAY OF PLENTY — With excitement building about celebrations to mark 25 years since milling ceased at Whirinaki Forest Park, organizers of the September 4-6 event are urging would-be visitors to get their accommodation arrangements nailed in place.


Conservation 8 Jul 2009
Kokako treat in store for Whirinaki visitors

BAY OF PLENTY — The reintroduction of endangered native birds to the forest and the backing of a fair-trade, organically-based business will give Septembers Whirinaki25 event a distinctly kokako flavour.

Kokako treat in store for Whirinaki visitors


News 24 Jun 2009
Visionary or dreamer? - David Bellamy fronts up

BAY OF PLENTY — It’s easy to be smart in hindsight, but fronting up in public 25 years after the fact to justify your bold predictions is a tad harder.


News 15 Jun 2009
Bellamy into Treetops for Conservation Cause

BAY OF PLENTY — Veteran conservation campaigner David Bellamy has a treetops stay lined up for his return to Whirinaki in September.


News 1 May 2009
Burying axes in Whirinaki Forest

BAY OF PLENTY — You could spend an awful long time looking for an axe buried in Whirinaki Forest Park.


Environment 22 Apr 2009
Tomorrow's dinner: Chips and Fish - hold the silt!

BAY OF PLENTY — There are more species of fish than there are plants, birds and animals combined.


News 3 Feb 2009
David Bellamy returning to Dinosaur Forest

Twenty-five years after he coined the phrase, Professor David Bellamy is returning to New Zealand's "Dinosaur Forest".


Fishing 22 Jan 2009
Marine conservation threatened by skippers at tournament

BAY OF PLENTY — Flagrant disregard for the boundaries of the Eastern Bay of Plentys only marine reserve, Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks), has tarred the Whakatane Tuna Tournament.


Environment 19 Nov 2008
Give a gift your country will thank you for

BAY OF PLENTY — When the pohutukawa flower early we are in for a hot summer.



Traffic 25 Jun 2008
Crash diversion gives motorists opportunity to explore.

BAY OF PLENTY — Motorists diverted along the western side of the Kaimai ranges south of Paeroa due to a crash in the Waikino Gorge have the opportunity to inspect some of the more spectacular heritage restoration work being undertaken by the Department of Conservation.


News 19 Jun 2008
Tarawera Trail treks to the tourist future

The Tarawera Trail – a proposed multi-day walking track around Lake Tarawera – can be a vital component in the Rotorua tourism industry and an important key to unlocking the aspirations of the hapu groups whose land the track will traverse say project partners Anaru Rangiheuea of Tuhourangi and Department of Conservation conservator Henry Weston.


Conservation 28 Apr 2008
Revolution afoot in Bay of Plenty

BAY OF PLENTY — There's a quiet revolution sweeping through the Bay of Plenty, winning the hearts and minds of its residents and changing the landscape as it passes.


Conservation 7 Mar 2008
Great conservation deal on table for Bay of Plenty

BAY OF PLENTY — A great deal is on the table for the Bay of Plenty community.