Te Ururoa Flavell

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Member for Waiariki, Maori Party Whip Member, Business Committee Member, Education and Science Committee Member, Standing Orders Committee

Joined August 2007
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Government 26 Jan 2012
Te Ururoa Flavell - Address at the launching of the Ainu Party, Japan

Ainumosir (Hokkaida), Japan Shiro san Shimizu san, Shizuesan, Kaizawasan, Naomisa Prof.


Government 23 Dec 2011
Speech : Address in Reply - Te Ururoa Flavell

Tēnā koe, Mr Deputy Speaker.


Maori 11 Oct 2011
Speech: WAI 262 - Insights and Perspectives -Te Ururoa Flavell

There are many reasons why is a perfect time to be speaking to the Ko Aotearoa Tenei: Report of the Waitangi Tribunal into claims concerning law and policy affecting Māori culture and identity (Wai 262).


Environment 7 Oct 2011
There better not be a cover-up in Tauranga says Flavell

TAURANGA — Maori Party MP for Waiariki, Te Ururoa Flavell, is standing behind concerns raised by his constituents in Tauranga that the Bay of Plenty Regional Council is downplaying the grounding of a cargo ship on the Astrolabe Reef near Tauranga.


Government 6 Oct 2011
Speech: General Debate - ' The impact of discretion in the justice sector' - Te Ururoa Flavell

GENERAL DEBATE Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki Wednesday 5 October 2011; 3.10pm In Question-time yesterday, the Minister of Police; when asked about the levels of reported crime in New Zealand, made an interesting admission, and I quote: “Frankly, focusing on someone’s race is not going to make it any better”.


Government 6 Oct 2011
Speech: Subordinate Legislation (Confirmation and Validation) Bill No.3 - Te Ururoa Flavell

Subordinate Legislation (Confirmation and Validation) Bill No.3 Te Ururoa Flavell; MP for Waiariki Wednesday 5 October 2011; 4.40pm I want to firstly mihi to Simon Power – the departing member – who has worked so hard with the Maori Party; not just in the Business Committee; but also on issues of mutual interest.


Government 6 Oct 2011
Speech: Review of Standing Orders Committee - Te Ururoa Flavell

Review of Standing Orders : Report of the Standing Orders Committee Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki Wednesday 5 October 2011 I am pleased to stand here today, to acknowledge the important amendments that have been made to the Standing Orders.


Maori 5 Oct 2011
Speech: Victims of Crime Reform Bill; Te Ururoa Flavell

As other members of the House have said tonight, the Victims of Crime Reform Bill amends the Victims’ Rights Act 2002, the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989, the Parole Act 2002, and the Sentencing Act 2002.


Government 28 Sep 2011
Sleepover (Wages Settlement) Bill - Te Ururoa Flavell

Sleepover (Wages Settlement) Bill Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki Tuesday 27 September 2011 The Maori Party is proud to support this bill; as an important recognition of the vital work that is done in supporting some of our most vulnerable people.


Government 20 Sep 2011
Flavell condemns National's actions in making the unlawful lawful

Te Ururoa Flavell Maori Party WHIP | MP for Waiariki Monday 19 September 2011 Waiariki MP Te Ururoa Flavell has condemned the panic reaction of the National Government in responding to the Supreme Court Urewera judgement by seeking to pass temporary legislation under urgency next week.


Water 20 Sep 2011
SPEECH: Te Ururoa Flavell - 16th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology, WaterMicro 2011

ROTORUA — This morning in the powhiri that formally welcomed you, our manuhiri, our visitors from outside of Te Arawa to our tribal lands, mention would have been made of our marae, our tribal homes.


Government 19 Sep 2011
Speech : Student Loan Scheme Amendment Bill. Te Ururoa Flavell

WELLINGTON — Student Loan Scheme Amendment Bill.


Police 19 Sep 2011
Flavell asks when is the law above the law?

NORTHLAND — The revelation on Friday that police officers used illegal methods to gather evidence, while conducting their 2007 raids in Te Urewera, will impact on the public confidence in the police says Waiariki MP Te Ururoa Flavell.


