Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa

81 posts | 1 images

The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) believes that the independence of most countries is being eroded away. This erosion has taken place because most of the world's economy is now owned and controlled by a relatively small number of huge transnational corporations (TNCs). 

Joined April 2008
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News 2 Nov 2012
A Dotcomedy Of Errors. GCSB Illegally Spies On New Zealanders. We Told You So.

This is the lead article in Peace Researcher 44, to be published this month.


Electricity 18 Oct 2012
Who owns the South Island power grid? Good question. Don't Assume It Is Transpower

The Government’s proposed partial privatisation of Mighty River Power, Meridian and Genesis Energy has focused attention on the ownership of our State-owned electricity generation companies.


Politics 12 Jun 2012
We Musn't Rest On Our Nuclear Free Laurels

The 25th anniversary of NZ's Nuclear Free law is a worthy cause for celebration for what was, and is, a fantastic achievement.


Business 20 Apr 2012
It's Time For Truth About NZ Land Is Foreign-Owned

The endlessly fascinating Crafar Farms soap opera focuses attention once again on the political hot potato of foreign ownership of New Zealand land.


Energy 13 Mar 2012
Windflow & General Dynamics: The Old Proverbial Hits The Turbine

CHRISTCHURCH — The announcement that Christchurch wind turbine manufacturer Windflow Technology has signed a ten year licensing agreement with General Dynamics' subsidiary SATCOM is eyebrow-raising in itself.


Business 8 Mar 2012
Roger Award Finalist Transgresses On A Global Scale

The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) declares its solidarity with the Canadian members of the United Steelworkers Union who are currently visiting New Zealand (Invercargill today; Wellington tomorrow) to gain support for their struggle against contracting out by their employer, Rio Tinto Alcan.


Real Estate 16 Feb 2012
Crafar Court Decision A Welcome Outbreak Of Sanity

Justice Miller’s decision to order a review of the decision to approve the sale of the Crafar Farms to the appropriately named Milk NZ, owned by Shanghai Pengxin of China, is a welcome outbreak of sanity in this whole sorry saga.


Finance 11 Feb 2012
Increase The Tax On Profiteering Aussie Banks

News that the Big Five Australian-owned banks made a combined NZ profit of $3 billion in 2011 means only one thing – they’re making too much money out of us.


Food 20 Jan 2012
No Corporate Welfare For Coca Cola And Other Transnational Bludgers

Speaking at the opening of Coca Cola Amatil’s Christchurch bottling plant, group managing director Terry Davis called on the Government to consider “incentives” for food and beverage manufacturers (Press, 19/1/12; “Coca-Cola calls for incentives”).


Government 13 Jan 2012
Time For Government To Get Back Into Insurance Business

CANTERBURY — The Government announced this week that it has no plans to help Ansvar Insurance customers left in the lurch by their insurer’s December 31st exit from the New Zealand insurance market.


Politics 13 Dec 2011
Welcome To Johnkeyistan! Don't Worry, She'll Be Right (In Every Sense Of The Word)

There was never any doubt that National was going to win the 2011 election; the only question was by how much.


Business 5 Dec 2011
Roger Award: 2011 Finalists Named

The eight finalists for the 2011 Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand are: Adidas, Newmont Waihi Gold, Oceania, New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Ltd/Rio Tinto Alcan NZ Ltd, Sajo Oyang Corporation, Sky City, Telecom and Westpac.


Business 2 May 2011
No Selloff Of Christchurch's Public-owned Assets. Looters Stay Away

CHRISTCHURCH — The revelation that all of Christchurch’s publicly-owned trading assets could be in danger of being sold due to a “legal loophole” in the law establishing the new State authority to run the city whilst it is rebuilt after the earthquakes should set alarm bells ringing loudly.


Business 6 Apr 2011
The 2010 Roger Award - 'and the winner is...'



Business 15 Mar 2011
Roger Award Winner/s To Be Announced In Auckland April 4th

The six finalists for the 2010 Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand are (in alphabetical order): BUPA, Imperial Tobacco, Telecom, Vodafone, Warner Brothers and Westpac.


