Gardasil – Dodgy Science – Follow the money trail

J. James

Monday 18 January 2010, 9:48AM

By J. James


Reality check !! google images
Reality check !! google images Credit: some one with a good sense of humor

The NZ Family Planning Association received $614,000 from Merck Sharp & Dohme in 2008 …. $650,795 was given in 2009, an overall increase of 600% since they started promoting the HPV vaccine Gardasil.

Part II

When the HPV vaccination first came on the New Zealand market its $450 price tag for a series of three vaccinations was somewhat off putting. Sales were slow; this was the case all over the world. One of the ways to boost revenue for slow drug sales is to lobby the government into buying them. The FPA actively lobbied for New Zealand to buy into the trend; a guaranteed income for drug sales and Merck rewarded them well. Nothing wrong with that you say – perhaps …but….

In the face of mounting evidence and a rising tide of dead and injured girls, would this amount of funding negate speaking against Gardasil and the MoH vaccination program? 1

FPA Financial records –  2008 an 2009 scroll to end of report

Doctors offices all round the country are sending out letters to the target group of girls: But It’s not just one letter it’s three or in some cases four.

There seems to be a good deal of pressure being put on the parents of young girls and women to have the HPV vaccination by Doctors offices and schools. Could it be because the MoH is paying good money to get as much of the target demographic as possible: An entire generation of girls.

The Manawatu Standard under the heading - Schools hand girls' info to health board - By JANINE RANKIN reported that the privacy of hundreds of girls are being breached by schools giving pupils personal contact details to District Health Boards – why? – Could it be there’s a ca$h incentive.

In early 2009 Ian Wishart, in a piece entitled Schools Bribed to market Vaccines reported that…

“A letter sent by the Ministry of Education to school principals this week states that “To recognize the role that schools play in the program, the Ministry of Health will provide a one-off support payment to participating schools…the Ministry of Education will assist in the funding transfer to schools, by placing the Ministry of Health funds in participating schools’ accounts in April 2009, with the identifier, ‘HPV Payment’.”…..he goes on to say ….that …..“The letter, published first on a major blog site, discloses a base payment of between $200 and $300 per school depending on whether they have Year 8 classes, plus an additional $2.50 per female student eligible to receive the vaccine (years 8 to 13).
Some larger high schools could receive cash payments totaling several thousand dollars if they allow schools to be used to market and administer the vaccine to children.”

How neutral are these schools and district health boards in the face of the disturbing deaths and illness now replicating around New Zealand?

Will they withdraw their support?  We all know how underfunded schools are.

Who will speak out for the girls that have died and those now suffering debilitating adverse affects?

Remember all these girls and their parents were PRO vaccination.

We know whose speaking out for the Vaccine

We know it won’t be the main stream media which is the reason why so many citizen media sites and blogs have grown up over the years and why so many documentary films have been made and now doing the rounds in homes, bars, cafes, and other places, relying only on word of mouth.

Mainstream news controls what you see and hear; and by consequence the way you think and the things you believe or buy into.

As witnessed by ‘ What TV One news did NOT tell you” 

This Mainstream News channel, instead of warning parents of the dangers emerging overseas they deliberately gave parents a false sense of security by reiterating the standard ‘it’s ok ‘ response echoing around the world from both big Business and government health officials. They gave no warning that anything was amiss despite seeing the same information that I did and despite the rising tide of concern growing overseas at that time. They continue to do so.


Lets look at Reuters a ‘highly’ respected News agency that feeds the worlds dailies. It reported that few serious side effects were observed during trials conducted by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials to promote Merck's HPV vaccine, Gardasil. That news went all over the world even as young girls where dying and their health was ebbing away – and it is still happening right now.

Only a little digging, discovers that Thomas H. Glocer, the media mogul CEO of Reuters News Service is also director of Merck & Co Inc . He is also partnered with David Rockefeller in the worlds leading biotechnology trust called "Partnership for New York City (PFNYC). " Members of this trust advance the worlds largest companies creating global drug markets.” 