Rugby 16 Sep 2011
Speech: Rugby World Cup urgent debate - Te Ururoa Flavell

AUCKLAND CITY — Urgent Debate Thursday 15 September 2011; 3.48pm Application to extend Queens Wharf for ‘Fanzone’ Tënä koe.


Maori 14 Sep 2011
Speech: General Debate - Te Ururoa Flavell

GENERAL DEBATE 14 September, 2011; 3.20pm Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki There has been a lot said today about the Rugby World Cup – so let me take you all to another place; a day back in history.


Education 7 Sep 2011
Speech: Education (Freedom of Associations) Amendment Bill - Te Ururoa Flavell

WELLINGTON — Mr Chair; I want to take a call on clause nine – the transitional provisions, and in particular the direction that this section applies to any student with an establishment date of 1 January 2012.


Gambling 25 Aug 2011
Call for Gambling Harm Bill renewed

ROTORUA — Maori Party MP for Waiariki, Te Ururoa Flavell says that the fact that Rotorua is amongst the top ten gambling cities in Aotearoa is devastating and something that the Rotorua District Council should be looking at very closely.


Marine 19 Aug 2011
Speech : Aquaculture Legislation Amendment Bill - Te Ururoa Flavell

Aquaculture Legislation Amendment Bill : Third Reading Thursday 18 August 2011; 8.15pm Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki I am pleased to stand and talk to this Bill simply because today has been a rather negative day and I am pleased to say we are right behind this Bill 100 percent.


Economy 18 Aug 2011
Taxation (Tax Administration and Remedial Matters) Bill - Te Ururoa Flavell

Taxation (Tax Administration and Remedial Matters) Bill - third reading Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki Wednesday 17 August; 8.15pm In talking to this bill, the Taxation (Tax Administration and Remedial Matters) Bill I want to make a few comments.


Government 17 Aug 2011
Speech: Freedom Camping Bill - Te Ururoa Flavell

TE URUROA FLAVELL (Māori Party—Waiariki)245FLAVELL, TE URUROA20:25:10TE URUROA FLAVELL (Māori Party—Waiariki): Tēnā koe Mr Chairperson.


Gambling 11 Aug 2011
Speech : Vote Internal Affairs - Gambling : Te Ururoa Flavell

TAURANGA — Tuesday, 9 August 2011 9:26 PM ESTIMATES DEBATE In Committee - Vote Internal Affairs TE URUROA FLAVELL (Māori Party—Waiariki)245FLAVELL, TE URUROA21:26:22TE URUROA FLAVELL (Māori Party—Waiariki): Kia ora anō tātou.


Government 10 Aug 2011
Korero: Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill - Te Ururoa Flavell

Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill Third Reading TE URUROA FLAVELL, MP FOR WAIARIKI: Tēnā koe, Mr Assistant Speaker Robertson.


Government 9 Aug 2011
Maori Party welcomes support of other parties for milk price inquiry - Te Ururoa Flavell

Waiariki MP Te Ururoa Flavell has welcomed the commitment that Government and Opposition parties have given towards establishing a parliamentary select committee inquiry into the price of milk.


Government 20 Jul 2011
Need for certainty around deep-sea drilling says Flavell

NORTHLAND — Te Ururoa Flavell, the sponsor of a bill to ensure real consultation and ongoing engagement with iwi, hapu and whanau in relation to permits sought under the Crown Minerals Act 1991, has spoken out about the need for certainty in decisions around deep sea drilling in Northland and the Reinga Block.


Government 19 Jul 2011
Whanganui Iwi (Whanganui (Kaitoke) Prison and Northern Part of Whanganui Forest) On-account Settlement Bill

Third Reading; Tuesday 12 July 2011; Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki Tēnā koe anō hoki, Mr Assistant Speaker Robertson, i tēnei pō.


Government 19 Jul 2011
Speech: Weathertight Homes Resolution Services (Financial Assistance Package) Amendment Bill - Te Ururoa Flavell

Third Reading; Tuesday 12 July 2011; Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki Tēnā koe, Mr Assistant Speaker Robertson.


Maori 19 Jul 2011
Speech: TVNZ Amendment bill - Te Ururoa Flavell

Television New Zealand Amendment Bill Third Reading; 12 June 2011 Te Ururoa Flavell, Maori Party MP for Waiariki Tēnā koe, Mr Deputy Speaker.


