University of Otago

462 posts | 45 images

As New Zealand's first university, founded in 1869, Otago has earned an international reputation for the quality of its research and teaching. In 2007 Otago will have over 20,000 students enrolled and has a presence in each of the four main cities of New Zealand - Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. The academic and administrative centre of the University continues to be located in Dunedin, where the majority of students live and work. 

Joined October 2007
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Education 15 Apr 2013
Nutrition researcher awarded international prize

A leading University of Otago nutritionist, Professor Rosalind Gibson, has been awarded the 2013 Kellogg International Prize in Nutrition.


Conservation 9 Apr 2013
Dolphins Down Under: Understanding the New Zealand Dolphin

New Zealand dolphins, also known as Hector's dolphins, are fascinating and beautiful animals.

Release date: April 2013, Otago University Press. Paperback, 210 x 170 mm, 96 pp, colour throughout.


Education 11 Feb 2013
Nobel Prize-winning duo offer public lectures at Otago

The University of Otago has scored a rare coup in having two Nobel Laureates present public lectures in Dunedin on consecutive days this month.


Education 8 Feb 2013
Japan study implications for under-sea zones around New Zealand

A new study about the 2011 Japan tsunami in the internationally respected journal Science has implications for New Zealand, says a University of Otago scientist who contributed to the study, Dr Virginia Toy.

Japanese drilling vessel Chikyu.


Cycling 7 Feb 2013
Otago researchers create online injured cyclist-door crash map

A searchable online map showing where in New Zealand cyclists have been injured as a result of car doors opening has been created by University of Otago injury prevention researchers.


Health 5 Feb 2013
New approaches to combating rheumatic fever in children

Leading international researchers and doctors are meeting at the University of Otago, Wellington this week to identify new approaches to reducing the very high levels of rheumatic fever in New Zealand and Australia.


Education 31 Jan 2013
Otago partners with University of Medicine (1) in Myanmar

The University of Otago has signed an agreement with the University of Medicine (1) in Myanmar (also known as Burma) to collaborate on research, training, and capacity building in areas including infectious disease.


Health 29 Jan 2013
New drill-less technique may reduce kids' fear of the dentist

Children have been shown to significantly prefer a new way of treating tooth decay that doesn't involve needles or drills.


Education 28 Jan 2013
Christchurch students return to their repaired building for the first time in almost two years.

University of Otago, Christchurch, medical students will begin their academic year on Monday, January 28 by returning to a repaired campus building.


Health 23 Jan 2013
Smokefree playground policies can make a difference

British and New Zealand playgrounds have a significantly smaller proportion of people smoking than other types of public outdoor areas, according to latest research from the University of Otago, Wellington.


Health 22 Jan 2013
First time parenting a positive experience for mental health

Becoming a parent for the first time may improve mental health and reduce levels of psychological distress, according to a new study from the University of Otago, Wellington (UOW).


Science 17 Jan 2013
Otago collaboration throws doubt on earlier "killer walrus" claims

Palaeontologists who examined a new fossil found in southern California have thrown doubt on earlier claims that a “killer walrus” once existed.


Health 16 Jan 2013
University of Otago study prompts renewed call to action on sugar

A study commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) into what is known about the effects of sugar recommends that cutting down on the sweet additive should be part of a global strategy to tackle the obesity epidemic.


Education 10 Jan 2013
History of Anglo-Indian children sent to NZ to work uncovered

The fate of 130 Anglo-Indian children, educated and sent to New Zealand for a better future, is being recorded by a University of Otago PhD candidate.


Pharmacy 20 Dec 2012
Cancer vaccine researcher appointed to Otago Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences

The University of Otago has appointed an internationally leading expert on vaccine formulation and delivery to its Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences.


Education 18 Dec 2012
A Very Merry Christmas Carol from Otago

We are pleased to present the University Sextet singing their very own Christmas carol medley, accompanied by a Christmas message from Vice-Chancellor Professor Harlene Hayne.


Food 14 Dec 2012
Study finds the cheapest emergency food to stockpile

Storage foods for an emergency such as an earthquake that meet all daily energy requirements can cost as little as $2.22 per day according to a new study by the University of Otago, Wellington.


Health 13 Dec 2012
Shocking disparities in child obesity now exist in New Zealand

Public health researcher Professor Tony Blakely from the University of Otago, Wellington says the time for prevaricating about obesity is over with the release of latest child obesity figures by the Ministry of Health.


