Employers and Manufacturers Association

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The Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern (EMA) has a key role in supporting its member organisations in growing and developing their business. This is achieved through services such as: Employment relations advice Occupational and workplace safety Employment consultancy Skills training and education courses Events and networking opportunities Publications 

Joined September 2007
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Economy 20 Sep 2024
An economy in decline no surprise to business community, says EMA

The Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) says news that the economy is in decline will be no surprise to the business community.


Employment 9 Aug 2024
Unemployment numbers show businesses under severe financial pressure

The EMA says today’s increasing unemployment rate is revealing the true picture of the New Zealand economy and the financial stresses facing Kiwi businesses.


Employment 8 Feb 2024
Unemployment numbers may not tell full story of business sector under growing pressure

The EMA says today’s unemployment numbers may not be telling the full story of what is happening in the economy given the pressure many businesses find themselves facing.


Transport 4 Jul 2023
Waka Kotahi over-cautious on Harbour Bridge closures

AUCKLAND CITY — Waka Kotahi needs to review its closure policy and risk profiles for managing Auckland’s Harbour Bridge as yet another day of productivity is lost to Auckland’s economy, says the EMA.


Business 19 May 2023
Bread and butter Budget 2023 leaves only crusts for business

EMA Chief Executive Brett O’Riley says Budget 2023 spreads the butter pretty thinly across the bread of the economy and really only leaves the crusts for business.

New Zealand Budget 2023


Employment 5 May 2023
Latest unemployment figures show pressure still on employers

Today’s 3.4 per cent unemployment number coupled with ongoing rises in wage rates highlight that the pressure remains on the employers, says the EMA.


Employment 28 Mar 2023
Skills shortage survey confirms worst fears

Ninety per cent of businesses are struggling to fill vacancies, and nearly a third have had roles in the market for more than six months, according to the latest EMA Skills Shortage Survey.

Skills shortage survey confirms worst fears


Economy 17 Mar 2023
Latest GDP figures highlight need for more investment in manufacturing - accelerated depreciation scheme the logical next step

The EMA says the latest industry plan to help manufacturers develop advanced capability addresses falling GDP in the sector.


Economy 14 Mar 2023
Increasing investment in advanced technologies a priority for manufacturing

The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) recognises the essential role manufacturing plays in the New Zealand economy, for jobs and communities.


Business 1 Nov 2012
Better infrastructure critical for growth

The Building Infrastructure paper released today is an essential high level progress report for the Government’s Business Growth Agenda, the Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


Business 16 Oct 2012
Business calls on Reserve Bank to cut OCR to give exporters a break

After today’s CPI figure we expect the Reserve Bank to cut the Official Cash Rate on October 25th in an effort to lower the exchange rate, the Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


Business 14 Sep 2012
Exchange rate meddling not the panacea for world's woes

If you think tinkering with monetary policy will improve exchange rates for the New Zealand dollar, be careful what you wish for, says the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) chief executive Kim Campbell.


Business 21 Aug 2012
Building innovation into our collective DNA the most worthwhile mission

The Building Innovation Report issued today fulfils its aim of painting the full picture of where we are up to with this most important factor for our future, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Export 15 Aug 2012
First Building Export Markets report positive, with caveats

Any work to boost our exports has to be positive and it’s very pleasing to see the importance placed on exporting in the government’s growth agenda, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Employment 10 May 2012
Secret ballots for strikes a sensible step

The passing of the law requiring unions to conduct a secret ballot of their members before going on strike is a welcome step, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Business 15 Mar 2012
Government plan big, bold, bravo!

The Government's plan for the new business facing ministry represents big potential for business and employment growth, says the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA).


Employment 13 Mar 2012
Auckland Council must stay clear of port issue

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council should not become involved any further with the strike actions at the port, the Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


News 29 Feb 2012
Auckland's consumers will end up paying for port disruption

AUCKLAND — All of Auckland is losing from the disruption at the port and consumers throughout the country will end up paying extra because of it, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Transport 13 Feb 2012
Realistic funding options critical for Auckland transport

AUCKLAND — The debate over the funding options required to develop Auckland’s transport should cut straight to the chase, says the chief executive of the Employers and Manufacturers Association, Kim Campbell.


