Arrest at court for possession of Airgun

Tuesday 18 May 2010, 3:14PM

By New Zealand Police



At 12.20pm today security staff at the Nelson District Court advised Police that two men had been seen with what appeared to be a pistol inside the Nelson Court.

Senior Sergeant Stu Koefoed of Nelson Police advised that armed police attended immediately and apprehended two men leaving the Court.

"Both men were arrested. One was found to be in possession of a high-powered air pistol which was secreted in his clothing together with ammunition for the air pistol. Both men were also found to be in possession of cannabis. Police are satisfied that, although this was an incredibility stupid thing to do, the man did not have an intention to use the air pistol to threaten anyone at the Court and that Court staff and the public were not exposed to any risk as a result. The pair have been charged with firearms and drug offences and will be appearing in Court at a later date. "

Senior Sergeant Koefoed praised Court staff for treating the mater seriously and immediately reporting the matter to police but marvelled at the stupidity of these men.