The hype coming out of the US via its news media is just that - hype – but its highly influential hype.

“Another instance of direct conflict of interest and vested interest comes from the influential US News & World Report, where vaccine industrialist and media mogul, Mortimer Zuckerman, Editor-in-Chief uses his publication to propagate the safety of the HPV vaccination. Mortimer Zuckerman advances vaccine research and development at the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Research Center (MBZRC) in association with the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Rockefeller University. The US News & World Report editor is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, largely directed by his partner, the honorary PNYC founder, David Rockefeller.”

And what are we to make of Mercks latest acquisition

Former CDC director Gerberding to lead Merck Vaccines

Who owns the media is an interesting story but not one that is within the scope of this commentary – however here is a snippet

“Who Owns The Media in NZ” by Professor Bill Rosenberg 

“In 1993, the London-based magazine “Index on Censorship” commented on the news media in Australia that Australians were “losing some of their liberty to dissent at a time when the country is undergoing profound changes and the need to ventilate dissent is critical. The causes of the weakening of dissent are not for the most part, the imposition of legal limits. Rather the chief cause is a potent increase in the concentration of media control in a few hands.” Saying the Australian media was being “colonised by new global powers”, it named Rupert Murdochs News Corporation and Conrad Black as dominating the Australian press. Kerry Packer as dominating magazines and television and Packer and Murdoch as about to dominate pay television. If the concentration of control in Australia in 1993 was leading to a loss of liberty to dissent at a critical time in Australia, the loss is even more likely in New Zealand today.”….


“There is mounting evidence that journalists are experiencing unacceptable pressure to change what they write. A 2007 survey of 514 New Zealand journalists reported in the Pacific Journalism Review 568 found that more than half of those that answered this question [on commercial pressures and media freedom] (55%, n=213) agreed that newsrooms had been pressured to do a story because it related to an advertiser, owner, or sponsor”

Which is why you would never have heard the information that follows in the Mainstream media. Thus your ‘informed’ choice is limited to what Main stream media tells you unless you take the time and do your own research.

Prestigious and trusted peer reviewed medical journals have also been affected 

Vaccine Studies: Under the Influence of big Pharma

This report reveals ….“In Conclusion Publication in prestigious journals is associated with partial or total industry funding, and this association is not explained by study quality or size.”

Meaning it’s not the quality of the science or even the accuracy of the science – that falls by the way side - it’s all about the MONEY!!

Further in the article the writer comments ……“It is time for medical journals to disclose all financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry. It is time for studies questioning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines to receive a fair hearing. In scientific journals rather than editors confining themselves to primarily publishing studies funded by the pharmaceutical industry maintaining that every vaccine is totally safe, effective and necessary……..Kudos to the British Medical Journal for having the integrity to publish Jefferson's comprehensive analysis of pharmaceutical money influence on vaccine studies published in the medical literature.”

The Truth is that as far back as 2001 it was known that HPV alone DID NOT cause cancer. This is NOT what the hype says about Gardasil – the HYPE says that it does which is why you MUST get this vaccine

The minutes from the FDA Biological Products Advisory Committee, 28th November 2001, clearly lay it out when Dr Elizabeth R. Unger stated…

"So it is believed that infection alone is insufficient to cause cancer, and additional factors are required for neoplasia.” (Means literally new growth, usually refers to abnormal new growth and thus means the same as tumor, which may be benign or malignant.)

Report available here (p. 21)

This is at the core of Merck$ Billion dollar $cam and because it is so important I will quote verbatim a news letter by Cancer Monthly dated December 10th 2007.

Gardasil - the Cervical Cancer Vaccine - FDA Approval Not Based On Actual Cancer Prevention 

“The FDA-approved cervical cancer vaccine "Gardasil," has been debated for a number of reasons including its cost of $360 (plus the cost of doctors visits to get the shots) and the fact that it is approved for young girls and the moral and sexual implications associated with this. Up until recently however, no one challenged the vaccine on the grounds of its presumed safety and efficacy. The fact that it is FDA approved was considered prima facie evidence that the vaccine is both safe and effective.
We must remember however, that the FDA approved Gardasil is an agency with countless conflicts of interest that has approved drugs and vaccines that were later found to be dangerous or deadly such as Vioxx and RotaShield.”