Maori 13 Jul 2011
Korero : Regulatory Standards Bill : First Reading - Te Ururoa Flavell

Regulatory Standards Bill : First Reading Te Ururoa Flavell, Waiariki Kia ora tātau e te Whare, tātau kua hoki mai i uta, i tai, ki roto i ngā pakitara o te Whare, me te mōhio anō hoki, koinei te Wiki o te Reo Māori.


Internet 25 May 2011
Māori Party negotiates UFB - another means of hearing the Maori voice

Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki, is thrilled that Nga Pu Waea, the Maori working group set up to look after Maori interests in broadand, has had its mandate extended to include the urban Ultra Fast Broadband.


Media 13 May 2011
RNZ's Decision to Cut Watea News needs Proper Scrutiny

Radio New Zealand’s decision, to stop broadcasting Watea News bulletins as a cost-cutting measure, needs proper scrutiny, says the Maori Party.


Maori 28 Apr 2011
Regional Council decision to fly Maori Flag ˜honourable'

BAY OF PLENTY — Maori Party MP for Waiariki, Te Ururoa Flavell congratulates the Bay of Plenty Regional Council on their decision to consider flying the Maori flag, not only on Waitangi Day, but on other days of significance.


Education 6 Oct 2010
Maori Party congratulates ERO on Bold Report

Education spokesperson for the Maori Party, Te Ururoa Flavell, has commended the Education Review Office for its clear message to schools, that no school can be considered to be high performing unless the school can demonstrate that most of its Maori learners are progressing well and succeeding as Maori.


Alcohol 29 Sep 2010
Sale of Liquor (Objections to Applications) Amendment Bill

Second Reading, Wednesday, 22 September 2010.


Maori 13 Aug 2010
Te Huarahi Tika o te Tino Rangatiratanga mai i te Whakawhaungatanga kokiritia me te kotahitanga

ROTORUA — Maori Mai, Maori Atu : Grass Roots Oranga Hui : Nga Ngaru Hauora Annual Hui Thursday 12 August 2010 Heritage Hotel, Whakarewarewa, Rotorua Te Huarahi Tika o te Tino Rangatiratanga mai i te Whakawhaungatanga kokiritia me te kotahitanga Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki This is a most appropriate time to be coming together to discuss the pathway forwards self-determination.


Football 17 Jun 2010
Flavell welcomes Maori soccer aspirations

Maori Party sports spokesperson Te Ururoa Flavell says it is great that Maori know they have a place in the world’s most popular sport because of the stunning performances of Leo Bertos, Jeremy Christie, Rory Fallon and Winston Reid in the 2010 FIFA World Cup.


Politics 10 Feb 2010
He Whakautu Korero ki te Pirimia

Kua puta te mahere rautaki o Nahinara mo te tau e heke mai nei, engari ara ano tëtahi korero kaore i tino korerohia.


Politics 16 Dec 2009
Speech: Local Government (Auckland Law Reform) Bill

Kia ora tātou e te Whare.


Entertainment 24 Nov 2009
Waiariki MP congratulates the new 2009 Australian Idol

Waiariki MP Te Ururoa Flavell was delighted to hear the news of Ngai Te Rangi 18 year old, Stan Walker, winning the Australian Idol competition on Sunday night.


Politics 30 Oct 2009
MP calls for disciplinary action over councillors racist rant

WHAKATANE — Maori Party MP for Waiariki Te Ururoa Flavell has called on Whakatane Mayor Colin Holmes and his District Council colleagues to take disciplinary action over the racist rantings of Councillor Russell Orr.


TV 21 Oct 2009
Urgent Debate: Maori Television Service

Tn koe, Mr Speaker.


Motoring 14 Oct 2009
Land Transport (Enforcement Powers) Amendment Bill - Second reading

The last month has provided more than enough reason for this Bill to be progressed through the House.


Motoring 1 Jul 2009
Speech: Motor vehicle sales amendment bill

Kia ora ttou. That was a very good choice of yours, Mr Assistant Speaker, if I say so myself, with no disrespect to Amy Adams.


Crime 1 Jul 2009
Speech: Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Bill

Kia ora, Mr Assistant Speaker Roy. Kia ora ttou katoa i tnei pM.


