Auckland Chamber of Commerce

196 posts | 3 images

The Auckland Chamber of Commerce has provided 150 years of support for small and medium sized businesses in the Auckland region. 

Joined August 2007
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Transport 13 Jan 2014
Auckland's road cycle deaths – reinforce the need for faster action on Auckland's critical transport projects

AUCKLAND — The Auckland Transport survey showing many cyclists run red lights doesn't excuse the lack of action to accelerate projects that would help protect cyclists and other road users, especially large trucks, from each other.


Business 12 Dec 2013
New Zealand Infant Formula Exporters Association : "How we manage incidents still needs fixing!"

While it is good news that the inquiry into the whey protein incident concludes there was no failure with New Zealand’s dairy regulatory system it simply confirms what we already knew, said Michael Barnett, chairman of the NZ Infant Formula Exporters Association.


Business 14 Nov 2013
Business confidence maintains rise and rise...

Business confidence is continuing to rise despite expectations interest rates will increase early next year and a looming skills shortage.


Business 13 Nov 2013
International Convention Centre – "Let's pick up the pace!"

AUCKLAND CITY — The passage through Parliament of legislation confirming an International Convention Centre can be built in central Auckland is an important milestone and positive boost Auckland and New Zealand needs, says Michael Barnett, head of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce.


Business 8 Nov 2013
Westpac Auckland Central Business Awards 2013 winners ready to take on the challenge

Congratulations to the Westpac Auckland Central Business Award winners – a group of innovative and adaptable small and medium businesses who are challenging the big players for a place in the market through technology, innovation  and partnerships.


Business 17 Oct 2013
New Zealand education offers resource for future China business

AUCKLAND CITY — Today's China business summit at the Langham Auckland brought together key business leaders from New Zealand and China to review opportunities for doing business in China  moving forward.


Business 17 Oct 2013
The bigger the opportunity the bigger the risk in China

AUCKLAND CITY — The China Business Summit at The Langham Auckland on 16 October addressed the issue of Fonterra's botulism scare and the ramifications of it on the market for New Zealand's brand and exporters to China.


Cannabis 24 Sep 2013
Open Letter to Minister of Health calling for a total sales ban of untested synthetic drugs

AUCKLAND CITY — The purpose of this letter is to strongly urge you to urgently investigate the appropriateness of the Ministry of Health's actions to grant official licences to retailers allowing them to sell more than 20 untested brands of synthetic cannabis.


Cannabis 23 Sep 2013
Untested legal highs back on sale - "a disgrace ... unacceptable"

“Granting official licences to retailers to sell more than 20 untested brands of synthetic cannabis is a disgrace,” says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Business 6 Sep 2013
Small Exporters Are Collaterall Damage in China

A delegation to China, of New Zealand Infant Formula exporters led by Michael Barnett, chair of the Infant Formula Exporters Association, is planned for 23-24th September this year.


Business 5 Sep 2013
Westpac Auckland Central Business Awards 2013 Reveal Innovative Challengers

Tomorrow looks promising for Auckland business as an increasing number of David’s are getting ready to take on the Goliath’s.


Politics 5 Jul 2013
"Women-only plan ignores diversity"

We have moved beyond gender balance as the sole differentiating criteria for selecting people of merit to top jobs, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Economy 2 May 2013
Yet another Report, but where's the real action?

The latest regional economic update report provides a useful summary of how well the regions are performing, but once again it shows how poorly we are at taking ‘game changing’ decisions to get action on the big issues.


Business 23 Apr 2013
The time to do business with Brazil is now

The corporate launch in Auckland of the 2013 Brazilian Film Festival Reel Brazil brought many business and community leaders together to celebrate Brazilian flare, music, culture and film.


Business 26 Feb 2013
Businesses must innovate to live

As the CEO of an organisation with global reach whose network of relationships embraces all levels and types of business - from multi-nationals to small-medium and sole traders (SMEs) and everything in between - I am struck by how difficult it has been for New Zealand businesses to successfully innovate to meet the opportunities of the ever-changing international market place.


Business 15 Feb 2013
Attitude changes as business confidence lifts

An Auckland Chamber of Commerce confidence survey - the first for 2013 covering responses from over 1100 firms in the region - shows a dramatic lift in confidence reports Chamber CEO Michael Barnett.


Business 19 Dec 2012
Adelaide beats Auckland to a decision

While Auckland continues to delay its decision to build a world-class national convention centre, Adelaide has made a decision and is getting on with it.