Film 11 Dec 2012
Before Skyfall: 46 years of violence in James Bond movies

Violent acts in James Bond films were more than twice as common in Quantum of Solace (2008) than in the original 1962 movie Dr No, University of Otago researchers have found.


Education 10 Dec 2012
Leading international speakers for Public Health Summer School

The largest and longest running Public Health Summer School in New Zealand and Australia will provide an exciting line-up of national and international speakers for three weeks next February (4-22 of February 2013).


Food 7 Dec 2012
Weight loss benefits of low-fat diets proven

Reducing fat intake leads to weight loss that can be maintained for at least seven years –  that's one of the clear findings of a major new review of dozens of studies by an international team that includes a University of Otago researcher.


Health 7 Dec 2012
Clinical governance in hospitals making good progress

The largest and most complex survey of the New Zealand health workforce has just been completed showing good progress across many DHBs in the development and implementation of clinical governance by health professionals in public hospitals.


Education 6 Dec 2012
New Zealanders' genetic diversity to be mapped

A leading University of Otago biological anthropologist has won a prestigious two-year James Cook Research Fellowship to undertake the first-ever survey of the genetic diversity of New Zealand's population.


Education 6 Dec 2012
Otago scientists win neurological research funding

Three University of Otago scientists have received nearly $300,000 of funding to support their world-class brain-related research in the latest Neurological Foundation grant round.


Health 3 Dec 2012
Otago researchers in major new study of TB and diabetes epidemics

University of Otago expertise is set to play a key role in European Commission (EC) funded research into links between infectious and non-communicable diseases – in this case tuberculosis (TB) and type 2 diabetes.


Health 27 Nov 2012
Otago study highlights how little is known about baby weaning method

Starting babies on solids by letting them feed themselves pieces of food is a growing trend – yet there is scarce scientific research about the practice, putting healthcare professionals in a difficult position when giving advice, new University of Otago research suggests.


Building 23 Nov 2012
University of Otago, Christchurch, staff move back into their building

CHRISTCHURCH — The first group of staff from the University of Otago, Christchurch (UOC) will move back into their building after 21 months in temporary premises.


Earthquakes 23 Nov 2012
Study shows the reality for "vital" Christchurch quake responders

Front-line rescue workers in Christchurch put their own needs and those of their families to one side to play a vital role during the Christchurch earthquakes and aftershocks, early results from a study into the occupational health of 600 emergency workers shows.


Education 19 Nov 2012
Prestigious Rutherford Fellowships won by four Otago researchers

Four top scientists at, or returning to, the University of Otago are among 10 researchers to be awarded highly sought-after Rutherford Discovery Fellowships to help them develop their research careers in New Zealand.


Education 19 Nov 2012
Otago tropical medicine expert receives prestigious award

A leading University of Otago tropical medicine researcher has received the highest honour of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH).

Professor John Crump, McKinlay Chair in Global Health


Pharmacy 13 Nov 2012
Kiwis missing out on free prescription medicines entitlement

Many New Zealanders are not getting free prescriptions when they should and these people are likely to include our most vulnerable, new findings from an ongoing University of Otago and Victoria University study into equity in prescription medicine use suggest.


Education 12 Nov 2012
University of Otago recognises leading research centres

The University of Otago is committing more than $2.5M over the next five years to support the internationally outstanding work of its leading research centres.


Alcohol 12 Nov 2012
Binge drinking in young people attracted to more than one gender

A report by the University of Otago, Wellington shows that many young people attracted to more than one gender tend to binge drink because they feel stigmatised and socially excluded.


Health 9 Nov 2012
Swine flu pandemic expensive for NZ

A new study estimates the total cost to the New Zealand hospital sector of the 2009 ‘swine flu’ pandemic at around $31 million.


Education 8 Nov 2012
Two Otago students gain prestigious Rhodes Scholarships

Two outstanding University of Otago students are among New Zealand’s newest Rhodes Scholarship recipients, it was announced today.


Health 1 Nov 2012
Silicone dressings reduce skin reactions following radiation for breast cancer

Skin reactions following radiation therapy for breast cancer have been the focus of a recent clinical trial conducted by Dr Patries Herst from the Department of Radiation Therapy, University of Otago, Wellington and a team of radiation therapists in public hospitals in Dunedin, Wellington and Palmerston North and Auckland Radiation Oncology.


News 25 Oct 2012
Prestigious Marsden Fund backs Otago's excellent research

University of Otago researchers have gained more than $15M in new government funding for 22 world-class research projects at the frontiers of knowledge in their fields.


