New charges laid against shot Central Hawke's Bay man
Nine new charges will be laid in the Christchurch District Court sitting at the Nga Hau e Wha Marae today against a 48-year-old man shot and injured by police at Otane, Central Hawke’s Bay, on 20 October last year.
The man, who was transferred from hospital in Hastings to Christchurch for specialist medical care today faces:
• Two charges of threatening to kill
• Two charges of presenting an object like a firearm
• Two charges of burglary
• Two charges of unlawfully taking a motor vehicle
• Driving in a dangerous manner.
Police say the charges result from inquiries into alleged offending which culminated in an officer being confronted and threatened while stopping a vehicle which the 48-year-old was a passenger.
Superintendent Sam Hoyle, Eastern District Commander, said that investigations by the IPCA, and also by police including examining policy and procedure, are continuing.