Politics 14 Jan 2011
End involvement in US wars

People from all around New Zealand will be converging on Blenheim and the super-secret Waihopai satellite interception spybase, in Marlborough, on the weekend of January 21-23.


Agriculture 24 Dec 2010
Refusal Of Natural Dairy Bid For Crafar Farms Sets Precedent For Overseas Investment Office

The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) congratulates both the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) and the Government for having refused the application of Natural Dairy to buy the Crafar Farms.


Business 10 Dec 2010
2010 Roger Award Finalists Named

The six finalists for the 2010 Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand are (in alphabetical order): BUPA, Imperial Tobacco, Telecom, Vodafone, Warner Brothers and Westpac.


Politics 25 Oct 2010
Visiting Philippine Peace Negotiator Objects To NZ Government's "Terrorist" Listing

Luis Jalandoni and his wife Coni Ledesma (see below for contact and itinerary details) are in Christchurch now, at the start of a national speaking tour (they leave Christchurch on the morning of Wednesday 27th for Blenheim and to view the Waihopai spybase that afternoon).


Politics 18 Oct 2010
Why Didn't Labour Do Something About Foreign Investment When It Was In Power?

The Campaign Against Foreign Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) congratulates Labour for seeing the light and announcing a policy that recognises the glaringly obvious fact that unrestricted foreign “investment” (meaning takeover or economic recolonisation) is a disaster and for starting to take some painfully modest steps towards rectifying that (should it be returned to office).


Politics 3 Sep 2010
If All Else Fails, Call Them Racists

Maurice Williamson, the Minister of Land Information, is obviously having none of this PC nonsense being spouted by his boss.


Politics 30 Aug 2010
CAFCA Says Save The Farms - And The Rest

The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) congratulates the newly formed Save The Farms group, which has called for an immediate moratorium on farm sales to foreigners “so we can have a national debate”.


Politics 12 Apr 2010
Cost Of Damage To Waihopai Dome Is Peanuts Compared To Hundreds Of Millions Of Taxpayers' Dollars Wasted On Spybase

Sanity has briefly broken out with the Government’s announcement that the Crown will not, indeed cannot, appeal the acquittal of the Waihopai Domebusters.


Business 30 Mar 2010
Don't Be Fooled Into Thinking That Infratil Is A "New Zealand" Company

The sale of Shell NZ’s downstream assets to a joint venture of NZ Superannuation and Infratil has been hailed as returning this chunk of vital infrastructure to New Zealand ownership.


Trade 25 Mar 2010
Chinese Buyup Of Dairy Farms. Get Used To It, This Is What A "Free" Trade Agreement Looks Like

The most unbelievably naïve reaction to the news that a mysterious Chinese company is hoping to buy up to $1.5 billion worth of dairy farms came from Federated Farmers, which said that this is an “unintended consequence” of the NZ/China Free Trade Agreement.


Court 19 Mar 2010
Why The Waihopai Domebusters' Trial Was Moved From Blenheim To Wellington

Marlborough District Councillor Gerald Hope is quoted in today’s Press (“Spy-base verdict irks locals”, “If I was a juror I would have wanted a conviction…”.


Politics 18 Mar 2010
Anti-Bases Campaign Congratulates Waihopai Domebusters, Calls For The Real Criminals To Be Prosecuted

The Anti-Bases Campaign congratulates the Waihopai spy base Domebusters – Adrian Leason, Peter Murnane and Sam Land (and we’re proud to have all three of them as ABC members) on their entirely deserved acquittal on all charges arising from their April 2008 deflation of one of the top secret base’s satellite dish domes.


Politics 15 Mar 2010
Trans-Pacific Partnership: NZ Jumping Onto A Sinking Ship

Talks started in Melbourne today for the US, Australia, Peru and Vietnam to join an expanded Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (TPP, currently comprising NZ, Chile, Brunei, and Singapore, known as the P4 Agreement), with November 2011, when the US hosts APEC, as the target to seal the deal.