Employment 13 Nov 2012
Auckland Waterfront dispute – taking too long to resolve!

AUCKLAND CITY — The timing of suggestions today that the facilitation process for settling the long-running Auckland waterfront dispute is unwinding invites a cynical response.


Employment 9 Nov 2012
Come on Tariana – be positive on behalf of your people or show us the evidence.....

The claim on Radio New Zealand today by Māori Party Co-leader Tariana Turia that there is evidence that employers are failing to give Maori and Pacific job seekers opportunities “is irresponsible,” says Auckland Chamber of Commerce CEO Michael Barnett.


Employment 9 Nov 2012
Courage to make decisions will create thousands of new jobs.....

One employment survey result doesn’t make a crises, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce CEO Michael Barnett.


Business 8 Nov 2012
Auckland Chamber of Commerce Chief wins AUT Excellence in Business Support Supreme Award

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Chamber of Commerce chief executive Michael Barnett has won the Supreme Award at the prestigious AUT Excellence in Business Support Awards.


Employment 7 Nov 2012
3000th new migrant completes the New Kiwi Career Success programme

This week marked an important milestone for the New Kiwi Career Success programme run by the Auckland Chamber of Commerce and funded by the Ministry of Social Development, with Mariel Angulo becoming the 3000th participant to complete the New Zealand job search strategy programme.


Employment 30 Oct 2012
Creating Myths for Parental Leave

The Equal Employment Opportunities Trust has expressed disappointment at the attempt to create barriers for women taking parental leave as submissions begin for the extension of parental leave bill.


Employment 30 Oct 2012
Migrant Workers manipulated

The Equal Employment Opportunities Trust is urging migrant workers to seek advice if they feel exploited in a workplace by employers who may be breaching employment laws.


Business 11 Oct 2012
Tapping into China's growing wealth

AUCKLAND CITY — The China Business Summit, held at the Langham Hotel, aimed to help New Zealand businesses better take advantage of China’s growing wealth.


Business 5 Oct 2012
Summit Inspires New Zealand Businesses To Take Up Further Opportunities in China

China offers huge opportunities for New Zealand businesses, but too few are taking the plunge and entering the market, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce chief executive Michael Barnett.


Business 17 Sep 2012
New Zealand Infant Formula Exporters Association

The New Zealand Infant Formula Exporters Association, to be branded as “Infant Formula New Zealand”, was formed last week.


News 13 Sep 2012
Auckland Council Reaching Two Year Milestone

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council will be two years old on 1 November.


Business 13 Sep 2012
China Business Summit

AUCKLAND CITY — The Auckland Regional Chamber of Commerce in partnership with NZ INC Ltd is proud to host the inaugural China Business Summit.


Business 11 Sep 2012
China Business Summit To Challenge Business to Take Up Opportunities in China

AUCKLAND CITY — China offers huge opportunities for New Zealand businesses, but too few are taking the plunge and entering the market, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce chief executive Michael Barnett.


Business 31 Aug 2012
The ANZ New Zealand and Equal Employment Opportunities Trust Work and Life Awards 2012

The ANZ New Zealand and EEO Trust Work and Life Awards had a record number of entries this year with 62 workplace initiatives across five categories.


Business 30 Aug 2012
Finalists for Westpac Auckland Central Business Awards 2012 announced

Twenty-four Auckland companies and four individuals have been selected as the finalists for the Westpac Auckland Central Business Awards 2012.


Business 24 Aug 2012
Arab – NZ Trade Support Announced

A bi-lateral Chamber of Commerce has been established to assist NZ firms trading throughout the wider Arab region and to facilitate access to NZ for Arab companies and investors.


News 21 Aug 2012
Five minutes with Sarah-Kate Lynch

What does Spring mean to you? Generally it means warmth.

Sarah-Kate Lynch


Business 17 Aug 2012
Rates Increases Could Spell Business Closures

Auckland Council business rates are unfair and filled with anomalies, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Business 16 Aug 2012
Auckland Business Waiting For Economic Recovery

AUCKLAND CITY — The latest Auckland Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Business Confidence Survey shows only a marginal lift among Auckland businesses since May.


News 9 Aug 2012
Congratulations to Auckland Chamber of Commerce training facilitator Hannah Samuel

Auckland Chamber of Commerce training facilitator Hannah Samuel has been named National Speakers Association Speaker of the Year and MC of the Year for 2012.