Export 24 Jan 2012
Malaysian trade mission offering wide range of opportunity

The range of business opportunity on offer through a trade mission heading to Malaysia, Sarawak and Brunei in late March represents a rare and important opportunity for exporters, says Sir Ken Stevens.


Employment 21 Dec 2011
Employers taking positive outlook into 2012

Employers are taking a positive outlook into 2012; 44% of them report they are likely to increase their staff numbers next year, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Employment 19 Dec 2011
Time's up on port strike action

The time has come to end the disruption on the Auckland waterfront, the Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


Technology 15 Dec 2011
New technology presenting challenges to traditional workplace practices

The rapid development of new communications technology is challenging the old ways of doing things in today’s workplaces, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Employment 21 Nov 2011
Employers focus on retaining key people: latest pay rates survey

The National Wage and Salary Survey data just out indicates employers have been focusing on retaining their key people, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Technology 3 Nov 2011
Recognition of high value high tech sector welcome

Its great to see advanced manufacturing and the related high value sectors winning ever increasing government recognition, the Employers & Manufacturers Association said after today’s announcement of the new direction and expansion for IRL.


News 28 Sep 2011
New chief executive appointed to EMA

The Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) has a new chief executive.

Kim Campbell


Business 20 Sep 2011
Auckland Plan an excellent, aspirational step ahead

AUCKLAND CITY — Businesses will welcome the launch of the Draft Auckland Plan today for the certainty it will bring to investment decision making, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Business 31 Aug 2011
Thrive International - big day out for business

AUCKLAND CITY — The calibre of the lineup of the presenters at Thrive International on in Auckland October 20th won’t be matched in New Zealand for many years to come.


Employment 24 Aug 2011
Employment restructuring processes trip up 74 per cent of personal grievance cases

Employers lost three quarters of the personal grievance claims brought against them when they restructured last year because their processes were inadequate, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Employment 5 Aug 2011
Bipartisan approach to KiwiSaver called for

Employers would support a bipartisan approach to KiwiSaver if changes are deemed necessary to increase New Zealand’s savings, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Employment 7 Jul 2011
EMA Board dismisses CEO

The board of Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern Inc (EMA) has today dismissed its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alasdair Thompson.


Employment 28 Jun 2011
EMA Board follows thorough process on Alasdair Thompson Confirms long standing policy on gender equality

The EMA Board met today to discuss the recent comments and conduct of its chief executive Alasdair Thompson.


Employment 24 Jun 2011
Unreserved, unqualified apology

The Chief Executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association, Alasdair Thompson has issued an unreserved and unqualified apology for his comments and behaviour in the media yesterday on the issues to do with equal pay.


Employment 23 Jun 2011
EMA backs and promotes equal pay for equal productivity

Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association, says its only right that women should be paid more than men when their output and productivity is greater than men.


Finance 1 Jun 2011
ACC set to be less a political football. Changes long overdue

The introduction of a private insurance market for the employers work account is overdue and welcome, says Paul Jarvie, Occupational Health and Safety Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Finance 19 May 2011
A Budget to save NZ's credit rating. Boosting savings better than raising taxes

Today’s Budget is designed to save New Zealand’s credit rating and lift our national savings rate with KiwiSaver, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Business 12 May 2011
Financial crisis no excuse for massive Hamilton rates rise

HAMILTON — Hamilton City Council is prescribing a bitter pill for the city’s business ratepayers: a general 8 per cent rates rise coupled with a business differential twice the residential rate.


Employment 11 May 2011
Employers fine with changes foreshadowed for Kiwisaver

Business will be pleased with the Prime Minister’s basic plan outlined today aiming to increase the nation’s savings to lift economic growth, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Employment 10 May 2011
Youth pay rates should be re-introduced

Employers warned in 2006 that abolishing youth rates would end up hurting the very people needing help, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Electricity 7 May 2011
Electricity Authority decision in best interests of investors and power users

The Employers and Manufacturers Association has welcomed the decision by the Electricity Authority that an Undesirable Trading Situation (UTS) occurred on March 26 when spot power prices soared to a massive $20,000 per megawatt hour north of Huntly.