* Note – both these cases reveal the same thing happening again with Gardasil

“When Cancer Monthly began looking at the research that enabled this "cervical cancer vaccine" to receive FDA approval we were astounded to find that this approval was not based on the vaccine's actual prevention of cervical cancer. Instead a surrogate was used - precancerous lesions. We were pleased to see a recent article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that echoed these same issues - "Questions on Efficacy Cloud a Cancer Vaccine" April 16, 2007; Page A1. The WSJ stated, "The Food and Drug Administration didn't ask its panel of experts advising on Gardasil to rule on whether the vaccine specifically prevented the cancer itself." 

Cancer Not Measured

“How effective is Gardasil in decreasing the incidence of cervical cancer? 100%? 50%? No one really knows because this question has not yet been answered.

As of today, the Gardasil vaccine has never been proven to decrease the actual incidence of cervical cancer. In the studies that led to the vaccine's approval, the incidence of cervical cancer was not measured. Instead CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) 2/3 and AIS (adenocarcinoma in situ) were used as the surrogate markers for prevention of cervical cancer because according to the vaccine's insert "CIN 2/3 and AIS are the immediate and necessary precursors of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the cervix, respectively." While this is true it is also true that CIN 2/3 and AIS usually do not lead to cancer. For example, according to published data, CIN2 only leads to invasive carcinoma 5% of the time and CIN3 only leads to invasive carcinoma 12% of the time.

HPV Alone Insufficient to Cause Cancer
In addition, Gardasil is targeted against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) (types 6, 11, 16, and 18). However, during discussions at the FDA it was admitted that HPV alone is insufficient to cause cancer. Dr. Elizabeth Unger of the Centers for Disease Control stated, "So it is believed that infection alone is insufficient to cause cancer, and additional factors are required for neoplasia.

There are certainly lots of questions about HPV infection

This point is echoed in the medical text book Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology whose editors include Dr. Vincent DeVita, Jr. who was President of the National Cancer Institute and Dr. Steven Rosenberg, Chief of Surgery at the National Cancer Institute. According to this text,
"HPV infection is not sufficient for cervical carcinogenesis.

HPV the Correct Target?

This is of course quite rational. If HPV alone caused cervical cancer then the number of cases in the U.S. would be the same as the number of women with HPV infections. Since only a relatively small percentage of HPV infected women get cervical cancer this raises the question whether a vaccine against HPV is the right target at all?

In fact, according to the text Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, "In most studies, HPV status was not a strong independent prognosticator of outcome in cervical cancer patients; however there appears to be a trend for HPV-negative tumors to do worse …those tumors containing HPV DNA tend to be of an early stage and low grade." This suggests that if the goal is to reduce deaths from cervical cancer the target should not be HPV at all because the tumors without HPV actually "do worse."

Concern at the FDA

Obviously a vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer should have measured cervical cancer during testing, but it did not.

During meetings at the FDA, Dr. Karen Goldenthal of the FDA discussed this very point. She said, "Now, here is some advantages of cervical cancer as an endpoint. Clearly the major concern is cervical cancer. This would be viewed as very, very definitive data, and it may be easier to identify any unanticipated vaccine associated problems. "Nonetheless, the FDA did not require that the actual number of cervical cancers be measured.”

As a result we now have an FDA approved "cervical cancer vaccine" that is yet unproven to reduce or prevent cervical cancer.

Leap of Faith

As quoted in the Wall Street Journal article, Scott Emerson, a professor of biostatistics at the University of Washington who sat on the FDA advisory committee, says he's not persuaded the vaccine is worth the billions of dollars likely to be spent on it in coming years.   "I do believe that Gardasil protects against HPV 16 and 18, but the effect it will have on cervical-cancer rates in this country is another question entirely…There is a leap of faith involved," Dr. Emerson said.”     END

*See end notes in article proper. 

