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Burford Ltd company is in the business of building concrete water tanks. They have been operating in the water tanks manufacturing & supply industry since the year 1958.

They design, build and supply the following products:

Concrete Water Tanks
Septic Tanks
Water & Effluent Systems
Concrete Sheds
Water Storage
Effluent Treatment Plants

Burford Ltd is based in Winton, Southland of New Zealand. A strong reason for Burford's continued success is the high quality standard of the products they produce. Some concrete tanks that were manufactured by Burford way back in 1958 still exist and are still in use up until today.

One specialized type of service that Burford offers is Water Tank Cleaning. This specialized cleaning service is only available for water tanks and not for septic tanks - this is to avoid all possible causes for cross contamination between the equipments they use for cleaning.

Burford Ltd is located in Gap Road West, No.1 R.D., Winton, 9781, Southland

You may contact them thru these numbers:
(03) 236 8731
027 453 5363

See other listings for Burford Ltd:

Septic Tanks listing on Finda
Water Tanks listing on Zoomin
Effluent Systems listing on Yellow

For more info about Burford Ltd, visit their website at


Joined October 2014
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