Work Law Limited - Employment Law - 0800 NoWinNoFee

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Joined January 2020
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Legal 22 Jul 2020
An Exit Package is the perfect way to leave your job

When an employment relationship has broken down, an exit package is often used to end the employment contract.


Employment 15 Jun 2020
What to do if you are faced with redundancy

AUCKLAND — Are you one of the thousands of New Zealanders who are facing redundancy this year? In this short video, we are going to cover the steps of a legally sound redundancy process in New Zealand. The loss of your job can leave you feeling incompetent, blindsided and insecure.


Legal 24 Jan 2020
Employees should take disciplinary meetings seriously

If you are ever given a letter inviting you to a disciplinary meeting you should carefully assess the risk that the result could be dismissal.  An employer is unlikely to be playing when they start the disciplinary process, their ultimate goal is very often to dismiss you and they are just following the correct legal process.


Legal 15 Jan 2020
Bullying in the New Zealand workplace. It's a big problem.

Bullying in the workplace has always been an issue and despite much being written about it there is still a very big problem with workplace bullying in New Zealand.

What to do if you are being bullied at work. Watch our helpful video.