Professor Scott Emerson is not the only one thinking and saying such a thing. The vaccines chief researcher no less has said similar and more 

Dr. Diane Harper. The recipient of a Masters Degree in Public Health, is a Professor and Vice-Chair of Research at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, specializing in Community and Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bioinformatics and Personalized Medicine.

Dr Harper is an international expert on HPV, which was why she became the lead researcher in the Gardasil clinical trails. She has a bit more intimate relationship with the vaccine than many other commentators.   Dr Harper has been a consistent voice speaking out about its dangers and shortcomings including an interview on NZ National Radio when Gardasil was about to be released here. There are numerous articles on what she has said, the most recent from the Huffington Post, US, December 2009

Note - Read entire interview as I will only take out relevant bits for the purpose of this article

An Interview with Dr. Diane M. Harper, HPV Expert 

Right off the bat she says...

"The most important point that I have always said from day one, is that the use of this vaccine must be done with informed consent and complete disclosure of the benefits and harms of Pap screening and HPV vaccines. The decision to be vaccinated must be the woman's (or parent's if it is for a young child), and not the physician's or any board of health, as the vaccination contains personal risk that only the person can value.”

We know that this isn’t happening; only the benefits are being focused on and the harm minimized or ignored completely. Any one who tries to talk about the side affects and dangers is dismissed and put down as an “anti vaccination liar.” We know that both parents and young girls are under pressure from all sides including peer pressure at school with the slogan – “be wise – Immunize” – a catchy little propaganda phrase.

Remember however that all these parents and girls were once PRO vaccination. 

The interview

Interviewer - “Do you believe that the Gardasil vaccine, as it currently stands, could present more risks to a young girl or woman than the possibility of cervical cancer?

Dr Harper - "Pap smears have never killed anyone. Pap smears are an effective screening tool to prevent cervical cancer. Pap smears alone prevent more cervical cancers than can the vaccines alone. ….Gardasil is associated with serious adverse events, including death. If Gardasil is given to 11 year olds, and the vaccine does not last at least fifteen years, then there is no benefit. Only risk for the young girl. Vaccinating will not reduce the population incidence of cervical cancer if the woman continues to get Pap screening throughout her life.”

That’s worth repeating ….If the vaccine does NOT last for at least 15 years, and we know it DOESN’T it lasts for only 5 years – Then there is NO benefit and only RISK …..the vaccine will NOT reduce the population incidence of cervical cancer !!

Continue on and you will read evidence that Gardasil may actually increase the cervical cancer rate in the years to come.

What else has Dr Harper got to say

Interviewer“Has the original Gardasil marketing campaign of "one less" muddied the waters and misinformed the public, who heretofore believed that a Pap smear was sufficient to protect them from cervical cancer?”

Dr Harper - “Yes, the marketing campaign was designed to incite the greatest fear possible in parents, so that there would be uptake of the vaccine.”

And we are seeing how the pressure has been put on girls and parents in New Zealand. Fear has been the prime motivator of all government agencies to get people to buy into and support various agendas. Its always been used in selling vaccinations to parents through fear and guilt.

Interviewer – “Could you clarify the content and context of the statements that you made at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination in October 2009, which have been so widely read and misquoted? Specifically the reported quote, "The rate of serious adverse effects is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer."

Dr Harper - "The rate of serious adverse events reported is 3.4/100,000 doses distributed. The current incidence rate of cervical cancer in the United States is 7/100,000 women. This is what I said."

Ok lets stop a minute and review that sentence. What would this relate to in New Zealand? Since I am hopeless at math’s I found someone who had already worked it out – big thanks to you Cathy van Miert

Gardasil - The Mercky World of Anti-Cancer Vaccines

“How much does "One Less" cost?

The current incidence (new cases per year) of cervical cancer in NZ is 14 per 100,000 women - and one in three will die from the disease.