Employment 4 May 2011
Prisoner trade training initiative praised

CHRISTCHURCH — Minister of Corrections Judith Collins initiative to train prisoners in Christchurch in a wide range of vocational trades is to be commended, says the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Electricity 4 Apr 2011
Power price spikes hurt many businesses, damage investor confidence

Many businesses buying power at spot prices have been caught out over the past two week-ends as power prices spiked as high as $19,000 Mwh, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Employment 31 Mar 2011
New employment laws starting tomorrow will lift business confidence and jobs

The employment law changes starting from tomorrow will lift business confidence by encouraging the hiring of new staff, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Business 24 Mar 2011
Auckland Council does well with draft Plan

AUCKLAND — Launching the draft Plan for Auckland within five months of coming into office is impressive work by the Auckland Council, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Business 26 Jan 2011
Trading up of state assets exciting news

The trading up of the Government’s state assets into even more valuable assets is exciting news, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Business 17 Nov 2010
GST ruling could bankrupt some businesses

A landmark ruling by the Supreme Court allowing Inland Revenue to hold onto GST refunds for as long as it likes could easily push some firms out of business, the Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


Employment 9 Nov 2010
Pay rates for skills up; unskilled, down

Pay rates overall dropped in 2010 for a quarter of 215 job types surveyed in the Employers National Wage and Salary Survey* just released, with no change in the pay rates of a further eight per cent of positions.


Business 22 Oct 2010
Call not to Hobbit the Rugby World Cup

The events of the past few days carry lessons we need to learn from before next year’s Rugby World Cup, says David Lowe, Employment Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Council 12 Oct 2010
Auckland business congratulates new Auckland Mayor, Council

AUCKLAND — Contrary to comments by some unionists and other commentators, the new Auckland Council will be great for Auckland business, the Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


Electricity 27 Sep 2010
Transpower, lines companies out of touch with customers

Business has been struck almost speechless at the lack of sensitivity of Transpower and other lines companies.


Employment 3 Sep 2010
1000 employers turn out for employment law changes

A thousand employers are turning out over the next few days to learn more about the upcoming changes to employment law, the Employers & Manufacturers Association reports.


Business 17 Aug 2010
Business supports deeper inquiry into compulsory saving

Making superannuation compulsory warrants further study the Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


Business 27 Jul 2010
Union leader's comments over the top

Business is what makes New Zealand work, and attacking many employers as ‘not fair minded’ goes way too far, the Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


Employment 19 Jul 2010
Employment law changes will help the recovery

The employment law changes announced today by the Prime Minister are critical for helping businesses recover from the recession, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Employment 16 Jul 2010
Trial periods work. Here's the evidence

EMA is pleased to respond to the challenge issued this morning by the President of the Council of Trade Unions, Helen Kelly, by providing evidence that trial periods of employment work.


Transport 1 Jul 2010
Red letter day for Auckland transport applauded

AUCKLAND — Launching the tender for completing the western ring route at Waterview is a red letter day for Auckland and the country, says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Finance 24 Jun 2010
Current account tipping in right direction

The falling current account deficit is reassuring news given the global tight market conditions, the Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Employment 9 Jun 2010
Employers advised to take action over employees who bad mouth them on Facebook

Employers should take action if employees bad mouth them on Facebook or other social networking sites, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Politics 20 May 2010
Fairest Budget for many years

Personal tax reductions across the board for all tax brackets and the cut to the company tax rate, along with the increase in GST makes this the fairest Budget in over a decade, says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association.


Business 11 May 2010
Research emphasis in Budget bang on productivity target; devil in the delivery

The new science and technology spend and re-prioritisation of some funding is precisely the right emphasis needed for the nation’s productivity growth, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 20 Apr 2010
Support for ETS slumps further. Business in dark over eligibility

Business support for the Emissions Trading Scheme due to start on July 1st appears to have slumped, and 90 per cent of businesses are in the dark over a key provision of the scheme – whether or not they are eligible for a carbon emission allocation.