Economy 19 Jul 2012
Joint study: strengthening economic relations between NZ and Australia

Emerging policy action areas were identified in a presentation last month by Gary Banks, Chairman of Australia’s Productivity Commission.


Export 19 Jul 2012
Rosy future predicted for Apple exports to Asia

In spite of the Jakarta port closure and biosecurity/compliance issues in China, apple export numbers are still growing overall into the Asian markets.


Trade 19 Jul 2012
Bilateral business and trade with Beijing encouraged by China Council

The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), in conjunction with the Beijing Chamber of International Commerce (BCIC), recently provided an overview of opportunities and services supporting bilateral business and trade with Beijing.


News 17 Jul 2012
Sulu Robertson

Sulu is a real success story after winning an award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in the Prime Ministers BEST Training Awards 2012.


Transport 6 Jul 2012
Michael Barnett: Freight route should be priority

AUCKLAND CITY — The Auckland Council has claimed the Central Rail Link to be Auckland's most important transport investment in the immediate future.


Trade 21 Jun 2012
NZUS Council welcomes Mexico to TPP negotiations

The announcement that Mexico is joining the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations is another step towards achieving precisely what was first envisioned – a free trade area of Asia and the Pacific, said the NZUS Council.


News 21 Jun 2012
Design The Life You Want: Five Minutes with Hannah McQueen

Five Minutes with Hannah McQueen Financial Personal Trainer and presenter on TV’s ‘Save our Home’ Hannah McQueen says most people can't stick to a budget over a prolonged timeframe, so it is critical to ensure they can still live the life they want.


Business 15 Jun 2012
Auckland Chamber of Commerce CEO Michael Barnett selected as finalist in Business Support Awards

Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett has been selected as a finalist in the 2012 AUT Excellence in Business Support Awards.


Government 13 Jun 2012
Local Government Forum Welcomes New Reform Bill

The Local Government Forum has welcomed the Local Government Act Amendment Bill and looks forward to submitting on it.


Government 13 Jun 2012
Michael Barnett Appointed to Local Government Efficiency Taskforce

Local Government Minister David Carter has announced an independent taskforce to help build greater efficiency within the local government framework.


News 13 Jun 2012
The Cloud Deserves Long-term Place in Auckland

AUCKLAND CITY — A decision due shortly on the future of the distinctive Cloud structure on Queens Wharf, built for the Rugby World Cup, will test our resolve to take a provocative shape and form and build a lasting legacy from the event.


Economy 1 Jun 2012
Submission on the Australian and New Zealand productivity commissions

INTRODUCTION 1. The Auckland Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry appreciates the opportunity to make a submission on the joint scoping study on strengthening trans-Tasman economic relations being undertaken by the Productivity Commissions of Australia and New Zealand.


Business 23 May 2012
Auckland Council rates unfair to business....

Until Auckland Council removes the rates differential on business, Auckland’s rating system will be unfair, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head, Michael Barnett.


Council 23 May 2012
Auckland Council urged to modify rate rise proposal

AUCKLAND CITY — The year-on-year 10% cap on rates proposed for nearly 200,000 Auckland rate payers to be decided by Auckland Council tomorrow is unacceptable, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Council 22 May 2012
Auckland Council urged to modify rate rise proposals

AUCKLAND CITY — The year-on-year 10% cap on rates proposed for nearly 200,000 Auckland rate payers to be decided by Auckland Council tomorrow is unacceptable, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Business 21 May 2012
Auckland Business Confidence Plummets

AUCKLAND CITY — The latest Quarterly Business Confidence Survey shows Auckland businesses are continuing to be cautious and confidence in the general business environment and their own situation has almost halved since February.


News 11 May 2012
Convention Centre debate "done and dusted .... lets not get distracted"

“We have known for more than a decade that New Zealand badly needs a large scale international convention centre in Auckland,” says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Trade 11 May 2012
Presentation to NZ US Council 10th Anniversary Conference

4 May 2012 It’s a pleasure to be here today.


Government 10 May 2012
Shared ownership of public assets – a win-win for all New Zealanders

A much improved communication programme is required in moving forward on the partial sell down of public assets, the select committee studying the proposal was told today.


Business 9 May 2012
Shared ownership of public assets – a win-win for all New Zealanders

A much improved communication programme is required in moving forward on the partial sell down of public assets, the select committee studying the proposal was told today.


