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Roskill Community Voice was established in 2010 as Auckland approached the first Supercity election.
Here in Mt Roskill there was a real feeling that our community had not received its fair share for many years, and that our voice was not being heard on important issues. Many local people feared that this could become even worse under the highly centralised Supercity structure.
Our team came together to address these concerns and to give Roskill a strong voice in the new Supercity. We were also motivated by a number of key issues including the shameful and wasteful forcible eviction of Monte Cecilia School. We received strong support from the local community, and just months after forming, our candidates Michael Wood and Julie Fairey polled 1st and 3rd respectively in elections for the Local Board in Puketapapa.
We are guided by progressive political values and work within the broader City Vision team to achieve our objectives, while retaining our local focus and identity. We want to see an Auckland in which local communities are empowered, public assets are retained, public transport is made a real priority, and our rating system is made fairer.
AUCKLAND CITY — "Local residents feel kicked in the guts by the decision of three un-elected planning commissioners to allow the Warehouse Pah Rd development to proceed, and they have decided to take action", says Roskill Community Voice member of the Puketapapa Local Board Julie Fairey.
AUCKLAND CITY — "Despite strong opposition from local residents and organisations, and a Council planning report recommending against it, commissioners have granted a resource consent for the Pah Rd Warehouse proposal," says Julie Fairey, Roskill Community Voice member on the Puketapapa Local Board.
AUCKLAND CITY — "I am extremely disappointed that Auckland Council Officers have turned down a request from Roskill Community Voice and Cr Cathy Casey to extend the deadline for local residents to make a submission about the proposed 'Warehouse' store on Pah Rd", says Roskill Community Voice member of the Puketapapa Local Board Michael Wood.
AUCKLAND CITY — "We stand firmly behind the 'Mt Roskill Against More Liquor' group to oppose the establishment of the new bottle store on May Rd, and the further spread of off-license liquor outlets in Mt Roskill", says Roskill Community Voice spokesperson Michael Wood.
AUCKLAND CITY — "Yet another off-license liquor outlet opening in Mt Roskill is evidence that our call to re-introduce local liquor licensing trusts needs to be taken seriously", says Roskill Community Voice spokesperson Michael Wood.
AUCKLAND — "It is time for alcohol in our community to be controlled by the community", says Michael Wood a spokesperson for Roskill Community Voice, which is launching a policy to bring back community controlled liquor licensing trusts.
AUCKLAND CITY — "Another example of shambolic consultation", is how Roskill Community Voice spokesperson Michael Wood describes Auckland City's plans to significantly change one of Auckland's busiest roads, Dominion Rd.
AUCKLAND CITY — "The decision of the Auckland City Council to relocate Monte Cecilia School and demolish Liston Village, as well as the decision of the Auckland Transition Agency to support the Council's actions are a disgrace", say Garth Houltham and Michael Wood of the newly formed Roskill Community Voice team, which is contesting the Puketapapa Local Board election.