Chelsea Primary School made noise for good health

Sunday 7 October 2012, 11:55PM

By Nelia Manansala Vanderwoude


New World Birkenhead partners Chelsea Primary School for good health
New World Birkenhead partners Chelsea Primary School for good health Credit: Mrs Kay Finlay
Free Flu Fighter Fruit Juice Bustled Up Chelsea Primary School
Free Flu Fighter Fruit Juice Bustled Up Chelsea Primary School Credit: Mrs Kay Finlay


Who says Maths is boring?

It isn’t when you integrate it into real-life situations! Not when Maths gets cross-linked to other learning areas and you enter a competition. Not when you make noise for good health and learn at the same time.

Last Thursday, (Sept 27) Year 3 and Year 4 Math students served 16L, 400 packets of iceblocks, slices of kiwi fruit, carrots and oranges in a FREE taste testing of the students' version of ‘Flu Fighter’ juice to all students, parents and other visitors coming in to school (from 8.30am till 8.50am).   Teachers Mrs V, Mrs Finlay and other parents helped served the juice that morning.

Chelsea School thanks New World Birkenhead for their generous donation of 80 kg of fruit and vegetables in support of our cause.

Students talked to the participants about the importance of eating 5+ a day fruit and vegetables and explained what the serving size difference is between a child and an adult.

Over than 3 days, students had been applying their learning in Maths in various strands of measurement - volume and capacity, weight and length, add/sub, fractions and geometry. Students estimated how much juice could be extracted from each piece of fruit used in their recipe, accurately read scales and got hooked in a mathematical inquiry lesson. All of a sudden they become aware of the labels in fruit packets, bags of fruit etc. 

Students also got excited about  the hands-on approach to learning Measurement through meaningful experiences and the prizes for the winning school such as an Ipad for the class and a whole week’s supply of fruit and vegetables for the whole school will be an added bonus.

In an environment of inquiry learning, students decided which recipes to use and which plans would be beneficial to the goals of the competition and to their personal learning in Maths. In the coming weeks, as a final plan, the students will come up with a jingle or rap about the benefits of 5+ a day of fruit and vegetables and will incorporate some Mathematical terms they have learned as a result of the activity. It will be shared on Space 3 High 5+ plus website and also on our school website on .

Browse how our Math students made noise for good health here.