Two students awarded Bluff Community Board Bursaries
Tuesday 31 January 2012, 9:29AM
By Bluff Community Board
The high calibre of applicants for the Bluff Community Board Bursary has led to two bursaries being awarded to Bluff students undertaking tertiary education this year, Community Board Chairperson Jan Mitchell said today.
Bursaries have been awarded to:
Raymond Whaanga who will be undertaking a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Management with a minor in Maori Studies at the University of Otago was awarded a three year bursary.
Chloe McKenzie who has already completed two years of a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours at the University of Canterbury was awarded a special two year bursary.
Mrs Mitchell said it was very pleasingáto see so manyáBluff ábursary recipients progressing onáto be outstanding and well respected personalities in the wider business world.
The Board congratulated the successful applicants and wishes them all the best in their academic endeavours, she said.