The cost of the 3 vaccinations required is $450.00. Once the GP fees are included (around $50.00 per visit) the total cost is roughly $600.00.

GSK's (glaxo Smith and Klien) rival cervical cancer vaccine was shown to have "efficacy [antibodies in the blood] for up to 4.5 years". If we assume Merck's vaccine to be slightly superior, and generously allow up to 5 years protection (and it is a big if) and then calculate the number of HPV 16 and 18 associated cancer incidence:

14 X 70% (HPV-associated cervical cancer) = 9.8 cases per 100,000
9.8 X 30% (non HPV 16, 18-associated cervical cancer = 2.94 per 100,000
9.8 - 2.94 = 6.9 per 100,000 women per year with an HPV16,18-associated cervical cancer
6.9 per 100,000 equates to a 1 in 14,492 chance per year of getting the type of cancer associated with the strains of HPV in the Gardasil vaccine.

Put another way, 14,492 females would have to be vaccinated to prevent one case of cervical cancer:

14,492 X $600 = $1,739,040
5 years

$1,739,040 X 3 = $5,217,120

To possibly prevent one death from cervical cancer”

 At the conference itself Dr Harper gave more revelations. This is a first hand account

Merck Researcher Admits: Gardasil Guards Against Almost Nothing

“Just as I began, in my own mind, to question ethics of mass vaccinations of prepubescent girls, Dr. Harper dropped another bombshell. “There have been no efficacy trials in girls under 15 years,” she told us…… “Merck did study a small group of girls under 16 who had been vaccinated, but did not follow them long enough to conclude sufficient presence of effective HPV antibodies.”
“If I wasn’t skeptical enough already, I really started scratching my head when Dr. Harper explained, “if you vaccinate a child, she won’t keep immunity in puberty and you do nothing to prevent cervical cancer.”

And this …..

Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell the US Bulletin October 2009

“This is not the first time Dr. Harper revealed the fact that Merck never tested Gardasil for safety in young girls. During a 2007 interview with KPC, she said giving the vaccine to girls as young as 11 years-old “is a great big public health experiment.”…..At the time, which was at the height of Merck’s controversial drive to have the vaccine mandated in schools, Dr. Harper remained steadfastly opposed to the idea and said she had been trying for months to convince major television and print media about her concerns, “but no one will print it.”

“It is silly to mandate vaccination of 11 to 12 year old girls,” she said at the time. “There also is not enough evidence gathered on side effects to know that safety is not an issue.”

When asked why she was speaking out, she said:

“I want to be able to sleep with myself when I go to bed at night.”

Here are some more disturbing FACTS about the actual HPV virus that few want you to know

“Thomas R Broker, President of the International Papillomavirus Society, made this comment at a talk:

“Papillomavirus is in, effectively, all the vertebrates: snakes, amphibians, birds, and almost all the mammals. This virus coevolved with the vertebrate kingdom, and it’s just part of what it is to be alive. It’s a virus that’s extraordinarily successful at persisting and passing itself down to the next generation not just in people but in any animal you’ve ever seen. So it’s something we just have to deal with.”


“There is a very large transfer of the virus amongst children and this study concluded that HPV‐16 DNA in children’s’ mouths was a transient event, and that the virus is most probably acquired from their peers.

In a 1994 study which found perinatal transmission of HP viruses 16 and 18 in 55% of babies, the authors cautioned that, “Information on the persistence of perinatally acquired human papillomavirus is required before rational vaccination programmes can be considered.”

Persistent HPV 16 and HPV 18 infection10 was found in infants in 1995, which led to those authors saying: “the observation that infection with high cancer risk genital HPVs may occur in early life and persist is of considerable importance for HPV vaccine strategies.”

In 1996 11 different researchers found the same thing, and listed studies which found HP16 viruses in children whose mothers did not have evidence of HP16.