Education 23 Oct 2012
University of Otago selects next Dean of Surveying

A leading US glaciologist has been selected as Professor and Dean of Surveying at the University of Otago.


Education 17 Oct 2012
Leading Otago academics elected as Royal Society Fellows

Five University of Otago academics are among the 11 top New Zealand researchers and scholars in basic and applied science and the humanities who are newly elected as Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand.


Health 16 Oct 2012
Sexual Health and Rugby World Cup 2011

A new in-depth analysis of sexual health clinic attendance and diagnoses during last year’s Rugby World Cup (RWC) reveals increased risk and harm for attendees who had sex related to this sporting event.


Crime 13 Oct 2012
Serious assaults in NZ disturbingly high: Otago research

University of Otago researchers have found that serious assaults in New Zealand have been steadily rising and are now at disturbingly high levels, especially among young males, Maori and Pacific people, and those from deprived neighbourhoods.


Education 10 Oct 2012
Research undermines tobacco industry's plain packaging claims

Two research studies led by University of Otago researchers have challenged tobacco companies’ claims about plain packaging.


Education 9 Oct 2012
Otago appoints two new Professors of Management

The University of Otago has appointed two new Professors of Management whose research and teaching has a strong international focus.


Education 9 Oct 2012
Otago student gains Woolf Fisher Scholarship to Cambridge University

A top Otago medical student has gained a prestigious Woolf Fisher Scholarship to support Cambridge University PhD study on blood flow regulation in brain-injured patients.


Alcohol 5 Oct 2012
NZ's shameful alcohol injury toll put under spotlight at major conference

Around one-quarter of injury deaths in New Zealand could be prevented if alcohol use was removed from the combination of factors causing these injuries, a University of Otago researcher told the 11th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion held in Wellington this week.


Health 3 Oct 2012
Study clears up speculation about vitamin D reducing colds

Research into the benefits of vitamin D is a burgeoning area.


Disability 2 Oct 2012
Disability high amongst non-hospitalised injury victims

Levels of ongoing disability amongst people injured, even when not hospitalised, has surprised a University of Otago research team.


Science 1 Oct 2012
New discovery to improve success rates of IVF

Researchers from the University of Otago, Christchurch, are collaborating with clinicians at Fertility Associates in Christchurch to develop a test to significantly improve the success rate for in vitro fertilisations implantations.


Pharmacy 26 Sep 2012
New Otago collaboration brings oral TB vaccine for humans closer

Researchers in New Zealand are inching closer to the development of the first effective oral vaccine to protect against tuberculosis - a disease which still kills more people worldwide than any other bacterial disease.


Education 21 Sep 2012
Otago study reveals persistent deprivation for NZ children

A sizeable and “difficult to ignore” proportion of New Zealand children have experienced persistent low income and deprivation in recent years, according to a new University of Otago study using seven years of longitudinal survey data.


Health 18 Sep 2012
More govt responsibility needed in making schools 'sun-smarter'

Central government needs to take more responsibility for ensuring that New Zealand children are sun-safe while at school, according to University of Otago researchers.


News 18 Sep 2012
Otago literary detective work unearths Lord of the Rings illustrations

A University of Otago literary researcher has uncovered some hitherto unknown paintings and drawings for the Lord of the Rings that the book’s famous author, the late J.R.R.

Mary Fairburn


Education 18 Sep 2012
Otago Lifts International Enrolment Cap to 15 per cent

Today the University of Otago announced that it will raise the cap on international student enrolments to 15 per cent, up from the current 12 per cent.


Earthquakes 13 Sep 2012
Children's own perspectives on the Christchurch quakes

The ways that school-age children experienced the after-effects of the Christchurch earthquakes have been documented in a new University of Otago study.


Education 13 Sep 2012
Otago gains $27.6m in Govt funding to develop innovative tools and technologies

Funding announced today brings to $27.6m the total that University of Otago researchers have been awarded to lead projects in the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment’s 2012 Science Investment Round.


Health 13 Sep 2012
Interventions can reduce falls over-65s who live at home

There is now strong evidence that some interventions can prevent falls in people over the age of 65 who are living in their own homes, according to a comprehensive University of Otago-led review of research in the area.


Education 11 Sep 2012
University names prestigious Arts Fellows for 2013

Five talented individuals were today named as next year’s recipients of the coveted University of Otago Arts Fellowships in literature, art, music, dance and children’s writing.