Politics 18 Jun 2009
Speech: Public Works (Offer back of and compensation for acquired land) Amendment Bill

Mr Speaker, the Minister for Land Information revealed today a staggering list of delays and deferrals associated with the many reviews of the Public Works Act, the most recent of which in 2001, attracted some 90 submissions from Maori  more than 30% of all submissions received  which clearly shows the level of interest that Maori have in this issue.


Politics 18 Jun 2009
Speech: Public Works Amendment Bill : Buy Back of Land

When the Public Works (Offer Back of and Compensation for Acquired Land) Amendment Bill was drawn out of the ballot on 26 July 2007, who would have thought that two years later a major hui would gather at the Copthorne on Oriental Bay; to set the foundation for that Bill to be read a very first time in Parliament later that day?


Traffic 3 Jun 2009
Speech: Vehicle confiscation and seizure

The phenomenon of boy racing is not one of the biggest problems confronting Ngongotah in Rotorua where I live, so I needed to look a little bit wider throughout my electorate to see the extent of boy racing across the Waiariki electorate.


Politics 3 Jun 2009
Speech: A question of privilege and freedom of speech- Te Ururoa Flavell

Inquiry into a matter of privilege about the exercise of freedom of speech in the context of court orders Te Ururoa Flavell, Privileges Committee member, Maori Party   Tuesday 2 June 2009; 3.40pm   I would have to say that when I was first appointed a Member of Parliament in 2005, I would never have considered that part of my role would be considering the principle of comity.


Politics 27 May 2009
Speech: Te Ururoa Flavell - Housing NZ Corporation

Debate on the performance and current operations of Crown entities, public organizations and State enterprises.


Council 14 May 2009
Speech: Auckland representation

AUCKLAND — koe, Mr Deputy Speaker.


Gambling 13 May 2009
Gambling Amendment Bill (No 2)

Tn koe, Mr Deputy Speaker.


Religion 7 May 2009
Methodist Church of New Zealand Trusts Bill 2009

Tn koe, Mr Assistant Speaker.


Education 1 May 2009
Student Loan Scheme (Repayment Bonus) Amendment Bill

The repayment of student loans is one of those dark, looming clouds that our whanau faces when we look to the future.


Politics 30 Apr 2009
Protected Disclosures Amendment Bill

Exactly one month ago, my colleague, Rahui Katene, stood at the second reading of this Bill and spoke to the concepts of accountability, transparency, credibility as at the core of this legislation.


Education 29 Apr 2009
Education Amendment Bill

Earlier today, the Minister of Health outlined the strong actions taken by teachers at Rangitoto College, to protect the health and safety of students recently returned from Mexico.


Politics 29 Apr 2009
Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Bill

For most Maori, the concept of a Private Investigator is about as real as the lifestyle of PI Magnum - the television show which featured a Private Investigator living in an island paradise, working when he wanted to, having access to a constant stream of beautiful women and an overflowing beer fridge; driving a Ferrari 308 GTS and bumbling from one adventure to the next.


Maori 10 Apr 2009
Waiariki MP hopes Waitangi Tribunal report on Te Urewera claims is widely read

The MP for Waiariki - Te Ururoa Flavell - says people who don't believe Maori have reason to complain about the effects of colonisation and European settlement on them should read the Te Urewera claims report, part one of which has just been released by the Waitangi Tribunal.


Politics 25 Mar 2009
Insolvency Amendment Bill

Sometimes the listeners who tune into the Parliament Channel, must wonder at the value of terminology such as the Official Assignee; the No Asset Procedure; Preferential Creditor, Crown Preference and the like.


Politics 25 Mar 2009
Corrections (Contract Management of Prisons) Amendment Bill 2009

The Maori Party says from the very start that we have got to do things better in dealing with returning those in prison back to the community to stay and to live positive and productive lives.


Alcohol 11 Mar 2009
Sale and Supply of Liquor and Liquor Enforcement Bill

Members might know that I do not drink too much these days but I find myself thinking that I may be a bit of a hypocrite talking about this sort of bill about the rights and wrongs of drinking or purchasing liquor.