Again, in 1998 researchers said: “Thus the traditional view that cervical cancer associated HPV infections are primarily sexually transmitted needs to be re‐ assessed...These facts are pertinent to those developing prophylactic vaccines to prevent high‐risk HPV infections and cervical carcinoma.”

See studies here

Dr Thomas Broker continues: “So, we know there are a huge number of these viruses, perhaps millions, and every time they turned around to look at someone, they found a new type.” He went on to say: “We also know that in the developed world, herpes viruses which cause clinical problems are mainly a problem for people whose immune systems are suppressed somehow.”

Researcher writer and concerned mother Cynthia Janak also came to this realisation via her investigation into Gardasil. In her article dated August 8th, 2009 and entitled Pandemic of Harm She explains

“Out of 1,000,000 females the likelihood of exposure to HPV at some time in their early lives is 97.4%. That gives us 974,000 females who may have been exposed to HPV previous to inoculation. If 44.6% of those females are at a greater risk of later life cervical cancer after inoculation then we will have 434,404 young women who by the time they reach middle age and have families could acquire cervical cancer via a persistent infection with HPV types in the vaccines.

This makes perfect sense when you look at the reports of genital warts popping up in young girls who are not sexually active after inoculation. To me this means that HPV is present in the body in some way because of prior exposure. …..

“In my opinion, what we have done by allowing this vaccination program to continue is that we have just put 97.4% of our youth at risk for cervical cancer”.

Sadly Cynthia and others just may be right.

And what about Menstruation ?

Vaccinating Teens During Menstrual Phase May Increase Adverse Reactions

“Every cycling woman, who is aware of the changes that her body goes through prior to menstruation, knows that she is more prone to infections, colds, fatigue, irritability and a general feeling of malaise at this time. All of these issues are a direct result of hormonal changes that are cycling through her entire body, from the brain right on down to the uterus. Why haven’t the clinical researchers, FDA/CDC oversight committees, gynecologists, pediatricians or family practice physicians who have approved and administered Gardasil® considered how the injection of this chemical cocktail might affect a still maturing female body that is least able to defend itself during the paramenstrum?”

Gardasil is also one of the first vaccinations that is genetically engineered

“Gardasil is made with GE virus-like proteins (VLP) that are obviously not the same as the HPV proteins and only resemble them," said Claire Bleakley, President of GE Free NZ in food and environment. "This raises the possibility of allergic reactions and changes in the immune system.

And why are our doctors not aware of what’s going on. One answer can be found in the heading of this article. If your selling Gardasil your not going to want Dr’s to take notice of any criticism are you so you wont tell them will you 


“Physicians have spoken and reps DO have a pivotal role in keeping physicians informed. According to a recent survey of physicians, 74% of respondents said they rely on pharmaceutical companies and their reps to stay informed about medications to treat certain conditions. The online survey conducted by S&R Communications Group also found that physicians considered gaining insightful information from representatives to be a higher priority than searching for relevant information on the web or through the FDA.”

NONE of this information is NEW – it’s been doing the rounds of news and health sites, blogs and alt radio shows for a few years now.

As seen in part one – web sites with forums for affected girls and their parents are everywhere and they make for sad reading as mothers feel guilt and devastation. After all they did what they were told was good for their daughters, they trusted the government, they trusted the MoH and they trusted their Doctors. Now that the money is in the bank no one wants to know them. Most doctors scoff at the idea that the sacred cow of medicine – a vaccine – could be responsible for any harm especially one that industry reps assured them is totally safe, side affect free and will be the he best thing since sliced bread. Thus mothers/parents and the suffering girls have zero support or voice.

Will ‘Inside New Zealand or 60 Minuets or Sunday contact these mothers, will they do a balanced piece giving significance to those whose voices are ‘off the radar’?

Will they put all this evidence on the table and do some real investigative journalism and tell the truth of these girls stories? Only time will tell, but please – don’t hold your breath.

Meanwhile Merck has protected itself from any liability for your daughters death or injury in what Erin Brockovich calls ……. 

“About as big a tort reform as I have ever seen.”