Health 10 Sep 2012
Reasons behind healthy eating may be crucial to women's body weight

Middle-aged women who are self-motivated to eat healthily have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who do so in order to keep others happy, new University of Otago research suggests.


Health 7 Sep 2012
Mirroring society? Health Sciences students' backgrounds examined

University of Otago research is raising questions about the extent to which health sciences students reflect a cross-section of society, but also shows progress is being made in broadening the student intake in terms of their social background.


Health 6 Sep 2012
Anonymous donor gives $5 million to the University of Otago Christchurch Appeal

The University of Otago Christchurch Appeal got off to a flying start with a $5 million donation to its Christchurch Heart Institute fund.


Education 3 Sep 2012
Otago University appoints next Bioethics Centre Director

The University of Otago has selected a leading medical ethicist as the next Director of its Bioethics Centre.


Science 29 Aug 2012
Expedition returns wealth of data on whales, sea lions and birds

A University of Otago led multi-disciplinary expedition to the Sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands has recently returned with an abundance of scientific data on whales, sea lions and birds, but also evidence of ship-strike on a Southern Right Whale.


Cannabis 29 Aug 2012
Persistent cannabis use that starts in adolescence linked to IQ decline

Persistent cannabis users who started using the drug before age 18 show an average IQ decline of 8 points and other signs of impaired mental functioning by age 38, according to world-first research emerging from the University of Otago’s long-running Dunedin Multidisciplinary Study.

Article co-author Professor Richie Poulton


Art 29 Aug 2012
Special Hocken exhibition for recently acquired art

Contemporary art acquired by the Hocken Library over the past five years will be showcased at a new exhibition launching on Friday (August 31), entitled Picture This: Recently Acquired Art.


News 24 Aug 2012
Otago researchers gain $13M in science funding

Three innovative University of Otago-led research projects in the areas of nutrition, energy, and infrastructure were this week awarded a total of $13.2m in new science investment funding through the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.


News 24 Aug 2012
Innovative 'Functional Formula' project funded

Professor Gerald Tannock (Microbiology & Immunology) has been awarded $789,900 over two years for a research project investigating the use of novel carbohydrates (oligosaccharides) that can be added to infant formula made from cow’s milk.


News 24 Aug 2012
$9M in funding for resilient urban futures research

What development path should New Zealand’s cities take to ensure that maximum environmental, economic, social and cultural benefits can be gained? This question is the focus of a newly funded collaborative research project representing the first major attempt to get to grips with an issue critical to our nation’s future.


News 24 Aug 2012
Otago research to seek energy efficiency in NZ's transport sector

How to create an energy efficient transport sector is a question about to be tackled by University of Otago researchers in a multi-million dollar, multi-year project.


Technology 22 Aug 2012
Medical device wins Otago University lecturer $50,000 prize

University of Otago lecturer Dr Greg Walker has won a $50,000 prize for an innovative new medical device that aims to minimise surgery complications.  Dr Walker from the School of Pharmacy was awarded the 2012 winner of the annual Proof of Concept Grant competition run by the University of Otago's commercialisation arm, Otago Innovation Limited.


News 21 Aug 2012
Rules around "conflict minerals" likely to cost New Zealand

The New Zealand electronics industry should be prepared to come under increased scrutiny and costs due to US legislation affecting countries whose trade involves "conflict minerals," says University of Otago Accounting Professor David Lont.

Professor David Lont


Science 21 Aug 2012
Otago researcher heads new Antarctic science foundation

Leading Antarctic scientist Professor Gary Wilson of Otago University is the inaugural director of an innovative new science foundation, the New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute (NZARI).

Professor Gary Wilson


Finance 20 Aug 2012
'Loan sharks' need tougher regulation and controls

Recent research from the University of Otago, Wellington shows that loan sharks charging interest rates of up to 400% per annum are exploiting Maori, Pacific and low income New Zealanders and need to be better regulated.


News 16 Aug 2012
Babies may not have a 'moral compass' after all: Otago research

New University of Otago research is casting doubt on a landmark US study that suggested infants as young as six months old possess an innate moral compass that allows them to evaluate individuals as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.


Health 15 Aug 2012
Otago researchers reveal new mechanism behind more male autism

New University of Otago research into two sex hormones released by the testes of male fetuses and boys may help solve the enduring mystery of why autism is much more common in boys than girls.