Alcohol 4 Mar 2009
'Wasted ' - Alcohol Advisory Council Amendment Bill: Te Ururoa Flavell

CHRISTCHURCH — I am told that today’s Christchurch Press has all the reasons why we need to amend the Alcohol Advisory Council Act in relation to the levy imposed on all alcoholic beverages manufactured in, or imported into, Aotearoa   A study of 12,000 young people found the onset of drinking "goes up very steeply from age 12, and that children as young as age four are trying alcohol”.


News 2 Mar 2009
Waiariki MP congratulates local tourism award winner

TAURANGA — A Maori tourism company from Tauranga who won a global award for their sustainable tourism website had to beat the best of indigenous operators to win the popular choice award, according to Waiariki MP Te Ururoa Flavell.


Politics 17 Feb 2009
Speech: Creating Strength and Kaupapa

Thank you for the invitation to be here.


Maori 11 Feb 2009
Ka mate, ka ora

Tena tatou.


Crime 29 Jan 2009
Maori MP devastated at loss of life because of gang thuggery

The MP for Waiariki  Te Ururoa Flavell  is asking the question What is going on in our society when a group of people go to a tangi in a place like Murupara and a young man like Jordon Herewini ends up being brutally murdered?


Rugby 19 Dec 2008
Going, Going&Gone  Maori Party Angered by loss of NZ Maori

The decision by the NZ Rugby Union to cast aside the NZ Maori team in their effort to cut costs, has been greeted with dismay by Maori Party sports and recreation spokesperson, Te Ururoa Flavell.


Politics 24 Oct 2008
Ignore our Young at your peril says Maori Party

The Maori Party is calling on all political parties to lift their game in respects of young New Zealanders.


Politics 17 Oct 2008
Speech: Our People are our Greatest Wealth

The Maori Party is not going to be announcing any policies to get tough on teenagers; to send youth to boot camps; to focus on youth crime.


Politics 8 Oct 2008
Speech: Working together to eliminate abuse and violence

WHAKATANE — I spent yesterday in Whanganui attending the tangi of Rangitihi Tahuparae; at Putiki Marae on the banks of the Whanganui River.


Maori 25 Sep 2008
Speech: Taranaki Whanui ki te Upoko o te Ika

Port Nicholson Block – Taranaki Whanui ki te Upoko o te Ika Claims Settlement Bill 2008.


Maori 25 Sep 2008
Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu Claims Settlement Bill

E nga iwi o te kainga kua tau mai ki te whare Paremata i tenei rangi, nau mai, haere mai.


Health 24 Sep 2008
Cigarettes kill  even the light and mild ones

“Cigarette companies calling their products ‘light’ and ‘mild’, is like weapon factories calling their bullets ‘nice’ and ‘pleasant’,” said Hone Harawira, Maori Party MP for Tai Tokerau, and spokesman for the Tobacco Out of Aotearoa campaign.


Politics 24 Sep 2008
Tribunal claims wiped in Treaty settlement process  Maori Party

Maori Party MP for Te Waiariki, Te Ururoa Flavell, says long-standing Waitangi Tribunal claims have been wiped by the Crown without the knowledge or agreement of the claimant.


Politics 23 Sep 2008
Question of Privilege - Te Ururoa Flavell

ATena koe, Madam Speaker.


Maori 14 Sep 2008
Reckoning Day for Indigenous Rights

Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki, has today commemorated the first anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a bitter-sweet day of reckoning for tangata whenua.


Politics 10 Sep 2008
Maori Party fights to protect Treaty settlements under ETS

The Maori Party invoked the recommital procedure in a last-ditch effort to protect the integrity of treaty settlements, threatened by the Emissions Trading Scheme.


Politics 6 Sep 2008
Speech: Companies (Minority Buy-out Rights) Amendment Bill

It has always concerned me that politicians are rated the lowlife in a long list of respected professions.


Politics 5 Sep 2008
Speech: The tyranny of tobacco over the lives of tangata whenua

There is always the risk with the rush of urgency that some minor, technical amendment will slip in under the radar which has wide-ranging repercussions.


Education 3 Sep 2008
National response needed to violence and disruption in schools  Maori Party

Violet and disruptive behaviour at school is a symptom of deep and complex issues in communities and within families, which need urgent attention, according to the Maori Party.


