WAKE UP - making sense of ourselves and our world
Do you want to make sense of what appears senseless ?
Have you been feeling emotional, angry frustrated, over whelmed at what you see on the news each night? Have you been experiencing feelings of hopelessness or rage at the way politicians continue to run the country and the economy ?
Have you been feeling powerlessness at what is going on in the world and in your life
Have you been feeling annoyance at people around you – discovering you don’t really like your life, your partner, your job, or even your self ?
Are you resenting family demands, work demands, the driver in front of you
Are you experiencing health challenges, job loss, relationship loss, are you feeling adrift in the world
If you can answer yes to any of these questions then you are waking up from a deep sleep into a world that is insane
This insane world is imploding – the nightly news only brings you one disaster after another
Do you know what is really going on out there in the world ?
If you only look at what the main stream media choose to tell you then you will not be able to make sense of the world that is forming around you
all across the planet people are waking up and question themselves, politics – every thing like never before – all across the planet indigenous people are meeting and performing ceremonies that have never been performed before, for the recognise that our days ARE the times of their ancient prophesies
Do you see the moves underfoot to create a one-world government
DO YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND what is really going on ?
Are you feeling a Quickening a speeding up of every thing ?
Billions of people are all feeling the above – this is the first sign of stirring that one experiences when they begin to awaken from a deeply encultured comatose state of obedience to a system of beliefs that requires you to stay sleeping
There is a crisis within democracy – it is bought about by YOU waking up
Do you have an inner strength a source of god/goddess a faith, an understanding more expansive then yourself or the dogma of orthodox religion ?
This is the third documentary this group has made – they have taken all the facts, that many are experiencing and have seen a truth that is so powerful can help us understand who we are in a world that is radically changing
understanding this answers many of the feeling so many around our world are now beginning to question
go here for further information and to join with others who are waking up