Science 13 Aug 2012
Otago researchers provide exciting first glimpse into the competitive brain

While most of us have been wrapped up in the competitive spirit of the Olympic Games, two University of Otago researchers have been busy teasing out what exactly in the brain drives competitive behaviour.


Transport 7 Aug 2012
Cost at issue when young people choose transport: study suggests

A new study suggests that young people who do not drive cars choose buses, trains, cycling and walking because they are more affordable and convenient transport options.


Health 7 Aug 2012
NZ children's iodine status still far from ideal: Otago research

The mandatory use of iodised salt in commercial bread since 2009 has improved New Zealand children’s iodine status but many may remain mildly deficient in this essential nutrient, new University of Otago research suggests.


Education 2 Aug 2012
Otago's stand-out postgraduate supervisors celebrated

Outstanding supervisors of postgraduate students were recognised last night at an event run jointly by the University of Otago and the Otago University Students’ Association (OUSA).


Education 23 Jul 2012
Renowned philosopher awarded distinguished research medal

One of the world's leading philosophers of science, Professor Alan Musgrave, is the latest recipient of the University of Otago's highest research honour, the Distinguished Research Medal.

Professor Alan Musgrave, Department of Philosophy


Health 20 Jul 2012
Tobacco retailer support for new display legislation

Tobacco retailers interviewed in the Wellington area mostly supported the forthcoming removal of point-of-sale tobacco product displays, according to University of Otago, Wellington research funded by Regional Public Health.


Health 18 Jul 2012
Micronutrient powder effective in combating anaemia: Otago research

Mixing micronutrient powder into infants’ complementary food reduces rates of anaemia beyond what nutrition education alone can achieve, according to University of Otago-led research involving more than 3000 Cambodian under two year olds.


News 11 Jul 2012
Otago researchers gain Neurological Foundation funding

Several University of Otago researchers have received funding to support their studies through the latest Neurological Foundation grant round announced today.


Education 11 Jul 2012
University of Otago Teaching Excellence Awards Announced

Three Otago academics have been recognised for their outstanding ability to teach in this year's University Teaching Excellence Awards.

University of Otago Teaching Excellence Awards winners Anthony Robins, Rhiannon Braund and Steve Dawson.


Health 9 Jul 2012
Smoking on footpaths increases hazardous air pollutants

A study by the University of Otago, Wellington has found that smoking on city street footpaths increases the amount of dangerous fine particulates in city air.


Health 4 Jul 2012
Women more likely to defer health care for financial reasons

Women are more likely to put off going to their GP, buying prescriptions or going to the dentist for financial reasons than men according to a new University of Otago study.

Professor Peter Crampton


Science 29 Jun 2012
Bite mark bacteria provide potential forensic clues

Oral bacteria lifted from bite marks may provide a new source of clues for forensic experts, thanks to research projects completed by students at the Sir John Walsh Research Institute in the University of Otago's School of Dentistry.


Alcohol 19 Jun 2012
Alcohol use common in TV music videos

An analysis of music videos on New Zealand television shows that the portrayal of alcohol is commonplace.


Agriculture 18 Jun 2012
Research aims to improve farming through traditional Maori knowledge

A University of Otago researcher has been granted $600,000 over two years to create a low-input farming model combining Maori knowledge and science.


Education 18 Jun 2012
Otago appoints new Professor of Entrepreneurship

The University of Otago has appointed leading marketing researcher Professor Sylvie Chetty as its next Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of its Centre for Entrepreneurship.

Professor Sylvie Chetty


Health 16 Jun 2012
Otago appoints inaugural chair in neurosurgery

A leading Belgian neurosurgeon and brain researcher has been appointed as the inaugural Neurological Foundation Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Otago.

Professor Dirk De Ridder


Economy 15 Jun 2012
University of Otago Economic Impact Tops $1.5 billion

OTAGO — The latest annual Economic Impact Report for the University of Otago indicates that estimated direct expenditure of the University, its staff and students was $889.9 million in 2011, and that the downstream effect, or total economic impact, of this direct expenditure is $1.648 billion.


Business 15 Jun 2012
Otago business student wins national award

University of Otago Business School student Helena Langer, studying Management for her Bachelor of Commerce, has won the Global Leader Award at the ninth annual Global Enterprise Experience competition.


Health 7 Jun 2012
Improving health care for inmates and whānau the focus of symposium

The University of Otago, Wellington in association with Regional Public Health is to hold the first-ever New Zealand symposium on Friday 8 June focusing on health issues and barriers to care faced by people who have been imprisoned, those coming out, and their whānau.