Politics 8 Apr 2010
The ETS must be delayed

The introduction of the Emissions Trading Scheme must be delayed, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Manufacturing 25 Mar 2010
Manufacturing again leading the way forward

The news today that manufacturing is the main driver of the 0.8 per cent growth last quarter of 2009 is reassuring, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 17 Mar 2010
CCOs will be democratic, accountable

AUCKLAND — Many statements being made about the new Auckland Council controlled organizations (CCOs) are simply wrong, and misrepresent the clear intentions of the proposed law, says Employers & Manufacturers Association chief executive Alasdair Thompson.


Employment 10 Mar 2010
A third of businesses expect to hire soon, but recovery not evident yet for many; survey

Some optimism is evident that things are on the improve, and experts assure us a recovery is on its way, but many businesses have yet to see it working for them, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Business 8 Mar 2010
Business support strong for tax changes

Support for the tax changes mooted by the Government is strong north of Taupo, according to a poll of 840 business representatives.


Employment 3 Mar 2010
Grievance free work trial terms working well: survey

Grievance-free trial employment periods are mainstream business practice around the world and working well in New Zealand too, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Politics 2 Mar 2010
Borrowing to invest in infrastructure sound strategy

  Business welcomes and enthusiastically endorses the Government’s policy prescription launched today for maintaining and expanding New Zealand’s infrastructure, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Council 27 Feb 2010
Proposals for, and powers of Auckland's Local Boards still too vague, uncertain

AUCKLAND — Key aspects of how Auckland’s new Local Boards will interact with the Auckland Council are still too vague and uncertain, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Finance 19 Feb 2010
Signaled tax changes make sense

Matching the top income tax rate for individuals and trusts is critically important, and it was good to hear Finance Minister Bill English say so today, says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 13 Feb 2010
Youth rates proven value after all

Employers warnings back in 2006 on abolishing youth rates are coming home to roost, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for EMA (Northern).


Politics 9 Feb 2010
Governments' broad tax objectives applauded

Most New Zealanders will agree with the government’s broad objective to reduce income taxes and plug holes in the tax base in respect of over investing in residential property, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 29 Jan 2010
$16k unjustified dismissal case could have different outcome today

  The decision announced today awarding a woman over $16,000 for unjustifiable dismissal from her job could have a different outcome under the law applying now, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Finance 21 Jan 2010
Tax report refreshing step ahead

To catch up with Australia we need an efficient, fair tax system that does not obstruct growth, but since that’s miles from what we have, the recommendations of the Tax Working Group are in general extremely timely and welcome.


Employment 22 Dec 2009
Hysteria over cashing up of holidays echoes nanny state

The hysteria around the cashing up of a week’s annual leave is an over reaction, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Politics 10 Dec 2009
ACC costs increase blamed on rising costs, slow rehab, and new 'workplace conditions'

Rising costs of medical treatment and slow rehabilitation rates after accidents plus new conditions covered by ACC are to blame for the increases to the scheme announced today, the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association says.


Manufacturing 10 Dec 2009
Orders, output surge ahead for Waikato manufacturers

The BNZ Capital/Business New Zealand Performance of Manufacturing Index released today for Waikato manufacturers records the strongest level of expansion for many months.


Electricity 9 Dec 2009
Electricity reforms for the better

Business and consumers alike should be better off with the reform package in place for the electricity market, says the chief executive of the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association, Alasdair Thompson.


Employment 7 Dec 2009
Most businesses on wage freeze. Employers hope to hire in 2010

Just over half of employers said they gave no wage increases at all over last year, according to EMA Northern’s Annual end of year Employment Round Up survey.


Economy 30 Nov 2009
2025 Productivity Taskforce report on the money

Leadership is what is required to get New Zealanders to buy into a growth economy and higher real incomes for all, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Council 20 Nov 2009
Super city boundaries a difficult task done well

AUCKLAND — The Local Government Commission has done a difficult task very well for Auckland’s future ward and local board boundaries, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says “Twelve wards and nineteen Local Boards is close to what we recommended in our submission,” said EMA chief executive Alasdair Thompson.