Council 8 May 2012
Mayor pre-judging Auckland Council's long-term plan hearing process – "outrageous and unacceptable"

AUCKLAND CITY — Mayor Len Brown’s dictate today confirming that “business will pay the same proportion of rates as under the combined legacy councils and that rates differential will reduce over the next decade” is an outrageous and unacceptable abuse of the Auckland Council’s long-term plan hearings and deliberating process.


Business 20 Apr 2012
Search on for outstanding Auckland Central Businesses

AUCKLAND CITY — The search is on for outstanding Auckland Central businesses to celebrate their success in the Westpac Auckland Central Business Awards.


Business 14 Mar 2012
NZ US Council conference to focus on new business opportunities from TPP

AUCKLAND CITY — Join prominent thought leaders, key government officials and some of New Zealand’s leading businesses to hear about the new business opportunities that the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) can deliver, at the 2012 NZ US Council 10th Anniversary Conference in Auckland, Friday 4 May 2012.


Government 27 Feb 2012
Resumption of Port-Union talks – welcomed by Chamber of Commerce

AUCKLAND — Confirmation by the Ports of Auckland today that it will resume talks with the Maritime Union later this week on the contracting out proposal and for mediation on the Collective Agreement is welcome news, said Auckland Chamber head Michael Barnett.


Business 16 Feb 2012
Key action to lift business confidence & performance – focus on skills

Despite a modest net lift in confidence in the general business environment, Auckland businesses confidence in their own situation and prospects over the next six months remains stalled on what it has been for the past 12 months.


Transport 13 Feb 2012
Auckland mayoral transport funding debate needs innovation and urgency

AUCKLAND — The initiative of Auckland Mayor Len Brown to encourage Aucklanders to debate how to pay for Auckland’s future transport infrastructure is timely and welcome, said Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Employment 9 Feb 2012
Further Port strike notice ahead of mediation talks - unhelpful

Today’s issuing of a further strike notice by the Maritime Union ahead of tomorrow’s mediation talks on the long-running dispute raises questions of how committed the union is to bargaining in good faith and settling the issues at hand, said Auckland Chamber head Michael Barnett.


Business 31 Jan 2012
Scaling Mt Export

Expect to lose some digits along the way (start-up losses) Experience suggests that nearly all companies businesses lose real money in their early first years of overseas operation.


News 31 Jan 2012
Briefing on services from Ports of Auckland

AUCKLAND CITY — Tony Gibson, Chief Executive Officer of the Ports of Auckland, has accepted the Chamber’s invitation to brief importers and exporters on the impact of the current industrial dispute at the Port.


Business 22 Dec 2011
Business learnings from the RWC – How to extract long-term benefits

AUCKLAND CITY — The Auckland Evaluation Report of the Rugby World Cup reinforces that the event was overwhelmingly positive for Auckland business.


Business 19 Dec 2011
Virtual business protest over Port strikes attracts 700 participants

AUCKLAND CITY — The Port strike may not be about money for the striking Maritime Union members, but it is a serious concern for many affected small-medium Auckland businesses.


Employment 15 Dec 2011
More strike action – "Perplexing .... Unhelpful to Auckland"

AUCKLAND CITY — For a group of workers already receiving twice the average wage, the Maritime Union decision to end today’s mediation talks by serving a new 48 hr strike notice for Friday 30th December is “perplexing and very disappointing,” said Michael Barnett, head of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce.


Employment 6 Dec 2011
Auckland waterfront workers and ratepayers "the ultimate losers"

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland port’s loss of a significant shipping service to the Port of Tauranga will ultimately hurt Auckland ratepayers and the city’s striking Maritime Union workers, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Employment 5 Dec 2011
Interview on Port Strike

AUCKLAND CITY — On the radio this morning the Maritime Union of New Zealand stated that there were just a few "tweaks" required to the existing collective agreement, that there was nothing untoward and that the strike wasn't about money.


Employment 30 Nov 2011
Auckland Chamber of Commerce calls on Maritime Union to withdraw strike action

The strike action on Auckland’s waterfront due to start tomorrow (Thursday, 1 December 10.30am) is already starting to cost business and disrupt pre-Christmas planning at the worst possible time, warns Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Economy 28 Nov 2011
Business sends congratulations: An opportunity for decisive action on the economy

The clear-cut election result creates an opportunity for the Government to move quickly to action New Zealand’s big economic challenges, Michael Barnett chief executive of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce said today.