Business 12 Mar 2010
ANZ Wins 2009 Roger Award

From late night on Thursday March 11 the full Judges’ Report will be available at, follow the Roger Award links from the Homepage.


Politics 19 Feb 2010
Just What Are The Benefits To NZ Of Allowing Shania Twain To Buy High Country Stations?

Helen Clark is currently back in the country to bask in the glow of the warm fuzzies.


Politics 15 Feb 2010
Close Waihopai Spybase now! Support the domebusters!

The Waihopai spybase was dragged into the public spotlight on April 30, 2008 when three Ploughshares peace activists, Sam Land, Adrian Leason and Peter Murnane, penetrated its high security and deflated one of the two domes concealing its satellite dishes from the NZ public.


Politics 19 Jan 2010
CAFCA's Historic Comalco Comic Now Online

“Power Junky”, CAFCA’s famous historic Comalco comic (1977; updated 1982; text by Pete Lusk, drawing by Ron Currie) is now available online.


Politics 14 Jan 2010
Hillary Clinton Comes Bearing A Poisoned Chalice For NZ

Hillary Clinton’s visit this weekend will highlight the fact that negotiations will commence in March for the US to join an expanded Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (currently comprising NZ, Chile, Brunei, and Singapore, commonly known as the P4 Agreement), with 2011 as the target to seal the deal.


Politics 12 Jan 2010
Waihopai Spybase Protest Saturday January 23rd

BLENHEIM — People from all around New Zealand will be converging on Blenheim and the super-secret Waihopai satellite interception spybase, in Marlborough, on the weekend of January 22-24.


Finance 24 Dec 2009
IRD Delivers Best Possible Xmas Present To Long Suffering Kiwi Taxpayers

There really is a Santa Claus.


Business 7 Dec 2009
2009 Roger Award finalists named

The nine finalists for the 2009 Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand are (in alphabetical order): ANZ, BNZ, Infratil, Newmont, Rio Tinto Aluminium NZ, Rymans, Telecom, Transpacific and Westpac.


Trade 3 Dec 2009
US/NZ Free Trade Agreement. Learn From Sad Experience Of US' "Chief Ally"

New Zealanders who kid themselves that “we” stand to gain from a Free Trade Agreement with the US would be wise to reflect on the rueful words of Sir Christopher Meyer, Britain’s Ambassador to the US in the runup to the US/UK invasion of Iraq.


Film 3 Dec 2009
"The Informant". The Story Behind The Movie

“The Informant”, starring Matt Damon, opens in cinemas today.


Politics 16 Nov 2009
US Free Trade Agreement A Poisoned Chalice For NZ

The announcement that the US is ready to start negotiations in 2010 to join an expanded Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (currently comprising NZ, Chile, Brunei, and Singapore, commonly known as the P4 Agreement), with 2011 as the target to seal the deal, confirms that it will be used as the backdoor means to secure a US/NZ Free Trade Agreement.


Business 10 Nov 2009
Overseas Investment Office Ignored CAFCA's Warning About Cedenco's US Owner

“One of New Zealand's biggest vegetable processors, Cedenco failed under the weight of high debts and problems with its shareholding and "governance", with unspecified problems relating to its ultimate owners in the United States.


Politics 28 Oct 2009
Time running out for nominations for the '2009 Roger Award'

Nominations are now open for the 2009 Roger Award for the Worst TransnationalCorporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand, which is organised the CampaignAgainst Foreign Control of Aotearoa and GATT Watchdog.


Politics 22 Oct 2009
New $477m Threshold Makes Sick Joke Of Any "Oversight" Of Foreign Investment

The Government has announced a new Investment Protocol for Australian investors in NZ, under CER.


Finance 10 Oct 2009
Aussie Tax Dodging Robber Banks Make Bank Robbers Look Like Amateurs

The Australian-owned banks have been congratulating themselves on what a good recession they’ve been having and how it was all down to their prudence in not getting involved in any exotic financial transactions.