Politics 27 Aug 2008
Judicature Amendment Bill

It is somewhat of an irony, we in the Maori Party reckon, to be considering yet another Bill which presents for debate a set of rules to help determine and assist the practice and procedures of in this case, the High Court.


Politics 27 Aug 2008
Speech: Walking Access Bill

As I understand it, there was a key statement that appeared throughout some of the 136 submissions received from the public about this Bill.


Education 20 Aug 2008
Labour Introduces Shoemaker Education System

The Maori Party has discovered the Government is re-introducing an education system based on a 19th century classic from the Tales of the Brothers Grimm.


Politics 6 Aug 2008
Speech: Aquaculture Legislation Amendment Bill

Mr Speaker I don’t know if you’ve heard of a good Te Arawa gentleman, a gentleman by the name of Arthur Bloch, author of Murphy’s Law, summed up this Bill in one short sentence, “If you improve or tinker with something long enough, eventually it will break or malfunction”.


Health 31 Jul 2008
Vote Health - The systematic deficit that we might call racism

The first sentence in the report of the Health Committee on 2008/09 Estimates for Vote Health should have made us feel pretty good.


Deaths 22 Jul 2008
Urgent Debate - Death of Debbie Ashton

We in the Maori Party, rise to offer our sincere sympathies to the whanau of Debbie Marie Ashton, who tragically lost her life on 5 December 2006.


Maori 21 Jul 2008
Maori control of Maori language institutions - Maori Party

Maori language promotion must be a joint effort between Treaty partners  and the public institutions responsible must be accountable to both Maori and the Crown, says the Maori Party.


Politics 3 Jul 2008
Land Transport Management Amendment Bill

Tena koe Mr Speaker.


Politics 3 Jul 2008
Speech: Palmerston North Showgrounds

PALMERSTON NORTH — Kia ora tätou, kia ora tätou te Whare.


Politics 2 Jul 2008
Bishop Suter and Bishop Bennett - Te Ururoa Flavell

Tena koe Madam Speaker.


Politics 28 Jun 2008
Speech: Te Ururoa Flavell to National Customary Fisheries Forum

Our research team found me an interesting story in preparing to be with you all today.


Maori 24 Jun 2008
Treaty Settlements - appropriations debate: Te Ururoa Flavell

I rise to contribute to this debate, in referring to Vote Treaty Negotiations.


Maori 24 Jun 2008
Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu Claims Settlement Bill

Kei nga iwi o te kainga kua tau mai ki te whare paremata i te rangi nei, tena tätou katoa.


Politics 18 Jun 2008
Speech: ACC: Although the frond will eventually die, it need not wither or die so soon or before its time

Mr Speaker, at first impressions, the purpose of this Bill is pretty good.


News 17 Jun 2008
Notice of Motion - Monte Ohia and Sonny Sewell

The following notice of motion was raised in the House today by Member of Parliament for Waiariki, Te Ururoa Flavell.


Politics 30 May 2008
Entrenchment of Maori seats is good for democracy - Maori Party

Maori seats will remain until Maori want them abolished, and that is the aim of the Maori Party’s Private Members’ Bill to entrench the Maori seats, says Maori Party Treaty spokesperson Te Ururoa Flavell.


Politics 28 May 2008
Speech: Of Maori Business, Maori wardens and Mataatua - Te Ururoa Flavell

In the hakari of offerings that is called Budget 2008, the Maori Party wants to move from the kongakonga-the crumbs, to focus on the miti in the menu for Maori.


Politics 23 May 2008
No Relief in Budget for Those Most in Need

“It has become blatantly apparent that Budget 2008 has nothing to eliminate real poverty,” said Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Waiariki.


Politics 23 May 2008
Speech: The Big Deal Budget

The tax cuts programme is apparently all about fairness and social justice, according to the Minister in his speech earlier.


Rugby Sevens 17 May 2008
Maori Party salutes Maori Women's Rugby Sevens team at international series

You go, girls said Te Ururoa Flavell, as the undisputed World No 1 womens rugby sevens team prepares to take the field in Amsterdam this evening for the Heineken International tournament.


Maori 16 May 2008
Leadership and commitment essential  Maori Party

Leadership and commitment are essential if Maori students are to reach their full potential through education, says Te Ururoa Flavell.