Business 23 Nov 2011
Business Confidence Stalled, Michael Barnett Auckland Chamber of Commerce

AUCKLAND — Auckland businesses are signaling a big slide in confidence in the overall business environment, with confidence in their own prospects stalled on what it was three months ago.


Government 15 Nov 2011
Job for next government: Reform regional economic development model

The New Zealand Chambers of Commerce want the incoming government to reform the regional economic development model to ensure local government and business organisations focus on their respective core services and areas of competence.


Council 15 Nov 2011
Council acts on Aotea Square

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has presented a formal request to those camping in Aotea Square asking them to leave and to identify a specific date for their departure.


Employment 14 Nov 2011
Next Government must work harder to develop a skilled and responsive workforce

The New Zealand Chambers of Commerce wants the incoming government to give greater attention to solving New Zealand’s labour shortages.


Business 11 Nov 2011
Auckland Central Business Excellence Recognised

The best of Auckland Central business was celebrated at the magnificent Langham Auckland as the winners of the inaugural Westpac Auckland Central Business Awards were announced on the 10th of November.


Economy 11 Nov 2011
Bold action plan needed to grow a bigger 'economic pie'

The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce wants the incoming government to work with business organizations to design a compelling set of goals and targets to grow a bigger ‘economic pie’.


Export 10 Nov 2011
Campaign to sell more to the world – "It is time to be ambitious about the spread of business we do"

The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce wants the incoming government to join forces with the private sector to design and launch a radical shake up of approach and resolve to improve New Zealand’s export performance.


News 7 Nov 2011
Shared ownership of public assets

The New Zealand Chambers of Commerce is pushing for the incoming government to adopt a policy to allow New Zealanders to have shared ownership in commercial assets currently owned and controlled by central and local government.


News 1 Nov 2011
Auckland Chamber's Draft Auckland Plan Submission

AUCKLAND — AUCKLAND REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUBMISSION ON THE DRAFT AUCKLAND PLAN SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS Everything is about cities and the wealth and energy they generate for lifting a nation’s prospects and prosperity.


Trade 28 Oct 2011
Delegation visit from the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

AUCKLAND — The Auckland Chamber of Commerce, with the assistance of the International Team at the Auckland Council, hosted a sixty person delegation from China last week.


Gas 28 Oct 2011
Maui Gas leak - definition of "Essential Industry & Services" needs updating

The uneven impact of the Maui gas pipeline failure on businesses and services suggests a review and update is required, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Business 12 Oct 2011
Wynyard Innovation Precinct

Bringing together in one place Auckland’s high-tech innovators, research and development providers, and organisations specialising in commercialising new products, is an exciting forward-looking initiative, said Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.


Health 6 Oct 2011
"Boycott shops selling synthetic drug products...."

This is the call of Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett following confirmation by Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne that it is possible harmful synthetic drug products might still be on sale until the Misuse of Drugs Act is overhauled next year.


Pharmacy 4 Oct 2011
Parliament too slow for synthetic drug market

News that ‘new’ synthetic drug products are back on sale in Auckland shops within weeks of Parliament passing ‘temporary’ laws to ban selected products is extremely disappointing.


Business 3 Oct 2011
The Cloud - Showcasing New Zealand Innovation

On the 30th of September 2011, Auckland Chamber CEO Michael Barnett was interviewed on AMP Business on the New Zealand Business Showcase at The Cloud on Queens Wharf.


Economy 23 Aug 2011
Business Confidence Survey – Uncertainty

AUCKLAND — Uncertainty was the most used sentiment in the Auckland Chamber of Commerce recent business confidence survey.


Business 22 Aug 2011
Business Confidence Survey - Uncertainty

Uncertainty was the most used sentiment in the Auckland Chamber of Commerce August Business Confidence Survey.


Economy 5 Aug 2011
Michael Barnett- "Rugby World Cup helping job growth boost in Auckland ....."

AUCKLAND — A boost in employment in the hospitality and accommodation sectors is likely to reflect businesses getting ready for the Rugby World Cup, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett Results from Statistics New Zealand's Quarterly Employment Survey to June, released this week, show steady employment while paid hours and average earnings continue to grow.


Employment 4 Aug 2011
Rugby World Cup helping job growth boost in Auckland

A boost in employment in the hospitality and accommodation sectors is likely to reflect businesses getting ready for the Rugby World Cup, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett Results from Statistics New Zealand's Quarterly Employment Survey to June, released this week, show steady employment while paid hours and average earnings continue to grow.