Politics 3 Oct 2009
Foreign 'Investment' Leaving NZ

Statistics New Zealand has quietly announced that $8.9 billion of net foreign investment was withdrawn from NZ in the last financial year.


Politics 24 Aug 2009
Hugely Increased "Oversight" Threshold For Aussie Investors Will Become Benchmark For All Others

Nearly 5,000% Increase In Threshold In Just Ten Years.


Politics 23 Jul 2009
Government's Foreign Investment Oversight Policy: Asleep At The Wheel

Bill English has released the first of the recommendations of the review of the Government’s overseas investment regime (any changes to the actual Overseas Investment Act have yet to be announced).


Police 22 Jul 2009
Waihopai Spybase's New Dome To "Protect Dish From Weather". Yeah, Right

BLENHEIM — “It (the Waihopai spybase’s new dome, being installed today) is inflated to two PSI (pounds per square inch) above atmospheric pressure and designed to protect the satellite (sic – dish) from the weather not hide the direction that the satellite (sic – dish) is pointed, as has been popularly believed”.


Finance 21 Jul 2009
Structured Financing Transactions Might Not Be A Thing Of The Past For Aussie-Owned Banks

In light of IRD’s recent victory over BNZ’s structured financing transactions (described by IRD as a “rort” and by the judge as having “no commercial rationale, logic or purpose”), it is worth investigating whether the Australian-owned banks are still engaging in them, or have done so more recently than the period covered by IRD’s court actions against all of them.


Politics 8 Jul 2009
1990s Issues Of "Foreign Control Watchdog" Now Online

In a major addition to the Watchdog Website, 11 historic issues have been uploaded to it.


Court 26 Jun 2009
Christchurch City Council Quietly Scraps Its Progressive Foreign Investment Policy

CHRISTCHURCH — Not so many years ago, when the Christchurch City Council was justly proud of the title The Peoples Republic of Christchurch bestowed on it by the Business Round Table, it adopted a number of progressive policies on foreign investment and free trade agreements.


News 26 Jun 2009
Waihopai Spybase Protest: January 22-24, 2010

MARLBOROUGH — The Waihopai spybase was dragged into the public spotlight in April 2008 when three Ploughshares peace activists penetrated its high security and deflated one of the two domes concealing its satellite dishes from the NZ public.


Economy 11 Jun 2009
CAFCA Speech On Global Economic Crisis, Free Trade Agreements & Privatisation

CANTERBURY — You dont need me to tell you that the world is in a once in a century economic crisis right now.


Politics 27 May 2009
Committee Tasked With "Oversight" Of Spies Refuses To Divulge Even The Most Trivial Details Of Its Meetings

MARLBOROUGH — The Anti-Bases Campaign (ABC), which has been campaigning for over 20 years for the closure of the Waihopai spybase, has a keen interest in the alleged ”oversight” of the agency which operates it, namely the NZ Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB).


Trade 25 May 2009
Leading New Zealanders Say "No" To Liberalising Overseas Investment Act & To Free Trade Agreement With US

Thursday’s Budget promises to be a humdinger, maybe in the finest traditions of Ruth Richardson’s infamous “bash the poor” 1991 one.


Politics 16 May 2009
SIS Spied On CAFCA For Quarter Of A Century

This is a story that was a very long time in the making.


Finance 14 May 2009
Bill English. Stop Impotently Begging Banks To Behave. Make Them Do So

First it was Reserve Bank Governor, Alan Bollard, urging the four big Australian-owned banks to play the game, be good chaps, don’t let the side down, and other similar clichés.


Finance 6 May 2009
ANZ, give them their money back

ANZ, GIVE THEM BACK THEIR MONEY! The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) fully supports the Frozen Funds Group in its campaign (which now includes pickets of ANZ branches) to get this Australian–owned bank to repay hapless small NZ investors whose money has been frozen due to the collapse of two investment funds run by its subsidiary ING NZ Ltd.


