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Joined February 2007
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News 1 Mar 2007
Taranaki cricket players suspended after rampage

TARANAKI — Five Taranaki representative cricketers involved in a drunken vandalism rampage through Napier streets have been suspended from the team. Kolynn Tai has been given the longest suspension of 42 days, while Chris Cruikshank, who is also contracted to Central Districts, is out for 30 days, the Taranaki Daily News reported.


News 28 Feb 2007
No chooks just dope in the blazing henhouse

NORTHLAND — Auckland firefighters racing to rescue a shed full of chickens during an early morning fire this morning were surprised when instead of finding distressed hens they discovered 1000 cannabis plants. Police spokesman Kevin Loughlin told NZPA firefighters were called to the blaze at the Barretts Road chicken shed in Riverhead, 31km northwest of Auckland, at 5.


News 28 Feb 2007
Woman thrilled after leaky home appeal dropped

AUCKLAND CITY — Colleen Dicks can hardly believe a council insurer has dropped an appeal against paying $250,000 court-ordered compensation for her leaky home, her daughter says. In 1994 Waitakere City Council building inspectors approved the way Mrs Dicks' Hobsonville home was built.


Energy 28 Feb 2007
$1 million investigation into `bio-energy' options

One million dollars of taxpayers' money will be spent over the next 16 months on a state science company's assessment of the risks and opportunities in developing different "bio-energy" options. Scion, part of the former Forest Research Institute at Rotorua, will report on the potential for production of heat, power and liquid transport fuels from crops and other plant material.


Court 28 Feb 2007
Sex offender's extended supervision order quashed

A man whom the Court of Appeal described as "not what is colloquially known as a decent law abiding citizen" has succeeded in having an extended supervision order quashed. The 10-year order was placed on Jacob Rangaiti Peta by a district court judge in January last year when he was convicted on two counts of committing an indecent act with a girl under 12.


News 28 Feb 2007
Company ordered to pay another $24,000 for diesel

CANTERBURY — Christchurch manufacturer Steelbro NZ Ltd has been ordered to pay another $24,000 toward the clean-up cost resulting from a diesel spill in the Heathcote River in February 2005. Environment Canterbury (ECan) had appealed a previous District Court sentence comprising a $10,000 fine for Steelbro and $20,000 in clean-up expenses.


News 28 Feb 2007
Killer 'hospitalised' ex-girlfriend five times

AUCKLAND — Northland gang member Nathan Fenton's 14-year life of crime is over for the next 17 year at least. The 31-year-old gang member was jailed for life today for the savage murder of his teenage girlfriend which was a judge said was the result of prolonged, brutal attacke with a sawn off shotgun.


Education 28 Feb 2007
Government must bring down class sizes

New Zealand high school students are getting an average of six minutes of one-on-one time with each of their teachers, each week, says the Post Primary Teachers Association. The PPTA said it carried out a survey of class sizes at 66 schools around the country, which found students spent about half their time in classes with at least 25 others.