She goes on to say ….“I do not believe the big drug companies should be able to do what they want to do, unchecked. The high ceiling of damages is about the only thing that can touch, reach and affect a huge corporation. The problem with tort reform is that it is legislation designed to reduce liability costs through limits on damages and modification of liability rules. Simply, that means reducing the damage to fat cat Merck who has made upward of a billion and a half in profits, leaving behind a marketing battlefield scattered with the shells of sick and dying girls. (Even ONE is too many--what if she were YOUR daughter?) This kind of reform is meant to protect the corporation and allow them to keep raking in money hand over fist--over the bodies of our injured daughters.”

Speaking of making money hand over fist, did you know that the world actually has a Cervical Cancer Market? Yes you heard right but that’s the way the world does business these days – nothing personal its just all about money – your daughters are the pharmaceutical corporations cash cow.

The Cervical Cancer Market is Forecast to Show Significant Growth until 2016

In the face of all this evidence what can you do?
Remember your rights

Right 6: the right to be fully informed.
Right 7: the right to make an informed choice and give informed consent.

If you’re a concerned parent contact these web sites listed below. (both links are directories)
Seek registered alternative health care providers such as homeopaths  and naturopaths. 

It may be the only chance your daughter has of regaining her health

Vist these sites for help and advice

Women’s health action trust

 Read “GARDASIL – CARTWRIGHT’S DAUGHTER?” by Lynda Williams. An aptly named speech given at the annual luncheon to commemorate one of the biggest scams New Zealand had ever seen - The Cervical Cancer Scam.

Write to your local newspaper – send this article to your doctor – local MP – gather as much information as you can and pass it round. Stand strong in the face of ignorance and being seen as an ‘anti’ vaccination’ activist which you will probably be accused.

What we need to remember is that if people stop buying into the fear campaigns i.e. educate and don’t vaccinate - then there is no market. It is via the support of the masses i.e. buying into the hype and the fear that drives it - that big business continues to thrive.

I challenge all health official’s who are dispensing this vaccination to read this article, follow the links. Do your own research instead of buying into pharmaceutical spin and to take off your professional mask and stand in your humanness and speak out to the parents of affected girls – or have an open and public debate about this issue.

I know from experience that most health professionals are beautiful people who think that what they are doing is right and good, thus they fully believe the spin, support the spin and promote the spin without ever fully looking into the ‘other’ side of the spin – the victims side.   Its time for change.

Too much damage has been done already, and given what we know about the science and the history of pharmaceutical companies this vaccination needs to be STOPPED –and an official enquiry held and compensation paid to the families of affected girls NOW before we start seeing a real version of – “the children of men” that if we don’t wake up – could one day be our future

Post Script.

Over the last couple of days and just before I post this article, a few timely news items

Merck has now been given permission to expand its Billon dollar bus$nes$$ to include your sons and all females from the age of 12 – to 45 years

Britain apologizes 50 years after Thalidomide scandal

Prompting Thalidomide UK to remind us that ….

“The thalidomide disabilities was man-made by a drug, which could have been so easily avoided if the manufactures and suppliers had carried out the adequate testing on the drug. Those who were responsible for the marketing of the drug did not have a care for human life.”

Sixty years later - same story – different decade - new generation – déjà Vu

Other headlines that should alert our authorities that something is seriously wrong



And this, just so you know that they really don’t give a flying F%$# – they have enough money to fight anything

Seven billion dollars in fines for big pharma since May 2004... and they keep breaking the law

We now know that Gardasil is far from being adequately tested and its long-term affects are unknown. We do know however that it has the ability to cause large scale sterility, disability and death.
Counter act the MoH slogan ‘Be wise – Immunize”

Investigate before you vaccinate

** I would like to thank all those that helped me piece this article together – you know who you are – many thanks to all of you for posting it in other places and sending it far and wide.

I would like to dedicate this article to all the girls and young women who have lost their lives and those who are now suffering adverse reactions

Aroha wahine - it is the creative force that comes forth from the spirit