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The New Zealand Justice Forum aims to pool the collective experiences of our citizens, lawyers, and academics in order to discuss the many defects that weaken the integrity of the legal system. Corruption amongst politicians and judiciary is one deficiency that affects our international reputation. When you consider a corrupt politician or judge, you may think of one who trades rulings or favours for cash, as far as we know, that sort of corruption is rare in NZ, but corruption may take subtle but equally destructive forms. A dishonest judge can ignore evidence, twist rules and procedure, manufacture facts or ignore others. Many judges allow illegitimate claims while dismissing valid ones by ignoring evidence, mischaracterising pleadings, and misapplying the law. When a judge does these things intentionally, he or she commits a crime. Petty or grand, the acts are still crimes and it takes surprisingly little to “steer” a case. This forum aims to encourage members to post their individual case files, thereby providing transparent evaluation of the decision making process.
We are currently collecting forum links to New Zealand support networks, indymedia & legal websites to provide online "users of the justice system" with media and legal resources at http://newzealandjustice.com/
The New Zealand Justice Forum with a basic interface can also be found at- https://apps.faceboo...tice/forums.php
The New Zealand Law Society announced last week that a senior Wellington lawyer Andrew Maclean Morrison was suspended from practicing law for six months after tampering with a trust document.
Sir Terence Arnold's past conduct would likely preclude his ability to become a judge in any other law abiding country, let alone be awarded a knighthood for his services to justice in New Zealand.
WELLINGTON — Justices Randerson, French, and Kos of the New Zealand Court of Appeal today refused to grant an application to correct errors in a sealed Judgment of the Court, recently found to be materially different from the actual decision of the Court.
After several high profile drug cases involving members of the New Zealand Police and the legal profession, the New Zealand Justice Forum today called for the mandatory drug testing of all officers of the Court.
General Manager for Higher Courts Paula Tesoriero, today denied that former Appeal Court registrar Claire Brown had been negligent after sealing Court orders altered by Wellington lawyer Roger Chapman.
Former President of the New Zealand Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Justice Sir Mark O'Regan was caught with his pants down yesterday, after an application to disqualify him from ruling on a matter involving a fraud on the Court of Appeal was filed in the Supreme Court.
WELLINGTON — Last week, on a quiet Monday afternoon in the Porirua District Court, Judge Arthur Tompkins dealt with a case that up until recently would have been put to a jury to decide whether or not the Crown had proven its case.
AUCKLAND — Judge Edwin Paul of the Auckland District Court has made an Oral Evidence Order requiring Kim Dotcom.
Ministry of Economic Development lawyer Grant Slevin, today rejected requests for further information about the policies adopted by the Official Assignee to allow the executor of a deceased estate to take bankruptcy proceedings against her own estate.
Last month, the Minister for Commerce, the Hon Craig Foss answered a Parliamentary Question about the powers of the Official Assignee in New Zealand and advised that the OA had no power to override a statute.
The right to statutory set-off between legatees of a deceased estate is contained in the Insolvent Debtors Relief Act 1729 and the Debts Relief Amendment Act 1735, known together as the Statutes of Set Off.
Last month on a New Zealand television news show, Levin pensioner Sam Probert was interviewed after staging a one-man rent revolt which led to him being evicted from his flat by police.
Long-time judicial critic and activist Vince Siemer, will begin his prison sentence today for contempt of court following last week's Supreme Court ruling has found an ally in none other than Chief Justice Sian Elias.
Website publisher Vince Siemer, the operator of "Kiwisfirst" and strident critic of New Zealand judges, has been ordered to commence a six week prison sentence today in the wake of a decision of the Supreme Court decision concerning publication of the decision of Justice Helen Winkelmann to refuse the alleged Urewera terrorists a jury trial.
Citizens advocate Graham Mc Cready has won a case on behalf of Wellington tenants at Strathmore Court in Miramar.
WELLINGTON CITY — The private prosecution of Act Party leader, the Hon John Banks, over his failure to record donations to his mayoralty campaign.has been referred to the Solicitor General, Michael Heron, with a request that the Crown consider taking over the prosecution.
On Sunday, a small group of around 15 justice protesters concerned about access to justice and judicial accountability staged a peaceful hour long protest outside the Auckland home of New Zealand's Solicitor General, Michael Heron QC.
The Wellington District Court court has advised Crown and defence counsel that the court system is being swamped with a backlog of cases and a stakeholders meeting will be held at the court on the 27th of July 2012, seeking input from those concerned.
WELLINGTON — Rt Hon Sir Peter Blanchard has been a judge of the Supreme Court, New Zealand's final court of appeal, since 2004.
The New Zealand Justice Forum is proposing that the government set up a Truth Commission in the wake of Patrick O'briens revelations that as a former undercover policeman he was responsible for numerous acts of perjury that led to convictions of people whose trust he'd gained.
Some "Dickensian" provisions in the New Zealand legal system should be updated because the Judicature Act had been amended many times and now had a "distinctly patchwork quilt" appearance, with gaps and overlaps in legislation, Law Commission president Sir Grant Hammond says.