Politics 30 Apr 2009
Close Waihopai Spybase!

It is one year today since the Ploughshares peace activists deflated one of the two domes at the top secret Waihopai spybase (and, in the process, severely deflated the supposed top security of that base).


Politics 24 Apr 2009
New Zealander Arrested In Philippines Along With Soldiers Wanted For Mutiny

The Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force and the Bureau of Immigration arrested on Thursday night a foreigner and six retired Philippine Navy soldiers suspected to be involved in a mutiny in 2003, authorities said on Friday.


Economy 17 Apr 2009
OECD Prescription Is The Problem, Not The Solution, For NZ

The old witch doctors of the OECD have issued another one of their repeat prescriptions for New Zealand and once again it’s based on that discredited old maxim – the operation was a success but the patient died.


Politics 24 Mar 2009
SIS Spied On Leading Trade Unionist

Our esteemed ex-industrial officer, Paul Corliss, has just been “gifted” most of his SIS files.


Politics 18 Mar 2009
Liberalising Foreign Investment Law Yet Again Exposes Government's Desperate Cargo Cult Mentality

News that the Government plans to urgently review the 2005 Overseas Investment Act, with a view to further liberalising it, comes as no surprise.


Business 2 Mar 2009
And the Rodger Award goes to BAT

Finalists: ANZ; BAT (British American Tobacco NZ); Contact Energy; GlaxoSmithKline; Infratil; McDonalds; Rio Tinto Aluminium NZ (nominated under its former name of Comalco); Telecom.

The Roger


Business 13 Feb 2009
2008 Roger Award Winner Will Be Announced On March 2, Auckland

AUCKLAND — The 2008 Winner(s) will be announced on Monday March 2nd; 7.30 p.m.


Business 10 Feb 2009
Roger Award Event Announced - March 2 in Auckland

AUCKLAND CITY — The identity of the worst transnational corporation operating in New Zealand in 2008 will be revealed on March 2 at an event in Auckland.


Business 19 Nov 2008
Roger Award Finalists Named

The eight finalists for the 2008 Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand are (in alphabetical order): ANZ, BAT (British American Tobacco NZ), Contact Energy, GlaxoSmithKline, Infratil, McDonalds, Rio Tinto Aluminium NZ (nominated under its former, better known, name of Comalco) and Telecom.


Politics 9 Oct 2008
Helen. Don't Just Stop At Saving St James Station From Foreign Ownership

The Campaign Against Foreign of Aotearoa (CAFCA) congratulates the Government for buying the St James Station for the explicit purpose of keeping it from falling into foreign ownership.


Trade 23 Sep 2008
UA free trade agreement a poisoned chalice for NZ

The proposed expansion of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (NZ, Chile, Brunei, and Singapore, commonly known as the P4 Agreement) to include investment and financial services, and to add the US to its membership, was bad enough.


Politics 10 Sep 2008
New Zealand Not For Sale Campaign

 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade recently announced the opening of negotiations with Singapore, Chile and Brunei to extend a two year old trade and investment agreement (the grandly named Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership - often known as the P4) into investment and financial services.


Business 22 Jul 2008
CAFCA Releases Figures Suppressed By Overseas Investment Office

The Campaign Agaisnt Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) receives the monthly Decisions (i.e.approvals, plus the very rare refusals) from the Overseas Investment Office.


Politics 4 Jul 2008
Postcards Put All Politicians On Notice About Privatisation

We didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when told that Bill English had claimed that our unassuming little anti-privatisation postcards are part of a “covert campaign” by Labour and the Greens and apparently on a par with the infamous Exclusive Brethren campaign in the 2005 election.


Business 16 Jun 2008
2008 Roger Award Nominations Now Open

Nominations are now open for the 2008 Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand.


Business 24 Apr 2008
No corporate welfare for Telecom

While its commendable that John Key wants everybody to have access to broadband, his proposed method of going about it leaves a lot to be desired.