Taupo Police and Civil Defence: Stay indoors unless necessary

Tuesday 20 March 2012, 3:57PM

By New Zealand Police



Wild weather is causing power cuts, flying debris and falling trees in the Taupo District and Police and Civil Defence are advising residents to take a ‘common sense’ approach by staying indoors unless absolutely necessary.

Strong winds are battering the District and Metservice has forecast the weather to last for at least the next few days. Power cuts have affected parts of the Taup? CBD and surrounding areas. Trees and debris are causing some issues for motorist and pedestrians, with Taupo Police calling for common sense.

“If you don’t have to go outside, don’t. Please stay indoors for the time being. Flying debris and unpredictable weather make it dangerous to go walking or cycling outdoors for the next few days,” says Taup? Community Constable Barry Shepherd.

Motorists are advised to please drive carefully and be on the look out for hazards on the road.

Worst hit areas include Rakanui Road, Broadlands Roads and Centennial Drive, with fallen trees and minor damage to some buildings. The public are advised to avoid this area if possible. Taupo Police are applauding the attitudes of businesses in the area.

“From what we have seen most people are keeping inside, avoiding unnecessary injuries. Some roofing iron has come loose, and can cause serious harm if this was to hit someone.”

Police and Civil Defence will be monitoring the situation and will advise if conditions change.