Chapman Tripp

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Banks 3 Apr 2023
The future of banking in a time of turbulence

Even before the shocks created by the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse, the New Zealand banking system was undergoing a transformation which will make the next 10 years dramatically different to the last 80, says Chapman Tripp in The banking industry: a look ahead.

The banking industry: a look ahead.


Legal 1 Jun 2012
Chapman Tripp appoints 21 new senior associates and three special counsel

Chapman Tripp is pleased to announce the appointment of 21 new Senior Associates, across all practices and offices of the firm, and three Special Counsel, effective today.


News 4 May 2012
Chapman Tripp appoints construction law expert

AUCKLAND CITY — Chapman Tripp is pleased to announce that construction law expert Brian Clayton joins the firm’s Auckland office today.

Brian Clayton


Legal 10 Feb 2012
Salmond Ignores NZ'S Robust Corporate Tax Regime

Professor Rob Salmond’s claims (reported in the New Zealand Herald on Tuesday) that the rich are taxed less in New Zealand than in comparable countries because New Zealand has a comprehensive GST but no capital gains tax ignores some important facts, says Casey Plunket, a member of the 2010 Tax Working Group and a tax partner at Chapman Tripp.

Casey Plunket


Government 14 Dec 2011
Phase Two RMA reforms – bigger than Ben Hur?

The Phase One reforms to the Resource Management Act (RMA) in the Government’s first term were substantial but Phase Two, scheduled for next year, promises to be bigger.


Legal 12 Dec 2011
Chapman Tripp announces new partner in christchurch

CHRISTCHURCH — Chapman Tripp is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Partner, Garth Gallaway, in the firm’s Christchurch office, effective 12 December 2011.


Legal 1 Dec 2011
Chapman Tripp announces five new partners

Chapman Tripp is pleased to announce five new partners in the firm’s Auckland and Wellington offices, effective 1 December.


Legal 8 Nov 2011
Lien vs Security Interest – who wins?

A lien is the right to hold on to goods, and in some cases sell them, in order to ensure payment.


Legal 26 Sep 2011
Five New Senior Solicitors At Chapman Tripp

Chapman Tripp is pleased to congratulate five new senior solicitors from the firm’s Wellington and Christchurch corporate, litigation and resource management teams on their promotions, effective 1 September.


Government 21 Sep 2011
Toward a stronger company registration regime

Legislation to tighten company registration requirements to prevent shell companies being set up for criminal purposes in New Zealand will be introduced to the House next month.


Finance 20 Sep 2011
Material adverse change clauses – useful but not omnipotent

Material adverse change – or MAC – clauses are commonly used as a form of insurance in merger and acquisition arrangements or loan financing documents.


Finance 14 Sep 2011
Climbing Mount Improbable - bringing reason to the regulation of derivatives

The modernisation of derivatives regulation will be welcomed by everyone who has had to battle the vagaries and inadequacies of Part 3 of the Securities Markets Act 1988 and the series of Authorised Futures Notices that, in practicality, define the existing regime.


Finance 6 Sep 2011
Crime and punishment in the draft Financial Markets Conduct Bill

A key objective of both the establishment of the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) and the general review of securities law is to persuade retail investors that they can have confidence in the regulatory framework and that misconduct will be punished.


Legal 2 Jun 2011
Two new senior appointments at Chapman Tripp

AUCKLAND CITY — Chapman Tripp is pleased to congratulate two new Principals* from the firm's Auckland property and litigation teams on their promotions, effective 1 May.