Politics 19 Nov 2009
Goff talks gobbledygook on monetary policy

Labour Party leader Phil Goff’s reasons for the party withdrawing from the bipartisan consensus over the Reserve Bank policy targets and instruments are gobbledygook, says the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Trade 16 Nov 2009
Deeper understanding of Asia called for

Our rapidly expanding trade with Asian countries underscores the important role Asia already plays for New Zealand, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Employment 10 Nov 2009
Pay cut for one in five jobs last year. Overall base pay up

Twenty-two percent of 215 job positions surveyed are being paid less this year than last year, and a further nine per cent of jobs have had no pay rises this year, according to the annual National Employers Wage and Salary survey.


Business 5 Nov 2009
Two thirds of businesses fear emissions trading: Survey

The environment is highly valued by most Kiwi businesses but they don’t know how emissions trading will impact on them, and they are incredulous we might end up paying overseas interests to offset our carbon emissions.


Politics 30 Oct 2009
Scary $2 trillion debt must be addressed now

Despite the government’s election undertaking not to change the age of eligibility for national superannuation, business wants the topic on the public agenda urgently.


Water 29 Oct 2009
Clear thinking on water policy wanted

Contrary to claims by Green MP Sue Kedgely, giving the private sector the opportunity to supply good drinking water does not represent the ‘theft of public assets,’ nor is the idea alarming or dangerous, says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Finance 29 Oct 2009
Interest rate decision only one possible. Recession still with us

  Business is pleased the Reserve Bank has held the line over not raising the Official Cash Rate til mid 2010.


Employment 27 Oct 2009
New commonsense meals and rest breaks law reflects todays work practices

The new law for meal and rest breaks introduced to Parliament today will let employers and employees legally continue their existing long-standing practices, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Politics 23 Oct 2009
Agreement moves ACC along right track

The agreement announced today between National and ACT for ACC to be opened to competition, subject to further study, is a positive move, and employers will welcome the prospect of lower ACC costs, the Northern Employers & Manufacturers Association says.


Employment 22 Oct 2009
Scrutiny of personal grievances welcome

The Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association is welcoming the Prime Minister’s undertaking today that the government is to investigate employment law around personal grievance claims.


Politics 20 Oct 2009
Employers wary about competition for ACC

Employers are wary about the reintroduction of an open competitive market for ACC workplace accounts, says Paul Jarvie, Occupational Health and Safety Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Politics 14 Oct 2009
Comprehensive rethink of ACC service delivery still required

Estimates of the costs of the recent extensions to ACC were totally inadequate and led to the subsequent budget blow outs, say the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) “Its no surprise ACC’s costs went ballistic,” said Paul Jarvie, EMA’s Manager of Occupational Health and Safety.


Politics 17 Sep 2009
Passage of super city law historic

AUCKLAND — The passing of the super city bill into law today makes history for Auckland and New Zealand, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Export 10 Sep 2009
Sir Ken Stevens to lead trade mission to China

Export champion Sir Ken Stevens, chairman of Export New Zealand and managing director of Glidepath, is to lead a trade mission to Hong Kong and China next month.


Finance 10 Sep 2009
Reserve Bank resolve reassuring

The Reserve Bank’s ongoing commitment to keep downward pressure on business interest rates is most welcome, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Employment 8 Sep 2009
Most employers not complying with aspects of Holidays Act

A survey of employers on their Holidays Act practices has shown the current law is so complicated and confusing that most employers appear to find aspects of it unworkable and are not complying with all of it.


Council 5 Sep 2009
Auckland supercity on track

AUCKLAND — The Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) is pleased with progress on the Auckland Council Bill reported back to Parliament, and with the pace it’s being expedited.


Business 11 Aug 2009
Emissions target biggest challenge yet for NZ Inc

In financial terms the challenge to reduce New Zealand’s emissions by 10 to 20 per cent below 1990 levels is the largest we have ever faced, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.